Translation from Swedish to English

Thread: Translation from Swedish to English

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  1. Littleelf said:

    Post Translation from Swedish to English

    -Sjung endast sånger som passarr in, och endast de som finns i sånghäftet om ett sådant finns.
    -Solosång uppskattas sällan, undantag är de som faktiskt har en sångröst. Försörk däför at hålla ditt sjungande kopplat till den tidpunkt då alla andra sjunger.
    -Helst bör du även sjunga samma sång som resten av sällskapet, och bara en melodi åt gången.
    -Även om du har en favoritsång och vill sjunga den månger gånger är det inte säkert att alla andra tycker den är lika bra. Var dessutom ödjmjuk och försök förstå varför all envisas med att ha just den sång du hatar i varenda sittningshäfte.

    If someone could help me translate this I would be most grateful! It's for a Swedish work party!
  2. Pepi said:


    [About] Singing:
    -Sing only songs suitable for the occasion, and only those that are in the songbook, if one exists.
    -Singing a solo is rarely appreciated, an exception exists for those who actually possess a good singing voice. Therefore try to do your singing at the same time as everybody else.
    -Preferably you should sing the same song as everybody else, and you should keep to only one melody.
    -Even if you have a favorite song and you want to sing that song many times, it is not entirely certain that everybody else will find it as good as you do. Also be humble and try to understand why everybody always insist on having the one song you hate in every song booklet.


    Hmmm, if it's for a Swedish work party, why the need for it to be in English...? I'd assume the guests would understand the lingo.

    Also, a comment about the last part of the text. It literally says "sitting booklet" but I've never heard of such a thing and have no idea what they're referring to, so I thought the author must have meant either "songbook" or "song booklet". Change at will.

    HTH, and good luck with the party. :-)
  3. Littleelf said:

    Smile Swedish to English translation

    Thank you so very much!!
    The reason it needs to be translated is that there will be a lot of non-swede's (like me) there!

    I really appreciate this! Thank you!