Anaveis Foties and Kosmotheoria

Thread: Anaveis Foties and Kosmotheoria

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  1. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Τζίνα τι κατάλαβα λάθος;
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  2. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    You have not the right to insult me like this. You know nothing about me, nor a single thing. If you're purpose was to hurt me because you cannot refute with facts my statements, then you did it. Well done again. Your tongue drip only poison. I'll never talk about this subject, not because you said it, because Tzina said it and I respect her a lot. I understand that it's a lyrics site. But you started it not me. If you had a little brain in your head you would respect us and you didn't act like this. I won't spend my saliva for you cause you're so stubborn...
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  3. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Δεν πιστεύω ότι είπα κάτι κακό. Ούτως ή άλλως δε μιλούσα σ' αυτήν.
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  4. tzina772000's Avatar

    tzina772000 said:


    Ναι Μαρία το ξέρω κοίτα το pm. Εκεί θα καταλάβεις. Παράκληση: σταμάτα το εδώ. Ξέρω ότι έχεις δίκιο, αλλά ....
  5. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by maria_gr View Post
    Also, i think that albania is not a threat for Greece. Maybe is for you, but not for us. Albania now is so weak so relies on us. We build schools ana hospitals in Albania. They have not the means to hurt us. You're talking about religion. Well, religion for me is not a criterion for the heart and the goodness of someone. Personally, I know good muslims and bad muslims, good orthodox and bad orthodox. And please believe me, I know enough albanians to undestand that there are good albanians and bad albanians. So don't put them all in the same sack. If you do this, then you're just a racist. Do you want to be a racist? I don't wanna be. Because racism doesn't progress us, but it drives us centuries back. Do you want this? Do you want people to behave like animals and not as civilized human beings? I love Albanians, I love Bulgarians, I love Turks, I love all the good people despite of their colour, their tribe, their religion. So I don't think that Albania is a threat and if you believe in the goodness of people then albanians are not a threat for you too.
    Milosh, please forgive me! I didn't know that you are Serbian! Do you live in Kosovo? I know that Serbians in Kosovo suffer from Albanians. If you live there then you must know that greeks support you and we help you. I'm really sorry. You don't know how I feel now!!!!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  6. milosh's Avatar

    milosh said:


    ok...i'll start now...
    but i can't write on english because i dont write it very well....maria try to find someone to translate you....

