daily spanish phrases,idioms,phrasal verbs

Thread: daily spanish phrases,idioms,phrasal verbs

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  1. Gozde said:

    Default daily spanish phrases,idioms,phrasal verbs

    Hello friends,i would like to learn a few spanish phrases or idioms and verbs like phrasal verbs that used much in daily speech ,etc. like '' get sb wrong'', ''burst into tears'', ''sell sb out of shame''.Thanks in advance!
  2. Luvya's Avatar

    Luvya said:


    get sb wrong - entender mal
    burst into tears - romper a llorar
    to sell sb out - apuñalar por la espalda -> literally = stab in the back

    hope that helps. i'm not a native speaker though, maybe someone should check it first =)
  3. bogazici86's Avatar

    bogazici86 said:


    I'm a Spanish lover and would like to learn it so much. That's very helpful, Gracias And I would like to learn more about Spanish language.
    *Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises-----
  4. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    I'll give you some phrases I like a lot.

    Estar sin blanca=I don't have money
    Coser y cantar=very easy
    Sacar de quicio=to get mad
    Echar una mano=to help
    Estar como un tren=to be very attractive/beautiful
    En el quinto pino=far away
    Patas arriba=untidy
    Tomar el pelo=to laugh at someone
    Ser aguafiestas=to ruin a feast when everybody have a great time
    Acostarse con las gallinas=to sleep very early
    Estar como un roble=to be healthy
    Ser pan comido=to be very easy
    Meter la pata=to make mistake
    Mala pata=bad luck
    Hablar por los codos=to speak very much
    Estar jamon=to be beautiful/pretty
    Estar en los huesos=to be skinny
    Estar de mala leche=to have bad mood
    Ser un gafe=to bring bad luck, jinx
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  5. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    Quebrarse la cabeza=to think a lot about something
    Quemarse las pestañas=to study very hard
    Costar/pagar las perlas de la virgen=to cost/to pay a lot of money
    Traer a alguien de un ala=to make someone crazy about you (love)
    Irse de pinta=to skip school
    Tomar al toro por los cuernos=to face a problem directly
    No tener lana=to be broke
    Estar hecho(a) un cuero=to be very sexy
    Estar salado=to have bad luck
    Andar de/ser pata de perro=to go a lot to places; to travel a lot
    Ser mala leche=to be someone who's full of envy and likes intriguing
    Tener la sangre pesada=to be someone with a negative aura
    Comer como pelón de hospicio=to eat veeeery much

    I hope I can think of some more later

    The phrases provided by Maria gr were a good inspiration!
  6. Gozde said:


    Quote Originally Posted by citlalli View Post
    Quebrarse la cabeza=to think a lot about something
    Quemarse las pestañas=to study very hard
    Costar/pagar las perlas de la virgen=to cost/to pay a lot of money
    Traer a alguien de un ala=to make someone crazy about you (love)
    Irse de pinta=to skip school
    Tomar al toro por los cuernos=to face a problem directly
    No tener lana=to be broke
    Estar hecho(a) un cuero=to be very sexy
    Estar salado=to have bad luck
    Andar de/ser pata de perro=to go a lot to places; to travel a lot
    Ser mala leche=to be someone who's full of envy and likes intriguing
    Tener la sangre pesada=to be someone with a negative aura
    Comer como pelón de hospicio=to eat veeeery much

    I hope I can think of some more later

    The phrases provided by Maria gr were a good inspiration!
    Thank you so much friends! Can somebody also give some examples of daily speech, ?
  7. xiurell's Avatar

    xiurell said:


    here are some ones

    no tener ni un duro= to be broke
    estar como una cabra=to be crazy
    dormir como un tronco=to have a deep dreaming (difficult to wake up)
    En pelota (picada) = nude
    Agárrate que vienen curvas= get ready (for the bad things to come)
    Al mal tiempo, buena cara=in the bad times make a good face
    Conocer a alguien como si lo hubieras parido= to know someone very very well
    En un pispás= very very quickly
    Hacer el indio= to play the fool
    Meterse en el sobre=to go to bed
  8. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Vivir del cuento=to live without working
    Ser como un flan=to be very nervious
    No tener más que serrín en la cabeza=to be very stupid
    Nacer con estrella=to be very lucky
    Irse de la lengua=to say something that you don't want
    Para desternillarse=something is so funny so you laugh without to stop
    Tal para cual=similar
    Ser al pie del cañón=to be ready
    Quedarse en paro=Not to have work
    Se lo ha tragado la tierra=he disappeared
    Echar de menos=to miss someone
    Llevarse a matar=to have bad relationship with someone
    Niño prodigio=Kid-miracle
    Echar la casa por la ventana=to spend much money
    Pegar ojo=to sleep
    Ser un rollo=to be very borring
    No saltar prenda=not to say anything
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  9. Gozde said:


