Will someone translate these Reggaeton lyrics to English please?

Thread: Will someone translate these Reggaeton lyrics to English please?

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  1. KShef said:

    Default Will someone translate these Reggaeton lyrics to English please?

    This is Chosen Few: El Bueno, El Malo, Y El Feo from El Documental (Part 1).
    I know it's kind of old, but it's one of my favorite reggaeton cuts.

    Oye,El turno es del feo asi que tirate, tapate
    En vez de uno son tres de la paste los mariè,
    Como el te tira como las ve, de la escuela de ___
    A ti se te tranco el bolo con el cocolo
    Tus sueño de grandesa los escorono negrolo
    Y eso que estan culpandonos
    Ajorandonos, hablando basofia marginandonos
    En ves de ser, Tego el que te canta
    Podria ser, Tego el que te asalta, saco e'trampa
    Esto es pa' que mi hija nunca pase hambre
    Por esa tienen que matarme
    Y no te crea que es de boca, pa' fuera cantoe'collera
    Me pongo necio en la ruñidera,
    Yo no tengo culpa de tu fracaso,payaso
    Dejame por loco y no hagas caso
    Oye lo que te conviene, llora, llora nene
    Gente como tu sin control me tiene
    Tu no pagas mis deudas, ni me das plata
    Y es que de verdad no amenasa, guasa guasa

    Que yo no se porque ellos quieren tirar pa'ca
    (Se le acabo el aceite, a sus lampara)
    Es que no pueden con su letras tan sangana
    (Quien dijo que no quedaba na papa)
    Que yo no se porque ellos quieren tirar pa'ca
    (Se le acabo el aceite, a sus lampara)
    Es que no pueden con su letras tan sangana
    (Quien dijo que no quedaba na papa)

    Siente mi viaje
    Directo del clandestinaje
    Con un flow salvaje
    No hay personaje que se preste pal sabotaje
    No hay quien pueda con el cangrinaje
    Hablan de mas, y no dan pa' na
    Se les acabo el aceite a sus lamparas
    Muchos philly, muchas armas, mucho bling-bling
    Y ala hora de la verdad, salen huyendo como Hussein
    Esos mecanismo ya yo los conosco
    Lleva mil años tratando de tumbarme el quiosco
    No se comparan con la letra mia,
    Porque viven en la isla pero de la fantasia
    Pana mio, no te duermas con el trio
    Pa' nosotros esto es pan comio,
    Va muy ligero ni sueñes con ser primero
    Donde manda capitan no manda marinero
    Esto es conjunto pa' la historia
    De Puerto Rico pal mundo es victoria
    Haciendo cosas diferentes,
    Porque yo no estoy pegao yo le gusto ala gente

    Que yo no se porque ellos quieren tirar pa'ca
    (Se le acabo el aceite, a su lampara)
    Es que no pueden con su letras tan sangana
    (Quien dijo que no quedaba na papa)
    Que yo no se porque ellos quieren tirar pa'ca
    (Se le acabo el aceite, a su lampara)
    Es que no pueden con su letras tan sangana
    (Quien dijo que no quedaba na papa)

    Aqui llego el mas que tiene muela
    Mas clasico que doña fela
    El arquitecto de la vieja escuela
    Y se cancelan los planes de los que me celan
    Ahora vamos a ver, si el gas pela
    Yo tengo lo mio, come mucho mas que pacman
    Tengo mucho mas trucos que el cinturon de batman
    Tus palabras contra la mia se te gastan
    Con lo tuyo se aburren, con lo mio se arrastran
    Aqui esta el bueno, el malo y el feo
    Tirandote a nosotros haz caritas de guineo
    Pa'l que nos persiga se resbale, Fua
    Pa'l que habla del tecato y se le bira la quijà
    Gobierno, escucha bien mi queja,que tengo liricas
    Que pueden destrosar hasta el chicho de la oreja
    De mi abusastes tras las rejas, pero ahora estoy afuera
    Y mi defecto no me acompleja,So-salpica, brinca cuica,
    Que lo que tengo el pica pica tu no me ganas ni en canica
    Y mira aquien se lo explica, mastica
    Llegaron los que aplastan al que critica