    prvo sve o grcima i grckoj znam jer je obozavam kao zemlju i kao narod koji je meni veoma interesantan...o grckoj ja mogu tebi da pricam iako ne zivim tu a sto se tice istorije mozes samo da mi vredjas intelekt....
    da vi cinite jednu veliku nepravdu prema makedoniji....Makedonija postoji vec odavno i pravno medjunarodno je priznata od svih drzava sveta sem jedne...njenog suseda Grcke u cijem sastavu je "nekada" bila...
    makedonci vama ne mogu nista jer ste ekonoski razvijenija zemlja i tretirate je kao nekakvu rulju...a ona to ne zasluzuje...znam da su makedonci bili samo "vase" pleme....ali zapamti da je filip dosao u grcku i ujedinio je sa "makedonijom"....pazi da nije bilo njega i Aleksandra siguran sam da bi od grcke ostalo samo par filozofa....a sto se tice filozofije...da bi neko mogao da filozofira po psiholoskom redosledu njegovi osnovni motivi moraju da budu zadovoljeni tj da ima, hranu, vodu... ali kad se to zadovolji tek onda mogu da nastupe visi misaoni motivi...sto dokazuje da su cak i filozofi nastali u vreme aleksandra makedonskog....a ako cemo da sezemo daleko u proslost grcka je nastala od plemena tako kao i danas Kosovo kako kazu ima pravo na samoopredelenje zasto ne bi i makedonski narod to imao????
    i nista nije apsurdno...
    i pokusaj da shvatis da postoje ljudi koji mnogo znaju o necemu vise nego ti i nemoj da ti bude zao mene...vec postoji istina a ona je prava jedino ako saberes i oduzmes sve cinjenice a jedna od njih je da je Aleksandar bio Makedonac..i ovde niko ne krade istoriju drugima vec zele samo da dokazu da postoje i drugacije cinjenice...
    A SAMO SANJAJ da Albanija nije pretnja grckoj....ti nemas pojma sta se desava u tvojoj drzavi sa Epirom, za istocnim delovima prema turskoj....polako muslimani postaju vecina u vasoj drzavi i zapitaj se koliko albanaca ima kad ceo grad moze da nosi albansko ima JANJINA jer siguran sam da to nije grcka rec...ona nama jeste pretnja isto koliko i vama...zato treba da ujedinimo snage protiv nje....a sto se tice religi cemo ovako ... " budalo moja pa zbog koga i cega se vode ratovi, ne zbog zena, ne zbog novca nego zbog religije i njenih ideala, pa ti mislis da ce te braniti komsija albanac u ratu??? Hoce morgen, ima prvom prilikom da te ubije....jer pazi sta ti kazem u ratu se gube prijateljstva i svi gledaju samo na svoj opstanak...." ja znam sta govorim jer ovo je bilo iz iskustva....vidim kako volite turke ako ih volite sto im ne date malo ostrva u egejskom moru, sto im ne dozovilite pravo na Kipar???? pa da li ti mislis da li oni tebe vole??? oni te mrze samo zato sto nisi njihova...Ja nisam racista ja samo govorim cinjenice....
    a sto se tice tog ponasanja kao zivotinje....mozes samo da se prisetis kako su nas a i vas mucili turci nabijanjem na kolac i ti sad hoces da im oprostis 400 ili 500 godina robovanja tvog naroda???? pravo mesto ti je draga moja MESSOLOGION...
    imas ti jako veliki problem jer ne mozes da prihvatis da postoje i drugacija razmisljanja od tvog...i niko se ne igra sa istorijom...
    ti ne treba nikog da zalis jer treba da se stidis jer se grcka prodala za saku novca...prodala je svoj bozic koji se slavi 25 decembra, prodala je svoje dostojanstvo i ne zasluzujete da se zovete vise pravoslavcima...
    ha ajde se igramo istorije i jezika malo!!!
    zasto je grcka pobedija persijsku vojsku kod SALAMINE????
    i samo da ti kazem da mi ovde imamo najbolje obrazovanje na svetu pa ako mozes da se setis ko ti je omogucio struju????? Nikola Tesla (srbin)...
    a to vase filozofiranje je samo gubljenje vremena i presipanje iz supljeg u prazno....
    ko si ti da sudis da mi ne zasluzujemo nista??????????????
    sreca sto ne zivim na kosovu...eto ti primer tvog civilizovanog ponasanja i oni su nama oduzeli teritoriju pa i oni nama kradu istoriju...jer da nije bilo cara dusana ne bi bilo ni njih...
    ja samo kazem utuvi sebi u glavu da moras sacuvati svoju religiju i svoj narod jer ti nikad ne mozes opstati kao jedinka...
    ja tebe ne mrzim vec obozava tebe i tvoj znam ni sam zbog cega ali se moras pomiriti sa cinjenicom da samo svoj svome dobro misli...i kazem ti da ako je moguce da ce makedonija prekrstiti svoje ime samo radi svoje sigurnosti jer i oni imaju problema sa albancima... moras malo da se raspitas o svemu...
    ko moze neka joj prvede na grcki ili engleski!!!

    kisses my dear Maria

    Maria me ta kitrina
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Ton antra sou i ton gitona

    Maria me ta kitrina
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Ton antra sou i ton gitona

    Ton antra mou ton agapo
    Ton gitona kalitera
    Ton antra mou ton agapo
    Ton gitona kalitera

    Maria me ta kitrina
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Ton antra sou i ton gitona

    Maria me ta kitrina
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Ton antra sou i ton gitona

    Na ginei o antras marmaro
    Ki'o gitonas trianfilo
    Yia na pato sto marmaro
    Na kobo to triantafilo

    Maria me ta kitrina
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Ton antra sou i ton gitona

    Maria me ta kitrina
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Ton antra sou i ton gitona
    La lalala...

    Maria me ta kitrina
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Pion agapas kalitera
    Ton antra sou i ton gitona

    Last edited by milosh; 05-29-2007 at 04:29 PM.
  7. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    I translated what Milosh has said in the last text...So here it is....literal translation for all Greeks that don't understand Serbian..I guess for all...

