national conservatory of music of Gaza - Mawtini

Thread: national conservatory of music of Gaza - Mawtini

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  1. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:

    Default national conservatory of music of Gaza - Mawtini


    My homeland, my homeland // mawtini mawtini // مَوطِنِي مَوطِنِي
    Glory and beauty, sublimity and splendor // Aljalalou w aljamalou w assana2ou w albaha2ou // الجلالُ والجمالُ والسَّنَاءُ والبَهَاءُ
    Are in your hills, are in your hills // Fi roubbak fi roubbak // في رُبَاكْ في رُبَاكْ
    Life and deliverance, pleasure and hope // W al7ayatou w annajatou w alhana2ou w arraja2ou // والحياةُ والنجاةُ والهناءُ والرجاءُ
    Are in your air, are in your air // Fi hawak fi hawak // في هواكْ في هواكْ
    Will I see you, will I see you? // Hal a2rak hal a2rak // هلْ أراكْ هلْ أراكْ
    Safely comforted and victoriously honored // Saliman mouna33aman wa ghaniman moukaraman // سالِماً مُنَعَّماً و غانما مكرما
    Safely comforted and victoriously honored // Saliman mouna33aman wa ghaniman moukaraman // سالما منعما و غانما مكرما
    Will I see you in your eminence? // Hal a2rak fi 3oulak // هلْ أراكْ في عُلاكْ
    Reaching to the stars, reaching to the stars // Tabloughou assimak Tabloughou assimak // تبلُغُ السِّمَاكْ تبلغُ السِّمَاكْ
    My homeland, my homeland // mawtini mawtini // مَوطِنِي مَوطِنِي

    My homeland, my homeland // mawtini mawtini // مَوطِنِي مَوطِنِي
    The youth will not tire, 'till your independence // Ash shababou lan yakilla hammouhou a2n tastaqilla // الشبابُ لنْ يكِلَّ هَمُّهُ أنْ تستَقِلَّ
    Or they die, or they die // A2u yabeed a2u yabeed // أو يَبيدْ أو يَبيدْ
    We will drink from death, and will not be to our enemies // Nastaqi mina arrada wa lan nakouna lila3ida // نَستقي منَ الرَّدَى ولنْ نكونَ للعِدَى
    Like slaves, like slaves // Kal3abeed kal3abeed // كالعَبيدْ كالعَبيدْ
    We do not want, we do not want // La2 noureed la2 noureed // لا نُريدْ لا نُريدْ
    An eternal humiliation, nor a miserable life // Doullana almouwabbada wa 3ayshana almounakkada // ذُلَّنَا المُؤَبَّدا وعَيشَنَا المُنَكَّدا
    An eternal humiliation, nor a miserable life // Doullana almouwabbada wa 3ayshana almounakkada // ذُلَّنَا المُؤَبَّدا وعَيشَنَا المُنَكَّدا
    We do not want, but we will bring back // La2 noureed bal nou3eed // لا نُريدْ بلْ نُعيدْ
    Our storied glory, our storied glory // majdana attaleed majdana attaleed // مَجدَنا التّليدْ مَجدَنا التّليدْ
    My homeland, my homeland // mawtini mawtini // مَوطِنِي مَوطِنِي

    My homeland, my homeland // mawtini mawtini // مَوطِنِي مَوطِنِي
    The sword and the pen, not the talk nor the quarrel // al7ousamou w aleeara3ou la2 lkakamou w anniza3ou // الحُسَامُ و اليَرَاعُ لا للكلامُ والنزاعُ
    Are our symbols, are our symbols // Ramzouna ramzouna // رَمْزُنا رَمْزُنا
    Our glory and our covenant, and a faithful duty // Majdouna wa 3ahdouna wa wajiboun mina alwafa // مَجدُنا و عهدُنا وواجبٌ منَ الوَفا
    Moves us, moves us // Yahouzzouna Yahouzzouna // يهُزُّنا يهُزُّنا
    Our glory, our glory // 3izzouna 3izzouna // عِزُّنا عِزُّنا
    Is an honorable cause, and a waving flag // Ghaytoun tousharrifou wa rayatoun tourafrifou // غايةٌ تُشَرِّفُ و رايةٌ ترَفرِفُ
    Is an honorable cause, and a waving flag // Ghaytoun tousharrifou wa rayatoun tourafrifou // غايةٌ تُشَرِّفُ و رايةٌ ترَفرِفُ
    O, behold you, in your eminence // Ya hanak fi 3oulak // يا هَنَاكْ في عُلاكْ
    Victorious over your enemies, victorious over your enemies // Qahiran 3idak qahiran 3idak // قاهِراً عِداكْ قاهِراً عِداكْ
    My homeland, my homeland // mawtini mawtini // مَوطِنِي مَوطِنِي
    Last edited by gbasfora; 08-30-2016 at 04:17 PM.
  2. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    you are welcome
  3. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by gbasfora View Post
    you are welcome
    who are you talking to George?
  4. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    Quote Originally Posted by VivaPalestina View Post
    who are you talking to George?
    مرحبة يا فيفا. وين كنت ؟ اشتقنا لك

    I welcomed myself to continue posting good songs here while many members gave up

    Last edited by gbasfora; 10-14-2016 at 07:22 PM.