Help finding a very similar song

Thread: Help finding a very similar song

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  1. Jazz said:

    Default Help finding a very similar song


    so I've been watching Lords of Dogtown recently and there's a particular song in the end, when I heard it I immediately remembered some other song, which sounds almost exactly the same. The next day I went to look for a soundtrack for this movie (I was humming the other song for pretty much the entire day) and when I played song from the movie I forgot the other song right away.

    Now the only thing I can remember is that it goes something like... - *string, string* Word word *string, string* Sentence - and so on and so forth. It's really quite hard to describe when I can't remember it anymore.

    THIS is the song from the movie. It is really quite similar to this one - guy with a sweet voice singing, very slow tempo...

    Thanks everyone!
  2. Jazz said:


  3. jp12345 said:


    The song reminds me of Radiohead - Karma Police at the beginning or did you mean a different band? And, of course, "Wish You Were Here" is a cover by Pink Floyd.
  4. Jazz said:


    Sadly that's not it there's drums, that's not present in the song I have in mind.
    And yes, it can be any band.