    First all about Greeks and Greece coz I adore it like country and people that is very interesting for me..
    About Greece I can talk to you though I don't live there, while about history u can just insult my intellect.
    You are doing great injustice towards Macedonia..Macedonia exists long time ago and it is legally recognized from all the countries except one, it neighbor Greece in which composition she was "onetime"
    Macedonians can't do anything to u,coz u r economically developed country and u treat her like some scum.
    and it doesn't deserve that..I know that Macedonians were "your" tribe but remember that Filip came in Greece and united it with "Macedonia"
    if it wasn't him and Alexander I'm sure that from Greece there would have left only few philosophers and speaking of philosophy..if someone could philosophy on psychological way his basic needs must be:
    to have food, water..but when that will be acomplished then others motivations can start..
    that approves that even the philosophers were 'made' from the time of Alexander and if we go in the past Greece was made from some tribes like Kosovo today,who say have right for self-determination..why then the Macedonian people can't have that
    And nothing isn't absurd...
    and try to understand that there are people that know much more about something then you, and don't be sorry for me, there is truth, and it is the real one only if you add and deprive the facts,and one of them is that Alexander was Macedonian..and no one here is steeling history to the others just want to prove that there are other circumstances(facts)..
    and JUST DREAM that Albania isn't treat to have no idea what is going on in your country about Epir or the east part towards Turkey..little by little the muslims are becoming more in your country and ask yourself how many Albanians there are if one city may have Albanian name JANJINA because I'm sure it isn't Greek name..they are treat to us as mush as to we should all unite against them, and talking about religion....." fool, well for who the wars are conducting, not for women, not for money, but for religion and its ideals, so you think that u will be protected by ur Albanian neighbor??? No way, he will take the first chance to kill u..coz look what I'm saying,,in wars u loose friendship and all look how to survive" ...I know what I'm talking coz this was from experience..i see how u love if u love them why don't u give them little island in the sea, why don't u give them right on Cyprus??? Well do u think they love u??? they hate u only because u aren't theirs..I'm not racist..just telling the facts...
    and talking about that behaving like animals..u can recall how they and torture us and u..and now u want to forgive them 400 or 500 years of despotism under ur people???? the right place for u dear its MESSOLOGION...
    u have really big problem because u cant accept that there are other thinkings then yours...and no one is playing with history..
    u don't need to feel sorry for no one.u should be ashamed coz Greece sold itself for little money..she sold Christmas that u celebrate at 25th of Dec..she sold its dignity and u don't deserve to call yourself orthodox anymore
    hey...lets play history and language little bit!!!
    Why did Greece won against Persian army at SALAMINE???
    and just to let u know that we here have the best education in the world and if u can recall..who give u the electricity?? Nikola Tesla (Serbian)
    and that philosophy of urs is just waste of time..who are u to judge and say we don't deserve anything???????
    lucky that I don't live in Kosovo...which is example of this so called civilized Albanians of they took our territory and they steal our history...coz if there wasn't king Dusan..they wouldn't exist....
    I'm juts saying..put that in ur mind..that u must keep ur religion..and ur people..coz u can never survive alone...
    i don't hate u nor ur country..i adore it..i don't know but u must understand that everyone thinks the good for itself only...and I'm saying to u that if it is possible that Macedonia change its name it does for its safety coz they have problems with Albanians as well..u must ask about everything...
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  8. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    I said to Tzina that I won't talk for this subject anymore. I think this is my last time...

    Firstly, I didn't say that you deserve nothing, I was talking personally, because lydia insulted me. She doesn't know a single thing about me. So I think that I don't deserve such treatment.

    About our culture, the greek culture, if it didn't exist, then europe wouldn't be like its current form. If greek culture didn't exist, then maybe you and me and all the others wouldn't be here to share our opinions. If greek culture didn't exist, people would die from illnesses. Don't you know that the greek culture is the base of the european? That's why I called you uneducated, sometimes philosophy is more important than other things. If Ippokrates didn't say all this things, maybe medicine wouldn't be so proressed today.

