Hellppp!!! Who sing this song.

Thread: Hellppp!!! Who sing this song.

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  1. Miah said:

    Cool Hellppp!!! Who sing this song.

    Can someone please tell me who sings this song. "The only words I remember in the song are "Tell me what you think is going on". The song sounds is rap or R&B. It is sung by a man with backup vocals by a girl. She sing the "Tell me what you think is going on"Part. Can anyone stop the madness!!!! Please help!!!!
  2. Damien Kage said:


    Could it be, "Smilez And Southstar" who sing a song called "Tell Me"?
  3. qutee4lyfe said:


    Maybe Dru hill "tell me" But idk. He says "tell me if aint good enough for you" But check it out