Εφτά Ποτάμια--Γιάννης Χαρούλης Translation and history/background

Thread: Εφτά Ποτάμια--Γιάννης Χαρούλης Translation and history/background

Tags: efta potamia, greek, haroulis, kritika, music
  1. ksenitemeni said:

    Default Εφτά Ποτάμια--Γιάννης Χαρούλης Translation and history/background

    θα παρακαλουσα καποιον/α να μπει στην διαδικασια να μου εξηγησει τους στιχουσ να καταλαβω την ιστορια αυτου του τραγουδιου! ευχαριστω!

    I would like to ask someone if they can go to the trouble of explaining the lyrics of the song so I can understand the history of the song. Or just a translation because I understand most of the song but not all (I bolded the words I don't really understand). Mostly I am confused about what the subject is. A translation to "clean" Greek would be so helpful!

    Εφτά ποτάμια σμίξαν και τρεις καημοί,
    κι είπανε να μερώσουνε μια στιγμή.
    Οι θάλασσες κοπάσαν κι οι στεναγμοί,
    εννιά σπαθιά γυμνώσανε στη γραμμή.

    Η άνοιξη η μαυλίστρα για να διαβεί,
    κοιτάξτε, χωριανοί μου, τι θα συμβεί.
    Τα πάθη σα σαρκώσουμε του Ραβί,
    εκείνος ο μπροστάρης, κι εμείς στραβοί.

    Ήλιες μου, στρατολάτη, ταξιδευτή,
    που μού 'δωσες τη χάρη του γητευτή,
    ο άνθρωπος γυρεύει για να γευτεί,
    απ' το ζεστό μου αίμα να γιατρευτεί.

    Η μεγαλοβδομάδα, κόρη ξανθή,
    μύρωσε το χωριό μας, και ροδανθεί,
    που τρώει τον θεό του για να χαθεί,
    κι ίσως με τον χαμό του ν' αναστηθεί.

    Στης άνοιξης τον κόρφο, τον ζηλευτό,
    μυριόχρωμο γιορντάνι, το σερπετό,
    φάρμακο το φαρμάκι στον αετό,
    για να πετάξει εκείνος ως είν' γραφτό.

    Πέρνα περαματάρη τον ποταμό,
    πάρε κι εμέ μαζί σου στον μισεμό,
    κι εκεί στον καταρράχτη και στον γκρεμό,
    θα μάθω του συμπάντου το λυτρωμό.
  2. Amethystos's Avatar

    Amethystos said:

    Default It's actually Χαινηδες....


    Α credible translation can be found in the following link -> http://www.stixoi.info/stixoi.php?in...ils&t_id=24632

    "Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to?
    You will never find that life for which you are looking.
    When the gods created man they allotted to him death,
    but life they retained in their own keeping"
  3. Amethystos's Avatar

    Amethystos said:

    Default Some ... analysis

    So I still wanted to add my thoughts about it....

    Song's talking about Spring and Passions of Christ as seen by Greeks not only through their legacy but also as sounds and images on Greece's provinces.

    nine swords were drawn on the line

    Men used to fight all the months but winter's. These are the rest nine months available for fighting.

    "My sun, commander, traveler,
    you who have given the joy of the tamer,
    man casts about to taste,
    from my hot blood to be healed"

    In the song these lyrics are being spoken by Jesus himself, it's also a reference to Holy Communion.

    At the summit of springtime, the envied,
    thousand-colored Jordan, serpentine,
    the poison is medicine for the eagle
    that he may fly, as it is written.

    I really don't find suitable the word "Jordan"

    In the following picture a "γιορντανι" clothing can be seen worn above the chest of the woman.

    So the snake-serpent (speaking about Judas) can't be easily seen and therefore bites the eagle who's is meant to die before he is eventually resurrected and flies in the skies.

    Cross the river, passerby,
    take me with you in your migration,
    and there at the waterfall and at the cliff,
    I will learn the redemption of the universe.

    Passerby is not that correct either .... here we're talking about Charon "the ferryman" (more infos here ->https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charon_%28mythology%29)
    Migration is once again not the right word, return would have been a far better choice.
    These lyrics consist a call for the ferryman to come and take him so that he can learn how it is to be resurrected after dying.
    "Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to?
    You will never find that life for which you are looking.
    When the gods created man they allotted to him death,
    but life they retained in their own keeping"