Help recognising techno 90s song

Thread: Help recognising techno 90s song

Tags: electronic, fast, girl, recognizable, techno 80's 90's
  1. mja_90s said:

    Default Help recognising techno 90s song

    I hope I give a lot of info for finding it quickly.

    Lately I was hearing a lot of songs on the radio, and becoming really good identifying unknown songs understanding any full sentence of the song. And usually lyrics webpages have the songs I want to find.
    Until today.

    Today I was listening to the radio, and one song make me remind when I was younger. Some channels don't repeat the name or the artist after the song, if they said before (but you can't pre-know if that song interests you or not).

    The facts about that song:

    - It is sung by a girl. Not very high pitch.
    - Techno/electronic music from the medium 90s.
    - Then, and now, I've heard this song in Spain. In the 90s I was too young to know if this song was in the disco or not.
    - Fast rhythm, so it is pretty hard to understand the song lyrics
    - And here becomes some fragments of the song I recognized (with little mistakes, I hope)
    the song has a chorus with something like (the parenthesis are words, the interrogation mark is for works I can't assure they're correct)
    "ua, ah ah, oh oh oh oh, () () () () (with)? (you)?, my favourite (night/shine?: drowling the sound /aaaɪn/)"
    ah ah ah, oh oh oh oh, () () () () (with)? (you)?, () () (drowling the sound /aɪn/)"

    -> until the last /aɪn/, it takes 12 sec in something like Sixteenth Notes tempo; and then the last sound is drowled for 4 sec or so.

    but I have some words about the middle of the song too:
    "when the sun goes down and the lights burn out than it time for you to shine,"
    ua, ah ah, oh oh oh oh...
    ......crazy with you my favourite... and cant make? through? my mind?"

    But it is the chorus and its rhythm which are determinant to identify this song.+

    I hope this is enough to identify it, because i don't know how to show you the temps of the song.
  2. ccgt said:


    I found Owl City - Shooting Star, but it's too recent to be your song. Similar words, though.