
Thread: Castle

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  1. ghaw2007 said:

    Lightbulb Castle


    Listen up, we're taking over
    You and your kind must step aside
    Ranting and raving won't change anything
    Decisions have been made and won't be reversed
    Nothing is fair so don't complain
    We keep getting richer and we like it that way
    We live like kings, we live like queens
    That rule over useful peasants
    It's our birthright, our rightful place
    Hush your mouths if you disagree with our ways of life
    With how you're treated

    Shacks will be converted into mansions
    Mansions that captivate and astound
    With grass that's greener than the colour green
    And gardens so lush, they'll seem unreal
    The sun will rise and fall on our part of town
    The best part of town
    This is how we'll choose to live
    Live like kings and queens in our very own castle

    Knock, knock
    Who's there?
    Possibly your worst nightmare
    Put on your shoes and pack your bags
    This is your only warning so take heed
    Everyone should travel
    So be glad that you'll get to see the world
    It's larger than most people realize
    It's vibrant, it's complex
    And while you're doing that
    We'll live like kings and queens in our very own castle
    In our modern castle

    Pushed along, pushed aside
    It's difficult clinging to pride
    We're constantly told nothing stays the same
    Like a broken record, it drives us insane
    Psychologists give useless advice
    On how to deal with our new ways of life
    We don't believe in what they say
    They haven't experienced our pain
    We put them in the same category
    As politicians and salesmen
    They always have something to sell
    But the more we buy, the more we sigh
    We dream of being kings, of being queens
    Reigning over our very own castle
    Living in a modern castle

    As dark as night, as bright as day
    Two opposing sides of an ancient spectrum
    Perhaps its destiny that needs to be fulfilled
    And when that's achieved, only the mighty will rule
    They'll rule over us like kings and queens
    In castles we've built, in castles we've lived in
    We'll be forgotten royalty
    On a journey to reclaim our very own castle
    And if we're successful, we'll cherish our castle
    So let's fight to have our own castle

    Written by B. (Friday, October 9, 2015)
    Copyright 2015
  2. Jim Colyer's Avatar

    Jim Colyer said:


    I like a person who knows his or her own mind. I agree that everyone should travel.
    Jim Colyer Girl albums