    Thanksss again and again
  10. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    Ser mas bueno que el pan= to be a good-natured person
    Ser mas malo que la carne de puerco= to be evil
    Querer tapar el sol con un dedo= to want to hide a reality
    Reventarse/ irse de reventón= to go partying
    Irse de copas= to go out for a drink
    Pasarse de copas= to have too much to drink
    Quedarse a vestir santos= to become a spinster
    Ser un solteron(a) empedernido(a)= not wanting to get married
    Bajar a alguien la luna y las estrellas= to sweeten someone's ear
    Traer a alguien arrastrando la cobija= to make someone crazy about you (love)
    Ver moros con tranchetes= to imagine things
    Tener la espinita= to have a doubt about something
    Me da mala espina= I've got a bad feeling about this
    Ser ave de mal agüero= to be someone who brings bad news

  11. bogazici86's Avatar

    bogazici86 said:


    Ahhhh, many many many, millions of thanks maria, citlalli and xiurel. All these phrases and words are so helpful.
    *Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises-----
  12. Gozde said:


    Quote Originally Posted by bogazici86 View Post
    Ahhhh, many many many, millions of thanks maria, citlalli and xiurel. All these phrases and words are so helpful.
    i agree with you bence de
  13. Gozde said:


    Meaning: to be .... wide/long/tall
    Example: Tiene 23 centímetros de ancho It is 23 centimeters wide.

    [tr] Idiom: tener a bien (hacer algo)
    Meaning: to see fit (to do something)
    Example: Mi esposa tiene a bien comprar un coche. My wife sees fit to buy a car.

    Idiom: tener a (alguién) por ...
    Meaning: to consider (someone) to be
    Example: Tengo a Roberto por tonto I consider (or take) Roberto to be foolish.

    Idiom: tener por seguro
    Meaning: to rest assured
    Example: Ten por seguro que vamos al centro. Rest assured we are going downtown.

    Idiom: tener sobre (algo)
    Meaning: to lean on (something)
    Example: El paraguas tenía sobre el coche. The umbrella was leaning on the car.

    Idiom: tener un(a} niño/niña/hijo/hija/bebé
    Meaning: to have a baby
    Example: Tuvo una hija. She had a baby girl.

    Idiom: no tener nada que ver con
    Meaning: to have nothing to do with
    Example: No tengo nada que ver con cazar. I have nothing to do with hunting.

    Idiom: tener lugar
    Meaning: to take place
    Example: Tiene lugar la fiesta en mi casa. The party will take place in my home.

    Idiom: tener en cuenta
    Meaning: to bear in mind
    Example: No tenía en cuenta la opinión de sus hijos. He didn't keep in mind the opinion of his children.

    Idiom: tener para (sí)
    Meaning: to think
    Example: Tengo para mí que ganarán. I think they'll win.

    Idiom: no tenerlas todo con(sigo)
    Meaning: to not have it all together, to have the jitters
    Example: Tengo que hablar, pero no las tengo todas conmigo. I have to talk, but I'm jittery about it.

    Idiom: estar que no tenerse
    Meaning: to be tired out
    Example: Estoy que no me tengo. I'm all tired out.

    Idiom: tenerse en pie
    Meaning: to stand
    Example: Me tuve en pie para ver. I stood up to see.

    Idiom: tenerse firme
    Meaning: to stand upright or firm
    Example: Se tuvo firme al sus enemigos. He stood up firm to his enemies.
  14. Gozde said:


    echar un vistazo a (to glance at)
    echar de menos a alguien (to miss someone)
    echar abajo (to pull down)
    echar la llave (to lock)
    echar el freno (to put the brakes on)
    echar a perder (to ruin or demolish)
    echarse atrás (to back out)
    echarse un novio (to get oneself a boyfriend)
    echar ganas (to put forth much effort)
    echar a suertes (to make a decision by random means such as tossing a coin or drawing straws)
    echar el alto (to order someone to stop)
    echar un ojo (to watch or look at)
    echar balones fuera (to sidetrack)
    echar las campanas al vuelo (to shout out the news)
    echar el cierre (to close or shut down)
    echar algo en falta (to miss something)
    echar la buenaventura (to tell a fortune)
    echar la vista atrás (to look back)
    echar por tierra (to ruin or spoil)
    echar una siesta (to take a nap or siesta)
    echar sapos y culebras (to rant and rave)
    echar una mirada (to take a look)
    echar sal (to salt)
    echar en saco roto (to do something in vain)
    echar el resto (to go for broke)
    echar un pulso (to challenge someone, to armwrestle)
    echar pestes de alguien (to run somebody down)
    echar una película (to show a film)
    echar la primera papilla (to vomit)
    echar una mano, echar un capote (to help out, give a hand)
    echar leña al fuego (to add fuel to the fire)
    echar el guante a alguien (to catch somebody)
    echar una cana al aire (to let one's hair down)
    echar una cabezada (to nap)
    echar chispas (to give off sparks, to rant)
    echar una bronca a alguien (to tell off someone)
    echar agua al vino, echar agua a la leche (to water down)
  15. Gozde said:



