Learning Romanian language

Thread: Learning Romanian language

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  1. Don't Die Nemecsek's Avatar

    Don't Die Nemecsek said:


    Oh! Now I understand where I have made a mistake. Milan Baros is a Czech citizen so in their language -I suppose- they write it with a sign above "s", "Baroš" but I thought it was Romanian. Baroş then. My bad. So I have learnt that Turkish is not the only language with a "ş". Thank you very much for the clarification dya
  2. dya said:


    You're welcome Yes, actually, both Turkish and Romanian have this "ş", so I'm sure you understood it

    P. S. I don't know about Barosbut Tamaș is Romanian, though
  3. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Mersi mult pentru tot, prietenii mei!

  4. dya said:


    DeBaires, this is for you

  5. wolver99's Avatar

    wolver99 said:
  6. dya said:


    Thank you, wolver The same to you
  7. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Oh Dya, mersi mult!
  8. faratine said:


    alta intrebare: cum spuneti "to wish" si "wishes"? in italiano "augurare" si "auguri"?
    de exemplu: ti auguro un nuovo anno felice? I wish you a happy new year?
  9. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    to wish = a ura

    wishes = urări and the singular wish = urare

    i wish you a happy new year = îţi urez un an nou fericit
  10. faratine said:


    multumesc foarte mult
  11. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    cu plăcere
  12. swatch's Avatar

    swatch said:


    "To wish" can also be translated as "a dori" (cames from the word "dorinţa" that means "wish""desire" etc.)
    And "i wish you a happy new year" can be "îţi doresc un an nou fericit".
  13. ZAn_Ton said:


    Sincer să fiu, sunt mirat de dorința acestor persoane de a invăța limba română, dar in același timp sunt și fericit, pentru că văd că mai este transmisă mai departe limba noastră, dar și de faptul că își dau silința de a învăța o limbă care este puțin cam grea [ca să nu spun chiar grea] și care nu prea îi ajută, mă refer mai mult la cei de peste ocean. Sunt curios cum au reușit să pronunțe literele care sunt se regăsesc și in alfabetul lor [pe lângă "ș" și "ț" care se pot asocia cu anumite cuvinte din limba lor] dar și cum au reușit să pronunțe grupurile "ce" "ci" "ghe" "ghi", fără un profesor după care să repete, dar și celelalte probleme de gramatică - știți voi... [e]

    Ca să rezum, aveți tot respectul meu pentru ce faceți, nu numai "învățăceilor" dar și "profesorilor" care îi ajută.


    PS: Nu știu dacă v-ați dat seama, dar sunt un mare patriot, susțin lb. română, dacă pot sa zic așa și de aceea îmi place foarte mult când văd că este transmisă mai departe.

    Acum să nu spuneți că il susțin pe Vadim și că nu doresc schimbare, actualizarea limbii și altele, intelegeți voi...

  14. IMissPadfoot's Avatar

    IMissPadfoot said:


    Ok, so I just went through all 24 pages picking up tips on learning Romanian - you guys rock for being so helpful! Thank you!!
  15. rudaire said:


    To everyone studying romanian....

    I've found a great way to 'listen' to romanian is on analogtv.ro. You can first read interesing news articles of many types, and then watch short videos of many of the articles, where what is spoken is often word for word the same as what is written. I don't know about you, but i've become much much more proficient at reading romanian, to where I can read many of the articles there without looking up words. But it is still extremely difficult for me (or impossible) to follow romanian conversations as I listen. This site is nice because not only can you watch the same clip over and over, but you can read the words as well, which will help you understand what you are actually hearing..

    Hope this helps..

    also wwi tv has 43 romanian channels, over half of which I can get to work.

  16. willdawg840 said:

    Wink Article Site

    Hi all.. haven't posted anything for awhile..

    Wouldn't this site require one to have background in the language to be able to even understand it.. sure there are cognates (as with all the languages in the world it seems).. but that only helps in getting very simple parts of the articles.

    I will give credit for the fact that hearing/reading simultaneously helps.. but like you said, it wouldn't be good for conversations

    Just thought I would add my input to something (even though it's the last comment of this thread at the moment.
  17. ancaangie said:


    I'm new here and I have a question about translation of these words

    "Te scuturi de praf si-ncepi sa te ridici."
    can I translate it like that - "you'll shake the dust and start to rise."

    or in some other way?
  18. IMissPadfoot's Avatar

    IMissPadfoot said:


    I have a question also - I have a book about learning Romanian, and there is a list of colours

    for example - alb, alba, albi, albe
    negru, neagra, negri, negre
    rosu, rosie, rosii
    verde, verzi

    Can anyone please tell me why there are so many different variations for each colour?
  19. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by IMissPadfoot View Post
    I have a question also - I have a book about learning Romanian, and there is a list of colours

    for example - alb, alba, albi, albe
    negru, neagra, negri, negre
    rosu, rosie, rosii
    verde, verzi

    Can anyone please tell me why there are so many different variations for each colour?
    Because these are adjectives, alb is the masculine of singular and albă is the feminine of singular. The other two, albi and albe, are the plural forms. The same goes to the others as well.
    I'm not sure about verde though, I think that both masculine and feminine gender have the same form in singular and plural, but for sure a native will explain it better.
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  20. dya said:


    Quote Originally Posted by IMissPadfoot View Post
    I have a question also - I have a book about learning Romanian, and there is a list of colours

    for example - alb, alba, albi, albe
    negru, neagra, negri, negre
    rosu, rosie, rosii
    verde, verzi

    Can anyone please tell me why there are so many different variations for each colour?
    Colours are adjectives. In Romanian, the adjective has the same characteristics as the noun it accompanies.

    What you found are the feminine and masculine, singular and plural forms of each word.

    perete(wall) is masculine, singular so white wall=perete alb
    casă(house) is feminine and singular so white house= casă albă

    pereți(walls) is masculine and plural so white walls= pereți albi
    case(houses) is feminine and plural so white houses = case albe

    If you have further questions write them here