Punk song help - some lyrics & date range

Thread: Punk song help - some lyrics & date range

Tags: 1990's, punk
  1. Tazryn said:

    Question Punk song help - some lyrics & date range

    I've been trying to identify this song since the tape started to wear out:

    -It was on a mix tape my friend made for me in the early '90s, along with a few songs from 'Repo Man, 'Don't Make Me Ill" by AFI, and Lorri Jackson's intro poem for 'Chemical Imbalance' by the Skatenigs (if that gives you a feel for the era/musical taste of the tape-maker)
    -it's a little bit bubblegum - upbeat, mostly major chords
    -I'm in the U.S.

    Lyrics I can remember:
    (intro) "All I needs a good night's sleep/
    there is no work tomorrow/
    I'm going to New Mexico, oh yeah

    Happy days are here again and... "
    (and that's all the lyrics I can remember, except the chorus...)

    Chorus (probably misremembered, but close)
    "It's now or never/
    It's now forever/
    Right now (hey, hey, hey!)
    Right now (hey, hey, hey!)

    Any help would be most appreciated - thanks for reading
    Last edited by Tazryn; 06-25-2017 at 06:45 PM.