Summer of Lights - please rate this its my first song

Thread: Summer of Lights - please rate this its my first song

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  1. ksip87 said:

    Unhappy Summer of Lights - please rate this its my first song

    This will be a summer to remember
    Do you promise me that?
    That’s all I ask

    The sun on my back never felt so sweet
    Like the taste of your lips or the popsicles you (loved to) eat
    I wish I could hit pause and stay like this forever

    Fireworks and a hint of a smile in the darkness
    Those little bits of light are what keeps us alive
    So why not make this a summer of love, a summer of lights
    Filled with blissful days and thrilling nights

    We hold hands down the road
    Walking never felt like flying before this moment
    As we make our way to the waves
    we soar

    Dewdrops and the morning sunrise
    Holding tight and never letting go
    Don’t leave me here

    I might die if you let me go

    Moonlight and your sparkling eyes
    Those little bits of light are what keeps us alive
    So why not make this a summer of love, a summer of lights
    Filled with blissful days and thrilling nights

    Don’t let go of my hand, my heart
    Keep my gaze forever
    Don’t let me fall apart

    Glimmers of happiness can make a spark
    And light up the nights
    Brighten up the dark

    This will be a summer to remember, as you once said
    I kissed you by the tree you love, and it felt as if heaven was on earth
    I kissed you back with everything I’m worth

    You sang and ran down the road and as I watched you
    I smiled more than ever before
    I want to stay here forever more

    In this summer

    Your eyes, your smile, your laugh your touch
    Those little bits of light are what keep me alive
    Don’t you forget this summer of love, this summer of lights
    Filled with blissful days and thrilling nights

    The magic glow of summer lights

    copyright k.s. 2007
  2. ksip87 said:

    Lightbulb PLEASE REPLY I NEED FEEDBACK summer of lights

    please reply and rate and stuff PLEASE.
    i need feedback positive or negative. i just want people to read this
  3. Trends_&_Makebelieve said:


    I liked it, it seems like not wanting to let go of love but having to against your will because summer drew to an end.
    People really could relate to this because everyones had a summer love. Everything is described beautifully.
    I especially liked the line "We hold hands down the road walking never felt like flying before this moment." I dont have anything bad to say about this at all.
    =] Keep writing.
    ~Dream to make believe~
  4. Silvia said:



    it's a very nice song, the kind that makes you cry, so I think I'd enjoy listening to it. Keep it up.
  5. Revenge said:


    Hmm, this line seemed to mess with the first stanza, and it also screwed the metre going. It lacked flow.

    Like the taste of your lips or the popsicles you (loved to) eat

    I don't have a problem with long songs, but this sounds like it would be...6-7 minutes, its just too long.

    Nice imagery though, that did stand out, I love your imagery.
  6. erin11 said:


    good work! this is great. but i do agree that it seems realllllly long.
  7. Krent_Calstro777's Avatar

    Krent_Calstro777 said:


    I have nothing bad to say this at al becuase it's very written and it give of powerful atmosphere, image, I like it alot, my assumption this song takes, 5 mins and 25 sec, give or take.
    Damning Reficul: Song is like singing from the light whilst the emotions can be so raw from the darkness.
  8. Liulkun's Avatar

    Liulkun said:


    hmm... really nice for a 1st song, nice beat... good ryme...
    thumbs up \,,/ (-.-)
    as for the length... (and this is my opinion) the longer the better, as long as you belive what you write, and never give in to the cridics
    Last edited by Liulkun; 11-20-2007 at 06:34 PM. Reason: burst of thought