Learning Bulgarian language

Thread: Learning Bulgarian language

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  1. Zise_ti_zoi's Avatar

    Zise_ti_zoi said:


    Quote Originally Posted by panselinos View Post
    Guys, if you want non-Bulgarian speakers to understand you, don't use the letter "q" for the sound "ya". "Ходя" should be "hodya", not "hodq". Try to pronounce it. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it.
    This is something only Bulgarians understand, simply because "я" is positioned on the key "q" on the phonetic keyboard (it doesn't correspond with any Latin letter). The other people have no idea about this, and you get them confused.

    Bulgarian "B" corresponds rather with Latin "V", as in "very", not with "w".

    If you really want to help, take into consider the fact that not everybody knows the peculiarities of the Bulgarian "shlyokavitsa".

    Then what to do with the peculiarities, here in arabian, cause those numbers doesn't make more sense, that the bulgarian "q" to me ?

    2ana yalli b7ebak wa7di 2ana 2ana yalli bridak liya 2ana 2ana yalli b3omri beb2a 2ana 3ala wa3di ya wa3di lawa7di 2ana 3ala wa3di ya wa3di wa7di 2ana 2ana yalli b3omri beb2a 2ana 2ana yalli bridak liya 2ana 2ana yalli b7ebak wa7di 2ana
    el hawa ya 7abibi el hawa 2asrar 7iri w ghiri w chaw2 w nar btess2al kif bghar 3layk w 2albak 3alam 2albi yghar
    el denyi bte7la w 2ana wayak ghayar 3omri bla7za hawak ma kan 2albi bya3rif 7ob wala 3endou ghali lawalak
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  2. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    What does Arabic have to do with it? We're talking about Bulgarian here, aren't we.
    And since English is lingua franca, our explanations should conform to it.

    Съвсем сериозно, наистина изглежда нелепо. Съгласи се, че никой не е длъжен да знае каква, аджеба, ни е фонетичната клавиатурна подредба. Всеки, който види едно q, съвсем основателно мисли, че иде реч за някакъв странен и непроизносим звук. Как ти изглежда "prqk"?
    Нали уж идеята е да се помогне на хора, неразбиращи български, да се запознаят с езика?

    А за арабския грижа имат арабите. Тази тема е за български.
  3. Zise_ti_zoi's Avatar

    Zise_ti_zoi said:


    Ами тя хубаво, че е за български, но и на мен ми е толкова непонятно, колкото на тях "q" - то явно, защо се използват тези цифри. Няма значение.
    P.S.: I hope I DID helped anyway.
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  4. rsiscar's Avatar

    rsiscar said:


    blagodarya zise ti zoi, it helped. I can read in cyrillic so I understood ok. I'm having hard time conjugating though specially the ones with "q or ya" endings.
  5. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    rsiscar, no word ends with "q".
    Bulgarians type that out of habit, because on the Bulgarian phonetic keyboard layout the letter Я is positioned on the key Q. As simple as that.

    Играя /Igraya
    Помня /Pomnq

    It's one and the same letter - Я, and one and the same sound - YA.

    Just like "blagodarya" (благодаря). You may see it typed as blagodarq, too.

    It was what Zise_ti_zoi and I were talking about. I suggest we avoid q's for ya and c's for ts, 'cause it gets everybody confused.

    Zise_ti_zoi, както ние използваме 4 и 6, в гръцкия също се използват цифри, за буквата тита например - pa8os. Или пък w за омега. Макар да ми е навик да пиша така, във форума за гръцки преводи се старая всячески да го избягвам. Мъничко егоистично е, като се замислиш. :Р Ако хората бяха посветени в мистериите на шльокавиците, нямаше да се обръщат към нас за помощ.

    P.S. И на мен арабският, изпъстрен с тия цифри, ми е вселенска загадка. Затуй не ща да съм от такава "помощ" за хората, които желаят да се запознаят с красивия ни език.
  6. Pemberley's Avatar

    Pemberley said:


    hahaha like that!
    it means "****in' boring" which is expressing boredom in a "colourful" way with "ebati"
  7. Constantine said:


    Zdravei na vsi4ki tuk! Az sam ot Gurciq i mnogo haresvam bulgaria, horata i ezika! Nadqvam se 4e 4rez tozi forum 6e imam 6ans da nau4a da govoriq podobre bulgarski..!!!

  8. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    Γεια σου, φίλε Κωνσταντίνε.
    Γράφεις τόσο καλά, που νόμιζα ότι είσαι βούλγαρος. Αλήθεια σου λέω.

