Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016]

Thread: Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016]

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  1. hob's Avatar

    hob said:

    Default Amr Diab - Ahla W Ahla Album [2016]

    All the songs here


    2.Ahla W ahla
    3.Maak Albi
    5.La La
    6.Aks Baad
    10.Ala Hobk
    11.Ana W Enta
    12.Omrena Ma Hanergea

    I start with the first song, i tried my best.
    Any correction would be great

    1. Rasmaha

    CHORUS 1
    Rasmaha dayer ma ydour
    Law tahel yzid el nour
    Liha tala ya3lam Allah
    She has a look, only God knows
    3amla eih fiya
    What she does to me

    Wely wely ya wely
    Oh my oh my
    3einy ya leily
    My eyes oh night
    Nawya teganeny
    She wants to drive me crazy
    La denty hkaya
    If you are a (love) story
    Ehlamy w tmany
    Dream and be reassured

    3ala mahlek
    Do as you wish
    Yaly nawya tkhali 3a2ly yarouh meni
    You who want my mind goes away
    Law ta3rafi maly welly garali
    If you knew how i feel and what happened to me
    Terhamy w theny
    You'd spared me and be at ease

    CHORUS 1 (Bis)
    CHORUS 2

    Tab beini w beinek
    Between me and you
    3eini fi 3einek
    My eyes in your eyes
    Min fi halawtek min
    Who is as beautiful as you ?
    Ana shoft gamalek
    I saw your beauty
    Albi nadalek
    My heart called you
    Yali khatafti l3ein
    You who steal my eyes (my mind)

    CHORUS 1

    La danti hkaya
    If you are a (love) story
    Ahlamy w tmany
    Dream and be reassured
  2. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    2. Ahla W Ahla

    Kola mada btahla fi eini
    Each time you're prettier in my eyes
    Bass ahla w ahla
    Just prettier and prettier
    El lila ya 3asahra da
    Is the night oh what a night

    Ya roohi ana
    Oh my soul
    Ana zadet fi albi el ghira
    Jealousy increased in my heart
    Ya habibi
    Oh my love

    2Arabli hina
    Approach to me here
    3alik kol el 3oyoon el lila
    All eyes are on you tonight
    Yalli ...yalli ...meganena
    You who ... you who ... drive us crazy


    Yomi hayabtadi
    My day (journey) begins
    Ma3ak w hateb2a deniya gamila
    With you and life start to be beautiful
    Ya habibi
    Oh my love
    Ensa edoniya di
    Forget this life
    W sib rohak fi hodni el lila
    And let your soul in my arms tonight
    Yali ... yali ... meganena
    You who ... you who ... drive us crazy

  3. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    3.Maak Albi

    2olly ya habibi
    Tell me my love
    Leh wenta 3ani ba3id
    Why are you away from me
    Ana sho2i lik biyzid
    My love for you increases
    Wan git bartah
    And when you come i'm reassured (at ease)

    2olly ya habibi
    Tell me my love
    Eih elli ghayarni
    What changed me ?
    W zeiy beteshgharny
    And how do you confuse me ?
    3en 3omri ablak rah
    My past life left (is nothing)

    Maak albi
    With you my heart (as my "sweetheart, my love" or my heart is with you)
    W balash teghib 3ani betoohashny
    And don't ever be absent, i'll miss you
    Maak albi
    With you my heart (as my ("sweetheart, my love" or my heart is with you)
    Wallah wa la banssak
    I swear i never forget you
    Maak albi
    With you my heart (as my ("sweetheart, my love" or my heart is with you)
    W balash teghib 3ani betoohashny
    And don't ever be absent, i'll miss you
    Malish gherak habib albi
    I have nobody except you my sweetheart
    Ya ahla malak
    The prettiest angel

    Ahla ayami
    My nicest days
    W gamal seenin Tet3ash
    And the beautyful years lived
    Gambak ya ema balash
    Only by your side
    Meen gherak atmana
    Who other than you i would wish to have ?

    Howa da kalami
    Those are my words
    Hobak mafish ba3di
    There's no love after
    Fatahta eini 3aleih
    I opened my eyes on her (i saw her)
    W 3araft rahti ma3ah
    And i knew my hapiness is with her

  4. hob's Avatar

    hob said:



    Amentak ya habibi amana
    My love have mercy
    Salemly 3ala leily hawana
    Give me at night our love
    Wahshana agmal ayam
    We miss our most beautiful days

    Haleftak biya w bel ghali
    I swored by my life and the most precious/dear (to him)
    Rega3ni a3ish ahla layali
    Come back to me that i live the prettier nights
    3ala bali mosh 3ayez kalam
    That's on my mind i don't need words

    CHORUS 1
    El sho2 khala leily itool
    The desire made my nights longer
    W baftekerak w dayman a2ool
    I think about you and always say
    Hatergah tani mosh ma3ool
    That you'll come back, it's impossible
    Fi yom anssak w tenssani
    That i forget you one day or you forget me

    CHORUS 2
    3an hobak ba2ool hikayat
    I'll say stories about your love
    Ma 2oltesh 3omri madi w fat
    That i never said before
    W hata fi as3ab el aw2et
    Even in the most difficult times
    Ba2ool ayamna wahshani
    I say : i miss our days (our time together)

