Ya Mastqwy - Yasmine Niazy

Thread: Ya Mastqwy - Yasmine Niazy

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  1. aspwow said:

    Red face Ya Mastqwy - Yasmine Niazy

    Salam Alaykum,I am particularly grateful to you.
    Extremely grateful for you,God bless for you!
    Angel Hero for you


    Ya Mestaqwy يا مستقوي
    Last edited by aspwow; 06-13-2015 at 12:45 AM.
  2. Ahmed's Avatar

    Ahmed said:


    بتجرحني وبرجعلك
    You hurt me, and I return back to you!
    ومن تاني بتجرحني
    And then you hurt me again!
    ولا فكرت تسعدني
    And you never consider making me happy!
    ولا بكلمه تفرحني
    Or with a word to rejoice me!

    كتير بتقول وتوعدني
    Many times you say and promise me…
    هييجي اليوم تريحني
    That there will be a day you will comfort me
    ولو نفسك تساعدني
    And if you wish to help me
    ما تقتلني ده اريحلي
    Kill me!! it is the most convenient for me!

    يا مستقوي وناسي
    O’ you are intimidating and you forget…
    انه القوي في اللي اقوى منه
    Who is strong, there is who stronger than he is!
    يا واحد عاش حياه
    You are someone who lived his life…
    بس الحياه مش راضيه عنه
    But life is not satisfied (happy) about him!

    بتظلم فيا للاخر
    You oppress me (unfair with me) till the last
    وجي عليا عالاخر
    And you wrong me till the end
    وقلبي يا عيني مش قادر
    And my heart O’ my eyes (sigh) can’t…
    يكمل ماللي داق منه
    Continue (go on) because of what it tasted!

    يا مستقوي وناسي
    O’ you are intimidating and you forget…
    انه القوي شاهد وعالم
    That The Possessor of All Strength (Allah) is a witness and know-all
    بيمهل بس ما بيهملش هوه وانت فاهم
    Allah gives respite, but never neglects and you understand (know)

    وروح منك خلاص لله
    Now go away, May Allah take my revenge (from you)
    على كل اللي انا عايشاه
    For all I have lived (All you have done to me)
    ويا بخت اللي بات مظلوم
    And how lucky who slept as oppressed (It is a common proverb that it is better to sleep while you are oppressed than to sleep as oppressor)
    ولا نمشي في يوم ظالم
    And didn’t sleep as oppressor

    بتجرحني وانا عارفه
    You hurt me and I know it
    لكن نفسي بكدبها
    But I don’t believe myself
    بقول يمكن يكون فيك خير
    I am saying maybe there is something good in you!
    ونفسي بلاش تعذبها
    And my soul you won’t torture anymore!
    سنين عدو واديني معاك
    Years have passed and I am with you.
    عمري ما كنت بحسبها
    I never counted those years
    ومش عارفه وصلت لفين
    And I don’t know where I have reached
    وقلت على الله هسيبها
    And I said I will let it to Allah (Allah is sufficient for me)
    I don't think I miss things. I think to miss something is to hope that it will come back, but it's not coming back.