    Χαίρομαι πολύ που είσαι στην παρέα μας. Καλώς όρισες.
  9. zaleza's Avatar

    zaleza said:


    izvinqsam se no iskam da pitam neshto.Vinagi chuvam edna duma ot bulgarski pesni.Kakvo e "стене", ne znam? Koi shte mi pazkazva? Ne moga da razbra.

    "стене душата неприютена"
    "Ти никога няма да знаеш че душата плаче и стене"

    dano da me razbira koito shte mi dade otgovor. zashtoto ne moga oshte da govorq dobre izvinqvam se
  10. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Your bulgarian is really good bravo ...
    "стене" is like groan
    "Ти никога няма да знаеш че душата плаче и стене"
    you will never know, that the soul is crying and groaning

    I hope you got the point )
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKRrADJ7j3E
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  11. Sherine's Avatar

    Sherine said:


    who wants to teach me Bulgarian?
    شيريني كان فين هواك من بدرى يا حبيبى وكل ده فينانا من قبلك انا عايشه مع العايشين
    بكلم نفسى من الوحده بقالى سنينودلوقتى ولا بعمل حساب بعدينودلوقتى عرفت ابدأ حياتى منين
  12. sweety_09's Avatar

    sweety_09 said:


    i think all of the guys who are here are so kind and won't refuseMe too... If you have any questions ask..although i don't think i can be the best teacher :P
    Само слабите се стремят към порядък-силните владеят хаоса
  13. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Yep I agree with sweety_09 if you have any questions just ask and I am sure somebody from here will help you
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKRrADJ7j3E
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  14. Sherine's Avatar

    Sherine said:


    thanks all..... ok i will post questions later when i not at work :P
    شيريني كان فين هواك من بدرى يا حبيبى وكل ده فينانا من قبلك انا عايشه مع العايشين
    بكلم نفسى من الوحده بقالى سنينودلوقتى ولا بعمل حساب بعدينودلوقتى عرفت ابدأ حياتى منين
  15. Guzel2030 said:


    Wow, that is so wonderful how similar russian and bulgarian languages are!!!! I however noticed some words like in turkish... I hope i can master bulgarian quickly noting similar points with russian lang.
    Are there any forms for participle and adverbial participle?
  16. Zise_ti_zoi's Avatar

    Zise_ti_zoi said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Guzel2030 View Post
    Wow, that is so wonderful how similar russian and bulgarian languages are!!!! I however noticed some words like in turkish... I hope i can master bulgarian quickly noting similar points with russian lang.
    Are there any forms for participle and adverbial participle?
    Hi there Guzel!
    Yes, there are!
    Past unfinished participles. There are two types of them:
    * Acting one /Деятелно причастие - Deyatelno prichastie/
    * Real one /Действително причастие - Deistwitelno prichastie/
    In the first one, for example we take the word say /Kазвам; Kazwam/

    In past unfinished tense: Kазвах / Kazwah
    Imperfect ground: Kазва / Kazwa
    In Masculine: Kазвал / Kazwal
    In Feminine: Казвала / Кazwala
    In Neuter: Казвало / Kazwalo
    In Plural: Казвали / Kazwali

    For the use of, the closest example I can give to you are the fairy tales. Otherwise, we here in Bulgaria, call it Преизказно наклонение / Preizkazno naklonenie.
    About the Adverbial participle, I can't understand good what you have on mind
    Maybe you're talking about something like the:
    Adverbal explanation /Обстоятелствено пояснение - Obstoyatelstweno poyasnenie?

    Last edited by Zise_ti_zoi; 05-20-2008 at 11:45 AM.
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  17. Guzel2030 said:


    Zise_ti_zoi, thanks a lot! I found it pretty helpful I have two more questons:
    1) how would i say: I used to get very tired TRYING to work more than i could
    2) The book WRITTEN by my friend got lots of appreciations.
    I would be really happy if someone could translate these two for me.... Thanks in advance
  18. Zise_ti_zoi's Avatar

    Zise_ti_zoi said:


    Well, for the first one, you must say:
    1. Много се изморявах, ОПИТВАЙКИ СЕ да работя повече от колкото мога. / Mnogo se izmoryawah, OPITWAJKI SE da rabotq poweche ot kolkoto moga.

    2. Книгата НАПИСАНА от моя приятел, получи много признания. / Knigata NAPISANA ot moya priyatel, poluchi mnogo priznaniya.

    Here you go!

    If you have some more questions feel free to ask.
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  19. Guzel2030 said:


    Wow, thanks a loooot! I couldnt expect you to reply that fast!!! *winks* i was not sure about the first one but its alright now.

    Oh, it is really nice of you *blush blush* i will defo need your help cos there is still loads of stuff i have to learn!!!

  20. Zise_ti_zoi's Avatar

    Zise_ti_zoi said:


    No problem I'll be pleased to help you all.
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