a phrase.

Thread: a phrase.

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  1. Xwe_are_so_so_fineX said:

    Default a phrase.

    someone translate this for me ? peas?

    upofero otan mou milas
  2. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    "I suffer when you talk to me"

    I hope that will help you!
  3. lyricallyimpaired said:


    or i suffer when you speak to me - depends how you want to play it up with the english grammar
  4. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    speak and talk is the same I think! So there is not difference.
  5. Xwe_are_so_so_fineX said:


    thanks so much i knew what upofero was but i got lost hahaha
  6. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Nothing. Glad to help you!