I saw this thread :
"i'm looking for a song but can't recall any of the real lyrics - just the chorus the goes "doooo doo doo dooo doo do do.... dooooo dooo doooooo do do do"

it's a mellow track, kinda portishead influenced, from the 90s. i've heard it in a commercial a long time ago. not sure if it was for a fragrance or car commercial. and it's NOT tom's diner by suzanne vega - in fact it's way different than that. much slower and a relaxed beat.

i was able to memorize the way the chorus went in my head and can whistle it. as funny as it is, here is a link where i am whistling how it goes. hope this helps


whoever can identify this song should seriously get a trophy or something. i have a feeling the artist is probably french or english. i'm not so sure if it's an "american" song but the song is in 100% english i'll tell you that

*SOLVED* it's called life in mono by mono"

Okay well this was the first thing on google when I was trying to remember Toms Diner by Suzanne Vega. Hope this helps! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-26hsZqwveA