usher remix

Thread: usher remix

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  1. 99gagt said:

    Default usher remix

    I have been looking for this song for over a year now, and I heard it again and can't find it. It has the backbeat of "usher- yeah" and they say... I think... "get up, get up, get get up, clap your hands, stomp your feet"

    Any ideas... Thanks a lot!
  2. jaz (I'm back!!)'s Avatar

    jaz (I'm back!!) said:


    I think the song is a "Usher - Yeah (Rmx) by Drunken Munky"

    Here's the song, but wrong video: YouTube - USHER VS. DRUNKEN MUNKY MASH-UP & MOTORBIKE STUNTS
  3. 99gagt said:


    you are awesome... thank you so much!
  4. jaz (I'm back!!)'s Avatar

    jaz (I'm back!!) said:


    You're welcome