Who did the rap song version of "Self Destruction" with its jazzy groove piano?

Thread: Who did the rap song version of "Self Destruction" with its jazzy groove piano?

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  1. Most Wanted Jamz said:

    Thumbs up Solved: Who did the rap song version of Self Destruction with its jazzy groove piano?

    Who did the old school rap song version of "Self Destruction" with its jammin' jazzy groove piano in the background? I am not sure if the song is actually called "Self Destruction". The piano in this song has a melody played over and over. Kind of like the jazzy trumpet or saxophone being played over and over from the song "Rebirth Of Slick (Cool Like Dat)" by Digable Planets. I am looking for the version of "Self Destruction" of where you can groove to the piano melody. Please help me identify this song and its artist.
    Last edited by Most Wanted Jamz; 12-12-2015 at 09:35 PM. Reason: Solved
  2. kukuhead said:


    maybe it's "Dos Factotum by louis logic" sounds a little bit similar
  3. dagnasty said:


    Are you talking about Self Destruction by Boogie Down Productions?
  4. Most Wanted Jamz said:


    It was two different songs, while I thought it was one song. It was Self Destruction by Stop the Violence and then it went on to the Manifest rap song by Gang Starr.