    Que yo no se porque ellos quieren tirar pa'ca
    (Se le acabo el aceite, a su lampara)
    Es que no pueden con su letras tan sangana
    (Quien dijo que no quedaba na papa)
    Que yo no se porque ellos quieren tirar pa'ca
    (Se le acabo el aceite, a su lampara)
    Es que no pueden con su letras tan sangana
    (Quien dijo que no quedaba na papa)
  2. KShef said:


  3. KShef said:


    Anybody out there?
  4. KShef said:


    Pretty please?
  5. InLoVeWidHim said:


    hi sure ill stranslate the lyrics 4 u .....unless like do i need some kind of qualification 2 do so?????
  6. InLoVeWidHim said:


    hhmm actually this is a bit different to the spanish i speak but if u really want them translated i can do my best to find the english words for some of them but there are really some words that dont have translation.....to find and explanation id have to tell u cultural backgroud to that word 2........and for me this is no trouble coz im kind of holiday now so im not doing anything but all up to you just let me know if you still want them translated...^^,
  7. KShef said:

    Default Thank you.

    I appreciate any translation you have. If you know any Spanish dialect fluently, you're already better than I am.

    Thanks again.
  8. InLoVeWidHim said:

    Smile did my best!! hopw you understand most of it

    hey,its the ugly guy's turn so back off
    instead of one we are three now
    how ever he is throwing it,how he sees it, from the school of-
    you got the bolo stuck with the cocolo
    ( what?)

    im gonna get rid of all your dreams of greatness(negrolo= black man)
    how is it that they are blaming us?
    talking rubish marginalising us
    instead of being,tego the one singing for you
    it could be, tego the who is asolting you (saco e' trampa)
    this is so my daughter never has to go hungry
    for her they'd have to kill me
    and dont think that im only talk and words i take actions
    and get stuburn in the (runidera= something with a lot of noice i think)
    I'm not the caus of your failure,fool
    let me go for crazy and dont pay me atention
    hey, for whats convinient to you, cry cry (nene= young boy)
    people like you without control have me
    you dont pay my bills nor give me money
    so trully you are no threat to me guasa guasa

    i dont know why they feel like throwing it over here
    (their laps have run out of oil)
    they cant do anything with they useless lyrics
    (who told you that there was nothing left papa?)

    feel my journey
    straight from clandestinaje
    with a savage flow
    there is no1 thats gonna be able to present themselves for a sabotage
    there is no1 who can against the cangrinaje
    they talk to much,and dont do anything
    their lamps have run out of oil
    too much philly,to many weapons and too much bling-bling
    but when the time of truth comes(time to stand up) they go out runing like hussein
    those kinds of ways i alreaddy know them
    they have been going on trying to take over
    my quiosco(little conrner shop but he is using it to refer to his job) for 1000 years(exagerating)
    they cant buy with my lyrics,
    because they live in the island but the island of fantasy
    my friend,dont fall asleep with the group of three
    for us this is very easy
    they are going too light so dont even dream of coming first
    where the captain gives orders the sailor cant give them
    this is an advise for history
    from puerto rico for the world is victory
    doing different things,
    because im not stuck people actually like me.

