special thankful message to...

Thread: special thankful message to...

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  1. trikala116's Avatar

    trikala116 said:

    Smile special thankful message to...

    hey.. im not a very important in this site.. but i have to say that here, there is full of great people, helping each others every day.. that's why this is a thankful message, to all who, although we havent met, you have helped me so much, especially with such a difficult language as Greek is.. so.. this message goes especially to:

    sorry, if i forgot somebody :S

    efxaristo para poli..
    this site is gorgeous because of YOU!
    lau xx
  2. Liki's Avatar

    Liki said:


    Oh my God! You are sooo sweet :-) Thank YOU very very much!!
  3. beholder69's Avatar

    beholder69 said:


    Thank you! I think we are all glad to help each other!
  4. veronika_pooh's Avatar

    veronika_pooh said:


    10X a lot!
    He,don't worry cute,we R here to help each otherSo I'm glad we managed to help UKeep enjoying the siteFilakia!
    !!!Ζήσε κάθε σου στιγμή η ζωή φεύγει με χίλια!!!
  5. Vanessa88's Avatar

    Vanessa88 said:

    Smile Oh Godd

    Trikala!! I just saw this like 10000 years later WOOOOW YOU'RE SO SWEEET!! Thank you so much, and yes you're right, this place is full with nice people here!! I DONT KNOW YOU AND I JUST LOVE YOUUU GUYSSSS HAHAHA


  6. Philadelphia said:


    Trikala116 mou, as far as I am concerned YOU are a very important person in this site ... we ALL are, because we make it possible ...

    nonetheless, THIS "thread" is a TESTAMENT of your beauty, insightful input and SIGNIFICANCE ...

    You have made THIS person proud to be part of this Forum (and as far as I can see MANY other souls too! ) and that takes a very special person to do that ...

    So, thank YOU ... !!!


    P.S.: It's ironic but I have SO many loving friends from Spain (particularly Catalan and Valenciano!) and I have been trying for some time now to learn Spanish (I DO understand it, but cannot speak it ) because I find this language absolutely Gorgeous !!! ... Something in Greek called "vii parallili", "parallel lives" ... All the best,
  7. veronika_pooh's Avatar

    veronika_pooh said:


    Guys U R all really important to uour forum and I'm more then happy to be part of U and to have so many friends(I hope) here!LOVE U ALL!
    !!!Ζήσε κάθε σου στιγμή η ζωή φεύγει με χίλια!!!
  8. trikala116's Avatar

    trikala116 said:


    philadelphia, im catalan hehehe.. so whenever you want to practise.. :P
    guys.. i love yooooooooooooouuuuuu
  9. Philadelphia said:


    trikala116 mou, I didn't want to assume you were catalan as I know Barcelona is SUCH a beautiful city to go and live in ... in other words, you could be from another part of Spain and moved in Barcelona later on in life ...

    Actually, I WISH I was AS smart as most of you folks in here ... !!! ... You are learning Greek so quickly, it is absolutely amazing !!! ... I mean, Greek is NOT the EASIEST language in the world ... and since ENGLISH IS the easiest (almost THE "Language for Dummies", like those American series books ?!) ... and since, when the English don't understand, they say "it's all Greek to me" ... it just PROVES it is NOT EASY to learn !!!

    YET (!!!) SO MANY OF THE PEOPLE IN HERE, learn Greek with SUCH ease, it makes ME feel (a person that Greek IS their mother-tongue) like a total idiot ... !!! ... !!! ...

    IF I was as smart as people in here, I would be FLUENT in Spanish by now ... !!!

    Wish I spoke ALL the languages in the world ... in fact, that was (and still is), the ONLY thing I was jealous about ... I AM JEALUS OF THE 12 APOSTLES of Christ !!! ... because, I was told when I was little that when the "Holy Spirit" came to them after Easter and "brighten" them, or given them the light (=EPIFOTISIS) (actually, El Greco has a famous painting of this and that is the image I have of Epifotisis in my mind when I think about it, and I think that painting is in Barcelona too!) ... ANYWAY ... I was told that after THAT, the Apostles were able to understand and speak EVERY language known to humans ... !!! ... I am SO jealous of that ... :-/

