Sorry for putting these in the translations section. I didn't know where else to put it. I am looking for the titles of these songs and the artist (or artists).

The first one is like a cumbia and it starts out with a guy singing:

“OK. Arriba esas palmas . . .

Yo tengo un hogar más allá en el cielo (2x)
Donde mi Jesús, Él me fue a preparar
Por eso yo canto, canto aleluya, por eso yo canto gloria aleluya mi salvador.”

The second one is a bachata and the first few lines are:

“Lo siento mas que nunca dentro de mi ser
Se regocija mi alma al amanecer . . .”

and it has "No hay nada mas dificil que vivir sin Dios" as part of the chorus.

I have a few more, but I'll post those later.