    El doniya btelhi w sa'ra2a
    Life is busy and a thief
    W 3oyoony l2orbak moshta2a
    I miss to see you near from me
    Netla2a wa na2ool wa na3id

    Nessyanak da 3ezlo erada
    Wana albi bidaraf kol 3ada
    Yatamada fi hobak w izid

    CHORUS 1
    CHORUS 2

    El sho2
    The desire (or passion)
    W baftekrek w dayman a2ool
    I think of you and always say
    Hatergah tani mosh ma3ool
    That you'll come back, it's impossible
    Fi yom anssak w tenssani
    That i forget you one day or you forget me

    CHORUS 2
  5. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    5.La La

    Ana shoft yama
    I saw when
    Fedoniya yama yama yama
    In life when when when
    2ooloob kitir 3ash2een w mahemnish
    Many hearts (people) in love and i didn't care
    W da saba 3alama
    La moosh tabi3i la
    It's not normal, no (or it's not who i am)
    La La La La ...
    No, no, no, no ....

    Wa la kan fi bali
    And i never tought
    Ashar layali yansha3ali
    I'd stay up all night and be concerned
    Wa la han albi w mal kada men zaman
    My heart never was tender and melt like this before

    Ma shafetshi 3eini zey el 2amar da la
    I never saw beautiful eyes like those ones no
    La La La ...
    No, no, no ....

    A3mel eih w trayah albi
    What can i do that would made my heart at ease
    Ade eih mehtaglag gambi
    How long i whished for you by my side
    2olt eih ?
    What do you say ? (what's your answer )
    3einek bet2olly ah
    Your eyes tells me yes
    You love me
    Enta get haletli edonya[/b]
    When you came you opened life to me (lifes begins)
    Enta gheir enass etanya
    You among everyone
    Elly shoftoo ma3ak bi3inaya
    What i saw with
    Nawarly lhayat
    Has lighted my life

    La La La ...
    No, no, no ....
    Last edited by hob; 05-12-2016 at 04:33 AM.
  6. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    6.Aks Baad

    Ma baz3alesh am bateftekrak
    I am not upset when i think of you
    Bala2ik kol mat-amel
    Madina ma kaneshi fih haga
    There's nothing in our past
    Te2ool en-nahna hankamal
    Who said we would finish (our story)

    CHORUS 1
    Konna dayman 3akss ba3d
    2oly men emta etfa2na
    Tell me since when we are separated
    Dahna law neshbeh li ba3d
    If we are similar
    Feshaba wemken fora2na

    CHORUS 2
    Ba3edna aktar ma 2arebna
    We kept away more than we get closer
    W sebna lhob w howa sabana
    We left love or he left us
    W lama bnahki hekayetna
    And when we talk about our story
    Ya benzawed ya bengamel
    We move forward or we move backwards

    Rasemtl soora lel gana
    I draw o picture for the Heaven
    Fi awel mara netla2a
    For the first time we meet
    Meshet wayak beteb khater
    La2etny fi hira w mataha

    3areft fi 2orbak el wahda
    I knew that next to you
    Fi hodna kon metghayar
    In your arms i was different
    W sert el hob law tigy
    And when there's a love story
    Ba2et menha bakhaf w ahrab
    I fear from it and run away

    CHORUS 1 x2
    CHORUS 2

    CHORUS 2
    CHORUS 1 x2
    CHORUS 2
  7. hob's Avatar

    hob said:



    Ana liya nazra a3raf biha
    El wahda eih ahla ma fiha

    Wa hiya fekra gity w la gheitiha
    Ma hiya kola haga fiki gamila

    Habibty lama btetmayel
    Khatwetha betsawy hawayel
    Da 3amla fel alb 3amayel
    Ya malak

    Yalli gamalek rabani
    Baheb aghazlek bi aghani

    Ya ahla kelma 3ala lassani
    Gheir hobek ebti malish sira

    3oodek tarah abel awanoo
    Gamel hayati bel alwan

    Ben el gawab men 3enwanoo
    Odem 3eineky malish hila


    Habibty lama btetmayel
    Khatwetha betsawy hawayel
  8. hob's Avatar

    hob said:



    CHORUS 1
    Waadtak eni aba2lak
    I promise to stay with you
    W 2adem 3omri men albi
    And to give you my life
    W roohi tamally rayhalak
    And my soul always goes to you
    W batamen 3ashan ganbi
    And be reassured by my side

    CHORUS 2
    Kifaya takoon fi ahdani
    It's enought that you're in my arms
    3oyoonak tab2a nadhali
    Ana habeb hayati maak
    I love my life with you
    Wa la 3ayez habib tani
    And i don't want another lover

    CHORUS 1
    CHORUS 2

    Habibi w aghla men 3omri
    My love your the most precious to me
    W men awel kalam beina
    Since the first words we told each others
    3areft eni la2et 3omri
    I knew i found my love
    W shoft edonya di gana
    And i saw life as a Paradise

