Need to know artist and name of hip-hop song

Thread: Need to know artist and name of hip-hop song

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  1. chimbada said:

    Default Need to know artist and name of hip-hop song

    Hey everyone,

    Heard a song at a dance and I can't find out who sings it. It's some sort of rap/hip-hop group. The lyrics are something like

    "from the sweatshop/ to the wall/ to the...../ down to my...../mother f******"

    definitely explicit, but I can't really remember any of of the other lyrics.

  2. Mello614 said:


    It could be 'get low' by lil jon and the eastside boys. That's the only thing that sounded close to me. Good luck.
  3. chimbada said:

    Default Thanx!!!

    Yeah that was it. I've been trying to figure out what that song was for 2 months. lol. Thanks for your help. I didn't even get the lyrics right except for the "to the...down to my." Very good job identifying it.