  10. greciansun said:


    yes i agree with trikala!
    greek lyrics have a very special meanign to me since my great uncle died (he loved greek music). its really nice for you all the spend the time translating these songs!

    thanks again!
    love to everyone
  11. trikala116's Avatar

    trikala116 said:


    philadelphia its true when you say that its easier for us.. at least with catalan people.. its very easy to lear the pronunciation especially... we have many sounds in common with english, and believe me that i was surprised when i realised that many greek words are similar to catalan, more than in spanish. its easy as well to learn the pronunciation coz we have it the same.. i mean.. in english "o" sounds like "ou" but in spanish, catalan and greek is O.. i dont know if you understand what i mean... hehee..
  12. Philadelphia said:


    Actually "trikala116" mou, as I must have said already, I DO understand a LOT of Spanish and the Catalan, but I am unable to speak it ...
    The main reason for this is that, I find it EASIER to learn different languages when I am actually IN the COUNTRY (of the language I am trying to learn ... OR, when I am CONTINUOUSLY with people that speak this language ...

    I am really ashamed to say, that inspite the fact that I have many VERY good Spanish friends, I still HAVEN'T even visited Spain ... ... I am very bad ...
  13. dya said:


    This would be the perfect thread for me to express my gratitude for all the GREAT people who ever helped me on this forum!!! And to address my humble apologies to one person I've already driven crazy with my "γιατι" and to also apologise for not having the lest intention of ending the calvary!!!
    Ευχαριστώ Philadelphia for EVERYTHING!
    Ευχαριστώ Beholder69 for all you did and for all you said you'll do!
    Ευχαριστώ Omorfi for assisting me everytime I was learning something new!
    Ευχαριστώ Lilian, Liki, Veronica for all the translations you provided me with over the time.
    And in case I forgot somebody I APOLOGISE!!!!I'll make it up to you somehow!
  14. omorfi's Avatar

    omorfi said:


    Thank you Dya mou! This place would definately not be the same without your Mazonakis-threads

    And I'm sure Philadelphia really will APPRECIATE your gratitude
    "Ποιος ταξιδεύει στα μάτια σου;
    Και ποιός ξαγρυπνά στο κορμί σου;
    Μάτια μπλε στα μεγάλα ταξίδια σου
    Θα'μαι εδώ θα'μαι πάντα μαζί σου"
  15. trikala116's Avatar

    trikala116 said:


    philadelphia.. but are u able to learn it as well?? soo, com estas¿¿ jaja.. where are you living then?
    petons (means kisses in catalan)
  16. Anthem Of The Sun said:


    ei jo també soc català!
  17. trikala116's Avatar

    trikala116 said:


    ostres.. que fort!! per fi puc parlar catala a un foro grec!! q tal?? d'on ets?? com esq t'agrada la musica grega?¿
  18. tonisalado said:


    Collons!!! Si que hi havem catalans i catalanes enganxats a la música grega!!!!

    Una abraçada per Trikala i Anthem!!!

    PD: Jo sóc de Barcelona també.
  19. trikala116's Avatar

    trikala116 said:


    hey toni!!! que guay!! jo tambe soc de barcelona, fa una setmaneta que he tornat.. he estat visquent a Atenes per uns quatre mesos.. i ara a guanyar peles i tornar... ostres, no se si us agrada el Mixalis Xaztigiannis.. pero ja l'he vist 3 cops en directe... es increible aquest home!! una força a la veu..apistefto!!! hahaa
    petons des de Sant Andreu
  20. tonisalado said:


    Hola Trikala116!!! Jo vaig anar fa dos anys a Atenes per temes de feina, i em vaig enamorar de la ciutat, sobretot de la música que vaig escoltar en directe a les tavernes del barri de Plaka...També vaig veure en directe un homenatge a uns dels més grans de la musica grega: Mikis Theodorakis, un dels meus favorits. M'agrada molt Alkinoos Ioannidis, i Elefteria Arvanitaki, i alguns classics com Akis Panou, Tsitsanis, etc...Les dances masculines com el tsamiko, o femenines con el Tsifteteli també m'encanten. Xaztiagiannis l'he escoltat poc.

    Petons des d'Horta-Guinardó!!!