    i dont know why they feel like throwing it over here
    (their laps have run out of oil)
    they cant do anything with they useless lyrics
    (who told you that there was nothing left papa?)x2

    here is the one who has most (muela=molar tooth)
    classier than mrs fela
    the architect of old school
    and the plans of those who wish me bad a canceled
    now lest see, if gas misses
    i've got what its mine,eat a lot more than pacman
    ive got a lot more tricks than batman's belt
    your words are faded agains mine
    with yours people get bored with mine they (arrastran=slither)
    well here they are the good one,the bad one and the ugly one
    Tirandote a nosotros haz caritas de guineo
    Pa'l que nos persiga se resbale, Fua
    Pa'l que habla del tecato y se le bira la quijà(sorry i dont know what he meant by that)
    Goverment listen closely to my complains i have got lyrics capable of
    destroying even the guy of the ears
    you abused me behind bars,but now im out

    i dont get pay attention to my defects,so splash,jump cuica
    that what i have is pica pica(poder that makes the skin itch)
    you cant win againsnt me even in a canica game(canica is game small children play)
    and see who you explain this to,now chew
    here are the ones who step on the critics

    i dont know why they feel like throwing it over here
    (their laps have run out of oil)
    they cant do anything with they useless lyrics
    (who told you that there was nothing left papa?)x2
  9. InLoVeWidHim said:


    hhhmm btw english is my second langauge so oohh i really hope what ive given you is of some use and that you really understand them.....bye^^,
  10. KShef said:

    Default Excellent job!

    There's a lot of slang and metaphors in these lyrics, but you really helped me put them in perspective. Thank you very much. What's your background?
  11. InLoVeWidHim said:


    im glad i could help you as i said im in kind of holiday and im looking 4 things to do ^^, i love translating and learning new languages its like my hobby i really enjoy it.....so if you have anything else you would like me to look at i'd be more than happy 2help^^, Im kind of half half my father is peruvian and my mum is venezuelan but i was born and raised in Venezuela and moved to australia recently well more like 3 years ago hihihi.. what about you???....anyway take care hope to hear from you soon ^^ bye.......
  12. KShef said:


    Born and raised in the USA, my only Latin background is friends of Mexican, Rican, Salvadoran, or Dominican descent. I moved away from where I have any friends who speak Spanish so the only way I seem to learn it is from listening to TV shows and music… especially reggaetón because it reminds me of hip hop, which was my favorite as a youth.

    I want my two-year-old daughter to be introduced to Spanish early, but we don’t live where learning different languages is encouraged. I really admire people like you who know more than one language… especially with your appreciation for learning it as a hobby! I hope mija can be like that someday.

    Thanks again.
  13. InLoVeWidHim said:

    Talking hi hi !!^^,

    hmm im sure she will if you teach her from when she is young then when she grows up she wont forget it......
    if you wish to practice spanish i'd be more than happy to help you im not very good at teaching myself. i set up a small online kind of practice thing and if people want to practice their spanish or english i talk to them in spanish or english and so far its been quite succesfull there is a guy and girl from turky to whom i speak in spanish and they are improving so much sometimes in mic and sometimes its just conversations like this(at the moment my mic doesnt work so i have to replace it) and there is this other group of also turkish,egyptian,saudi,maroccan and lebanese but they are mostly turk guys n girls who want to practice english some for their entrance to university, and others for school .english is my sencod language as well so sometimes i make mistakes...but we have all been practicing for hhmm maybe 2 months now and i have seen that they have improved a lot and i feel so proud of them because practice does make perfect....and even some of them have agreed that in exchange they will teach me their mother toungue and so we are all happy ^^,

    about your daughter again in my culture we have a saying but it refers to religion it kinda says that when you teach the way to children at a very young age and help them throught it and keep teaching them whilst they grow, then when they are old even if you are not there they will still follow that. i personally believe this can still be applied to many other aspects of life not only religion........
    best of luck to you
    peace be with you and your family
  14. KShef said:


    I've been interested in Mid-East culture, myself. That seems to be a great way to learn. How can I join?
  15. InLoVeWidHim said:


    well as i told you before its kind of a really informal thing......its through msn messenger..........hhhmmm if you dont quite feel comfortable with the idea its ok a lot of people dont and if you do this is my address boney_m_75@hotmail.com.....if you want to know about the culture again id be more than happy to help if the msn idea doesnt sound that good to you then any questions you have you can ask me through here ^^,
    have a good day
    peace be with you and your family
    byen ^^.