Nino Ferrer - Le téléfon

Thread: Nino Ferrer - Le téléfon

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  1. cannonfodder said:

    Default Nino Ferrer - Le téléfon

    Could someone please help me with a french/english translation of this song.

    I worked on it a little already, but my french is not very good.
    Could someone check it and help me out with the areas I have incorrect. Especially the chorus.

    Thank you very much.


    Bernadette, elle est très chouette
    Et sa cousine, elle est divine
    Mais son cousin, il est malsain
    Je dirais même que c'est un bon à rien

    Bernadette, it is very grumpy
    And her cousin, she divine
    But her cousin, is unhealthy
    I would even say that she good for nothing

    Noémie est très jolie
    Moins que Zoé, mais plus que Nathalie
    Anatole il est frivole
    Monsieur Gaston s'occupe du téléfon

    Noémie is very pretty
    Less than Zoé, but more than Nathalie
    Anatole she is frivolous
    Mr Gaston occupies himself on the telephone

    Gaston y a l'téléfon qui son
    Et y a jamais person qui y répond
    Gaston y a l'téléfon qui son
    Et y a jamais person qui y répond

    Gaston has the telephone which is
    Why a person never answers it
    Gaston has the telephone which is
    Why a person never answers it

    Marie-Louise, elle est exquise
    Marie-Thérèse, elle est obèse
    Marie-Berthe, elle est experte
    Par l'entremise de sa tante Artémise

    Marie-Louise, it is exquisite
    Marie-Thérèse, it is obese
    Marie-Berthe, it is expert
    Via his/her aunt Artémise

    Edouard fume le cigare
    Et Léonard porte une barbe noire
    Léontine fait la cuisine
    Monsieur Gaston s'occupe du téléfon

    Edouard smokes the cigar
    And Léonard wears a black beard
    Léontine cooks the food
    Mr Gaston occupies himself on the telephone

    Gaston y a l'téléfon qui son
    Et y a jamais person qui y répond
    Gaston y a l'téléfon qui son
    Et y a jamais person qui y répond

    Gaston has the telephone which is
    Why a person never answers it
    Gaston has the telephone which is
    Why a person never answers it

    Non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non,
    Gaston l'téléfon qui son'
    P't-être bien qu'c'est importon

    Non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non,
    Gaston the telephone is yours
    Perhaps - although it is important
  2. nicoloco said:

    Default Gaston

    Hi friends,

    you really need an explaination about this song chorus.

    Nino Ferrer made strange phonetical changes to make the words rhyming with Gaston in all sentences.

    The original sentences (without changings) would be

    Gaston, y'a l'téléphone qui sonne (Gaston, the phone is ringing)
    mais y'a jamais personne qui répond (but no one ever hangs up)

    ... peut-être que c'est important (maybe it's important)

    Did I help you?