    Hay+que+infinitive=to be necessary to (hay que comer=it is necessary to leave)

    Haber de+inf=to be supposed to,must (habemos de salir = we are supposed to/must leave)

    Habia una vez= once upon a time (Había una vez un granjero que tenía una granja muy grande. Once upon a time there was a farmer with a very large farm.)

    no haber tal= to be no such thing (No hay tal cosa como un almuerzo gratis. There's no such thing as a free lunch.)

    ¡Qué hubo!, ¡Quihúbole! (regional variation) Hi! What's happening?

    No hay de qué.= Don't mention it. It's not important. No big deal.
    habérselas con= To have it out with, to quarrel with (Me las había con mi madre. I had it out with my mother. )

    Cuánto hay de ... ? How far is it from ... ? ¿Cuánto hay de aquí a Londres? How far is it from here to London?
    Qué hay? ¿Qué hay de nuevo?= What's happening? What's new?

    he aquí= Here is, here are. He aquí una lista de nombres. Here is a list of names.
    Heme aquí= Here I am

    He lo aquí. He lo allí. He los aquí. He los allí.= Here it is. There it is. Here they are. There they are.

    ¡He dicho! And that's that
  16. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    Tener el alma en un hilo= to be very worried about someone
    No tener pelos en la lengua= to speak your mind in a straightforward manner
    Echar un ojo al gato y otro al garabato= to keep an eye on 2 different things simultaneously
    Eres la niña de mis ojos= you're the most important person in the world to me
    Echarse un cafecito/cigarrito= to have a cup of coffee/ to have a fag
    Dar su/tu brazo a torcer= to give in
    Me doy!= I give up
    Tomar el pelo= to trick someone
    Hacerse de la boca chiquita= not to admit openly you like something very much
    Hacer de tripas corazón= to make yourself hard (in an emotional way)
    Tener boca de cargador= to speak using plenty of "foul" language
    Parecer vieja de lavandero= to like gossiping a lot
    Venir con su torta bajo el brazo= it's used when a woman is pregnant and she's given plenty of presents for the baby
    De lengua me como un taco= I don't believe what's been said
    Dar el visto bueno a alguien/algo= to approve of someone/something
  17. Gozde said:


    Hello to everyone,i have a request,can some friends give examples of daily spoken Spanish, for instance how we shop,how we spoke on the phone? I want to have a general knowledge of basic daily spoken Spanish.Thanks in advance for those who help.
  18. xiurell's Avatar

    xiurell said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Gozde View Post
    Hello to everyone,i have a request,can some friends give examples of daily spoken Spanish, for instance how we shop,how we spoke on the phone? I want to have a general knowledge of basic daily spoken Spanish.Thanks in advance for those who help.
    I made a simple dialogue using the more usual phrases that comes to my mind right now


    -Buenos días, buenas tardes, or buenas noches or you can say ‘buenas’
    -¿Cuánto vale el kilo de manzanas? (how does it cost one kg of apples?
    Or you can say ¿a cúanto va el kilo de manzanas? And the answer will ‘
    -va a 5 euros’ (it cost 5 euros)
    -¡Qué caro! (how expensive!) perhpas if you are a millioner you can say ‘¡qué barato! (how cheap!)
    -Ponme un cuarto de queso (we use the verb ‘poner’) (I want ¼ cheese) ( you can speak in grams)
    -y 150 de chorizo (this is a salami)
    -¿Algo más? (something else?)
    -Sí, un paquete de lentejas (yes, a box of lentils)
    -Una botella de vino (a bottle of wine)
    -¿tinto, rosado o blanco? (red, rosé or white?)
    -Blanco y una botella de cava (white and a bottle of champage)
    -para celebrar mi cumpleaños el 26/12 (to celebrate my birhtday on 26/12, young people says ‘el cumple’)
    -Felicidades de antemano (Congratulations in advance)
    -¿cuánto es todo? (how much is all?)
    -10 euros
    -tome 20 (here are 20)
    -su cambio (your change)
    -gracias (thank you)
    -De nada (you’re welcome)

    I’ll prepare you other dialogues
  19. Gozde said:


    what an imagination!
    it is such a funny,comic dialogue, thanks very much
    by the way içki kullanmıyorum,means i don'T drink wine,or others
    i would buy cola !
    i wonder what will be your next dialogue!
    hasta luego,gracias
  20. Gozde said:


    where are my next dialogues?