Hi everyone!

Well here goes..I am searching for a song with No lyrics. Time, I am not sure but 2011-2014.

The song starts with a smooth dancehall rhytmn and then handclapps to and a little while after that the saxophone or trumpet comes where the sound of the trumpet or saxophone is increasing piece by piece..and the saxophpne goes DA dadadada DA dadada DA dadada DA DA DA DA and then over again..the rhytmn is badicly the same but in the ned of the song the sound of saxophone of trumpet slowly decreases and dissapears and the rhytmn is Platini until the end of the song. I have tried to upload some kind of soundclip to help you but didnt work.

It is very hard to know I know but perhaps someone out there knows or recognizing something in my dsecription.

thanks for all help / bekos