    CHORUS 2

    CHORUS 2 x2
    CHORUS 1 x2
    CHORUS 2 x2
  9. hob's Avatar

    hob said:



    Raga3 bet2oly elly mabena
    You come back telling me about what's between us
    W btess2al liya makamelnash
    And telling me we didn't finish
    Ess2al roohak mein estana
    Ask yourself who was waiting
    W mein estaghna w ba3 bibalash
    And who let the other down

    Rod 3alek ma beb2ash hayfidak
    I answer there's nothing left for you
    Da3t w daya3tny mein idak
    You get lost and lost me
    Ya khssara btigy el haga
    What a pity that some things come
    Lama lwahed ma ya3ozhesh
    When we don't want them anymore

    Moosh nassi kalamek fi wada3na
    I don't forget your words when you left
    Wa la 2aswet albak wa 3inek
    Neither your heart nor your eyes weren't broken
    Kont ba2olak khalik ganbi
    I told you to stay with me
    Ma thazetsh w hont 3alik

    Ana mosh 3aref eih ghayarni
    I don't know what changed me
    Yabra ya hanin ya malak
    Hab3ed 3alashan betfakarni
    I will keep away from you because you make me remember
    Bel garah elly ana 3eshtoo ma3ak
    The pain i lived when we were together

    CHORUS x 2

  10. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    10.Ala Hobk

    CHORUS 1
    3ala hobak 3andi 100 ashbat
    Sho2i matla ben fi eini sa3at
    W bakhaf w baghir khod meno da ktir
    W 3an sirtak hata ben ta2 bel kheir
    W tab3ak khad meno hagat

    CHORUS 2
    W ahbarak ma3a el tafasil
    Aheb asma3ha betafsil
    Madam etfathet el sira
    Ahod wadi linoss eleyl

    CHORUS 3
    Fi hobak kol yom fi gadid
    W law toohashny wenta ba3id
    Bel ahssas benetla2a
    Mafish haga asmaha mawa3id
    3ala hobak

    Law a2olak el kalam hitool
    Hess anta shoof ba3inak dool
    Fi kalam 3adi yet2al lel nass
    W kalam agmal yet2al ahssass
    Biyoossal lel ooloob 3ala tool

    CHORUS 2

    CHORUS 3

    CHORUS 1 x2
  11. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    11.Ana w Enta

    Ana w enta akhtarna ena neb3ad
    3an ba3d khalass
    Yeb2a maloosh lazma
    Iben darfi w da3fak lenass

    W yareit elly ygablak serti
    2ol kan habibi
    Wana hatbet lihom bitari2ty
    En el hikaya khalass

    CHORUS 1
    3ad ahi khlasst
    Zay ma kol hkaya btkhaless
    Eih elly hayegra wa elly ha yena2ass
    Mena law ahna mekamelnash

    CHORUS 2
    Ana hat3awed w enta kaman lazem tet3awed
    3omr el bo3d ma kan bimoot
    Ma hiya donya w lazem tet3ash

    Ana 3afdal ya habibi eftakerlak
    3omri ma hanassak
    Wa la hanssa el ayam el helwa
    Elly kanet wayek
    Hatakhodna edonya w hatfara2 beina el layali
    Ana 3ayzak bass tkon 3aref
    Bab3ed w albi ma3ak

    CHORUS 1

    Ana hat3awed w enta kaman lazem tet3awed

    CHORUS 2

    3ad ahi khlasst
    Zay ma kol hkaya btkhaless
  12. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    12.Omrena Ma Hanergae

    Ayamak 3adet w nssitha
    Days with you passed and i forget about it
    W hkayti ma3ak ana malitha
    Wan kan fik haga ana habetha
    If there was something i liked about you
    Da lwa2t ba2et ana ma bashoofhash
    Now i don't see it anymore

    Ayam w tshalet men 3omri
    Wa ma khadetch menha gheir ta3bi
    Ba3d ama la2et rahet albi
    After i saw my heart in peace
    Law terda arga3lak ana mardash
    If you want me to come back i refuse

    3omrena ma hanrage3 zay zaman
    We'll never be together again like before
    W la hadar ahebek zay zaman
    And i couldn't love you as before
    Enta t3awedt teshoofni malak
    You get used to see me as an angel
    Bass ana fel akher enssan
    But i'm just a human

    Lessa han2ool kona w kona
    We say we were this and this
    Eil ya3ni el madi da kan gana
    That the past was like Heaven
    Kan liya ma3ak ayam helwa
    I had beautiful days with you
    Bass el ayam essa3ba ktir
    But a lot of difficult days too

    Fi hagat fi hayatna la ban3idha
    There's things in our life that we don't like
    Wa la yanfa3 tani ngadedha
    It's useless to try them again
    Ayam ba2a sa3ba n3awadha
    Difficult days to live again
    Far2a el ahssass da lwa2ti kbir


    3omrena ma hanrage3
    We'll never be together again like before

    Bass ana fel akher enssan
    But i'm just a human

  13. Rrr2016's Avatar

    Rrr2016 said:


    Thanks.pls update new album lyrics of Amr Diab...Meaddy el naas
  14. hob's Avatar

    hob said: