Looking for the name of a Techno song

Thread: Looking for the name of a Techno song

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  1. Moiraine_Sedai said:

    Smile Looking for the name of a Techno song

    Hello! I've had this particular techno song stuck in my head for a few days now, and I'd really like to know who it's by so that I can download it, =P A few of the lyrics go somethig like this: "I want to be free...do you feel free?"

    also, this song is used in a World of Warcraft video: YouTube - Nihilum - Al'ar the Phoenix God (1/2)

    It's the very first song in the video. No one seems to know what it's called, =(
  2. musicgirl_28 said:


    Free - By Tillmann Uhrmacher (feat. Peter Ries)
    YouTube - Tillmann Uhrmacher feat. Peter Ries - FREE