Help me find this song!

Thread: Help me find this song!

Tags: help find song, please help
  1. Bocken said:

    Default Help me find this song!

    Hello! I listened to this song a while back ago. It was around 2010 when I just started to use spotify, not really sure when or how old the song is.

    I don't know any lyrics or how the melody went. I just remember the albums picture, it has some wolfs, trees and its black.
    Also the song is more of a instumental-techno but there is one guy singing with a hoarse and computer-type voice. Im not sure what kind of genre it is either. It is a pretty special song. But the singing KIND OF reminds me of Kidi Cudi - Memories but JUST the kind of voice on the singer. It is a pretty dark song. I loved this song so much.

    I have no hopes the find it, I can't remember it at all. I hope I can get some help. Thanks in advance.

  2. jp12345 said:


    Have you tried searching here? Or are there some possibilities that look close to the album? (since I don't know what i'm looking for).