    Maybe I'm a dreamer, I want to believe in the good side of people. You can't deny that there are good Albanians and bad Albanians, as there are good Serbians and bad Serbians, good Greek and bad Greeks. Anyway, I don't think that people are responsible, but governments. Maybe are a little, cause people elect the governments. These are who fanaticize people with propaganda. Yes, I love Turks as I love Bulagrians, Albanians, you, Romanians and all the good people.

    I'm christian orthodox and believe me I'm very proud. I just said that religion is not a criterion of being good or bad. Being muslims doesn't show that someone is bad and being orthodow doesn't show that someone is good. But if someone try to change my religion, be sure that i'll fight to death.

    I'll say one last thing about ''Macedonia'' here. The name is legelly recognized from the other nations only because the land that you live know once was Maceonia. That's a fact and nobody can deny it. Parts of Greece (52,4%), Bulagaria (10%), FYROM (38%) once was Macedonia. But this doesn't make you Macedonians. If you want to believe it, do it, but someday the truth will shine. Ancient greeks had a matto, nothing can hide from the sun shine.
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  9. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    One last thing and end of discussion. Here are some facts...

    ''There are three theories for the etymology of the name Macedonia. According to ancient Greek mythology, Macedon was the name of the first phylarch (tribal chief in Greek) of the tribe that initially settled western, southern and central Macedonia and founded the kingdom of Macedon. Αccording to Herodotus, the Makednoí were a tribe of the Dorians.[3] The name probably derives from the adjective μακεδνός makednós, meaning "tall", which Homer uses for a poplar tree,[4] and which the grammarian Hesychius of Alexandria records as a Doric word meaning "large" or "heavenly"[5] It has been commonly suggested that both the Macedonians (Makedónes) and their Makednoí tribal ancestors were regarded as tall people.[6] A third hypothesis suggests that the name Makedónes may mean "highlanders", from an unattested ancient Macedonian bahuvrihi *μακι-κεδόνες *maki-kedónes "of the high earth".[7] According to the World Book Encyclopedia, the names Macedonia and Macedonians derive from the Greek word Macednon which means high — a reference to the group's mountainous homeland.'' In my ancient greek dictionary there is the word makednos which mean tall, high. So makedonas is someone who is tall or another meaning is the one who lives in a highland. Does makednos mean anything in your language?
    Alexandros is an ancient greek name. It comes from alexo (=send away, repulse, deter) + anir (=man). So Alexandros is the man who repulses the other men. Does Alexandros have a meaning in your language?
    Filippos is an ancient greek name too. It comes from filos (=friend) + ippos (=horse). So Filippos is the man who loves horses or riding.

    Macedonian dialect

    Macedonians are a branch of the Doric tribe according to Herodotus. The Macedonian dialect is a mixture of northern-west and aioli dialect.

    Some of its characteristics are:
    -ending –issa
    -ending –ka instead of –te (in western Macedonia), ex.. toca-tote, poca-pote, oka-ote (this is a characteristic of Doric dialect too)
    -st from sth

    And please visit this adress!
    Fallacies and Facts about Macedonia
    If you believe you're macedonians after this, then what else can I say? You would be so stubborn...
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  10. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:
  11. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    I can do that as well...

    Why Macedonia and the Macedonians had Never been Greek?
    Alexander the Great (Alexander of Macedon) Biography
    Macedonia FAQ
    The Invincible Macedeonian Phalanx

    Now, if you still continue with posting things related with Macedonia, then you must be really silly
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  12. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Well done! Very impressive! Non Greeks with Greek names. That's so inconsistent! Alexandros, Filippos, Aristotelis, Amintas, Perdikas, Antigonos, Pafsanias, Selefkos and much more!!! If you were a little bit smart you would understand it cause we said many times what these names mean in our language.

    Publications without signature? How can we know that's a scientific statment? You think that you are historian, but you don't behave like one. Anybody can tell anything about any subject and can write articals without being a scientist! If strongly believe in his statments he must put a signature, to tell his name and his profession!

    Where are the proofs? I didn't see anything! In contrary I saw you facts. Not only facts of modern scientists who they don't afraid to put their names, but also proofs of ancient greek writers. Herodotus, Hesiodos, Stravon etc. If you don't belive them, then you're so blind.

