Where The Humans Eat

Verse 1
This is where the humans eat
They take advantage of the buffet
One serving of CNN
Two plates of The New York Times
This is where they come to feast
It begins when they wake up in the morning
They have a bowl of Katie Couric
Three slices of The Washington Post
A sprinkle of The Drudge Report
This is where they fill their stomachs

Bridge 1
On the weekends, they don't hold back
Wal-Mart rolls back sound judgement
Sears captures their attention
The ringing sound you hear is 'Ka-Ching!"

Verse 2
This is where they stuff their faces
Consuming as much as they can afford to
More than one billion have been served
They never close - no wonder they're still cooking
Profits increase quarter after quarter
It's hard to choose between Honda and Ford
But when you're Warren Buffet it makes no difference
Thousands work in drug marts
Even though they tell us that drugs are bad
This is where they smell, chew and swallow

Bridge 2
Winners convinces them to spend
So they won't end up like others
If you make your bed
Then you'll be forced to sleep in it

Verse 3
This is where they become gluttons
Taking whatever they desire
Virginities and freedom of choice
Sometimes both at the same time
This is where lust is satisfied
This is where addiction lives
Walking right into death's house
They can never escape once they're inside
It's just like Hotel California
This is where the humans die

Bridge 3
Ringtones and cameras are winning the popularity contest
More votes are cast on American Idol
Than in a federal election

This is where the humans eat
This is where they come to feast
This is where they fill their stomachs
This is where they stuff their faces
This is where they smell, chew and swallow
This is where they become gluttons
This is where lust is satisfied
This is where addictions lives
This is where the humans die

Written by B. (Sunday, June 12, 2005)
Copyright 2005