Metgwza by Marwa Nasr

Thread: Metgwza by Marwa Nasr

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  1. aspwow said:

    Red face Metgwza by Marwa Nasr

    Salam Alaykum,Thanks in advance.
    I'm looking for the Translation For this good song:
    Metgwza - متجوزاة


    Thanks for Angel Hero
    Last edited by aspwow; 05-25-2015 at 12:19 AM.
  2. Ahmed's Avatar

    Ahmed said:


    الناس كدا مالها الناس
    People, what happened to people?! (What is wrong with people?!)
    مش عارفه ايه جرالهم
    I don’t know what happened to them!
    حطينا ليه فى بالهم
    They are keeping us in their minds!
    قاعدين يحكولى يعدولى عيوب موجودة فيه
    They are sitting, telling me, counting to me the flaws that you have!
    مفروض انا اقوم سايباه
    Am I supposed to leave him?!
    ونبى ترقينا ياما
    For the sake of the Prophet (This expression is completely wrong from religious point of view as you shouldn’t swear by anything or anyone except Allah) bless us, O' Mother!
    وتبخرينا ياما
    And incenses us, O' Mother!
    انا لو دبحونى وقتلونى متمسكه بيه
    Even if they slaughtered and killed me, I still want him!
    ولا عايزه مهر ولا قايمه
    And I don’t want a dowry or a list of furniture
    قراراتي جد مش عايمه
    My decisions are serious not swinging
    انا هفضل جنبه مش قايمه
    I will stand beside him and won’t leave!
    وبموت انا فيه
    And I dearly love him

    ما انا يعني عليه لازم ابقا
    I am supposed to stay with him!

    انا عمري ما اقوله يوم لا
    I will never say No to him!
    لو جابلي دبلتين شبكه
    If he just brought me two rings

    انا راضيه انا بيه
    I am satisfied (Happy) with him
    دا بيهواني ياما ... وانا بهواه
    He adores me O’ Mother, and I adore him
    وبيتجنو لما بكون وياه
    And they become crazy (mad) when I am with him!
    ومقام سيدنا الحسين لمتجوزاه
    I swear by the dignitary of our Master Al Husain (Another wrong expression in the song) I am going to marry him!
    وهعيش حياتي معاه
    And I will live my life with him!
    يانا يانا
    Oh Me, Oh Me

    وخلاص كيدنا كل الناس
    And finally we defeat all the people!
    مين دا اللي يقف قدامنا
    Who can oppose (stand against) us
    دا احنا جد ف كلامنا
    We are serious in our talk!
    مين كدا يستجري وبيعدنا
    Who would dare to separate us?!
    عن بعضنا مين
    Far from each other!
    ومفيش تاني اي كلام
    And there are no more words!
    دي الليله ليله جوازنا
    This is our wedding night!
    ودي حاجه عامله ازمه
    And this causes a crisis
    لحبه ناس حاولت تبعدنا
    For those people who tried to separate us!
    عن بعض سنين
    From each other for years!
    I don't think I miss things. I think to miss something is to hope that it will come back, but it's not coming back.

  3. anzu said:


    plese can u translate this for me to english

    يا رسول الله وقدوتنا... لن ندع الغرب يدنسنا ... لن نرضى ابدا ذلتنا ..يارسول الله ... *2*

    سنحطم قيد مآسينا ..وندك حصون اعادينا ..ونزمجر وسط اعادينا لرسول الله ..

    رجل قد جمع الاحسانا بالحكامة والصبر زدانا وبه ظهر الحق وبانا برسول الله...

    لا ندري كيف تجرأتم ...وتماديتم بعداوتنا ..لاندري كيف تطرقأتم لرسول الله ...

    شلت ايد بتماديها ... قد حفرت قبرا يحويها. ... فيما قد رسمت هادنا ورسول الله ...

    وقلوب ..وقلوب ..وقلوب ابدا لا تنسى من أصلحها ترسا ..سهما سيفا رمحا قويا ..لرسول الله ...

    يا غرب إعتبروا بماضينا ..كم دسنا رؤوس أعادينا وسنمضي كما ضي لرسل الله ...

    يا غرب سيسطعكم نور قَد اشرق فوق روابينا لن يبقى الاسلام سجينا يا رسول الله ....