    P.S.1 Erase the name Macedonia from your location. You must respect the others. You can have your opinion, but it's not right to provoke the others. I DON'T ASK IT, I DEMAND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S.2 If you don't know it the mother of Alexander, Olimpiada, was greek. So if Macedonians weren't greeks (but they were), Alexander was half Greek. You're so funny!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  13. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    And another thing. Where were you all of these years? You suddenly understood that you are Macedonians in 1944 with the ''mad'' Tito? He just said that you are the descendants of ancient macedonians and he began his propaganda!

    We knew it from always.

    You're just slavs, I'm sorry!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  14. tzina772000's Avatar

    tzina772000 said:


    End It
  15. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Τελείωσε ήδη. Τζίνα μου, ό,τι είπαμε είπαμε.

    I don't want to continue this arguement.
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  16. phyllis said:


    I’m sorry guys..I just couldn’t help dropping by into this thread as a “barbarian, greedy, savage Turk (!!!)” I thought this whole picture of SHAME you’ve been creating here wouldn’t be complete without me!! If I really were a being as described above, if WE Turks really were, I guess, this three-page thread would be the perfect place for me to be in. (still, no offence to some of you…) My heart is aching on seeing young people being so obsessed with the deeds of the past, being unable to free themselves of some prejudices of the past, insisting on judging the whole of a nation as good or bad. No nation should forever be held responsible for whatever had happened in the past. People make mistakes, governments make wrong decisions and sometimes it’s nobody’s fault, it’s just the way things happen when war comes onto the stage. What matters is to be sensible and alert, to never lose our common sense, and to learn lessons from the past . Isn’t it so ironic that the children of an area where war has destroyed so many lives and led to so many tragedies for centuries can still and still be so war-oriented, so hostile, so biased???? Haven’t you, haven’t we all had enough of pain????
    Τα λόγια του χτες, ψυχούλα μου
    Έφυγαν μαζί με το χτες
    Τώρα πρέρει να πούμε καινούρια λόγια
  17. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Beloved Phyllis.

    Firstly, we have nothing with Turks. If you wanna know, personally, I love you so much! Nobody said that you are barbarians, cruel or something like this. Past is past and nobody can change it. I like to look forward, to ''fight'' for a better future. But the Macedonian issue it's not past. It's a current problem. And this situation offends us, because some ''cunning'' people try to steal a part of our history. If you were in our position what you would do? I believe the same. You would ''fight'' for your rights. So all the greeks and especially macedonians ''fight'' for the right to call themselves macedonians. Cause macedonians were greek. If you think that this behaviour is childish, then yes, I'm a child who tries to find his right in an unfair world.

    Tesekkür ederim
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  18. milosh's Avatar

    milosh said:


    """"And another thing. Where were you all of these years? You suddenly understood that you are Macedonians in 1944 with the ''mad'' Tito? He just said that you are the descendants of ancient macedonians and he began his propaganda!

    We knew it from always.

    You're just slavs, I'm sorry!"""""

    you dont have permition to say anything for Tito...

    but this turk guy has lost his mind...he and his people, when you considered what they were doing to us they deserte to be destroyed long time ago...
    i think like germans....
  19. tzina772000's Avatar

    tzina772000 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by phyllis View Post
    “barbarian, greedy, savage Turk (!!!)”
    who described you as such?????????????

    You have a different coulture from mine, but that doesn't make you (or anyone else that has a different coulture from mine) a savage (or greedy or barbarian). And it doesn't depend much on were you come from. There are many Greeks that are savages, believe you would loose any idea you have of us if you saw them.
    Apart from that the eastern coulture (meaning Turkish and Arab) have many wonderful things to show us. I heard that the Top Kapi, the market (of which I don't remember the name), and a moschea in Instanbul are very beautiful places (apart the language, the girls(some friends of mine mentione it veeeery often), and the food)
  20. penny's Avatar

    penny said:


    I believe the same I'm greek and however we have been through a lot of things in the past from turks we don't hate you, we know all the bad is from the goverment not the people. if we could deside nothing would have happened and also we have done horrible things, as maria said there are bad and good people not greek, tyrkish, german,.......and so on!!!