Please! Need translation deperately!"

Thread: Please! Need translation deperately!"

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  1. Dopje said:

    Default Please! Need translation deperately!"

    Does anybody have for me the greek lyrics and english translation of Agape me tis ores pu bories???
    Would mean a lot to me!

  2. Amethystos's Avatar

    Amethystos said:


    If you're looking for a song singed by a male singer
    with this chorus
    "Αγάπα με τις ώρες που μπορείς-agapame tis ores pou boreis
    αγάπα με ποτέ μη μ' αρνηθείς - agapame pote min marnithis
    παράλληλοι οι δρόμοι μας κι αν είναι - paralili i dromoi mas ki an ine
    αγάπα με και στη ζωή μου μείνε. - agapame ke sti zoi mou mine"
    Please reply to make the translation
  3. Dopje said:

    Default Yes!!


    Yes thats exactley the song and translation i was desperately looking for!!
    Could you please make for me the translation?? That would be great!!

    Thanx a lot in advance!!
  4. Dopje said:



    Yes thats exactley the song and translation i was desperately looking for!!
    Could you please make for me the translation?? That would be great!!

    Thanx a lot in advance!!
  5. Amethystos's Avatar

    Amethystos said:

    Smile At your service

    lyrics: Niko Vaksevanidis
    Music:Vassili Kelaidis
    Singer: Bill (or Billaras ) Karras

    Krifa sinantiomaste lathrea
    Κρυφά συναντιόμαστε λαθραία
    We are meeting secretly

    ena chadi dio kouventes fevgalea antalassoume
    ένα χάδι, δυο κουβέντες φευγαλέα ανταλλάσσουμε
    a touch, two words we exchange at a glance

    ke istera adio
    και ύστερα αντίο
    and then "goodbye"

    mes tou pothou to trelo leoforio
    μες του πόθου το τρελό λεωφορείο
    Into lust's crazy bus

    Dio kormia apelpismena
    Δυο κορμιά απελπισμένα
    two desperate bodies

    san tis rayes ap ta trena
    σαν τις ράγες απ' τα τραίνα
    as the railroad's rails

    pou den smigoun pote, pouthena
    που δεν σμίγουν ποτέ, πουθενά
    which never and nowhere combine

    Agapame tis ores pou boreis
    Αγάπα με τις ώρες που μπορείς
    Love me at the hours you afford to do it

    Agapame pote mi marnithis
    αγάπα με ποτέ μη μ' αρνηθείς
    Love me never refuse me

    Paralili i dromi mas ki an ine
    παράλληλοι οι δρόμοι μας κι αν είναι
    and if our roads are parallel

    agapame ke sti zoi mou mine
    αγάπα με και στη ζωή μου μείνε.
    love me and stay in my life

    Krifa sinantiomaste lathrea
    Κρυφά συναντιόμαστε λαθραία
    We are meeting secretly

    agapi mou paranomi oraia
    αγάπη μου παράνομη μοιραία
    my outlaw and fatal love

    pame volta stou onirou to sergiani
    πάμε βόλτα στου ονείρου το σεργιάνι (σεργιάνι is a pretty difficult word to translate, as we poetically use it in different situations)
    lets go for a walk at dream's course

    menan erota pou emathe na chanei
    μ' έναν έρωτα που έμαθε να χάνει
    with a love affair that learned to loose

    Dio kormia apelpismena
    Δυο κορμιά απελπισμένα
    two desperate bodies

    san tis rayes ap ta trena
    σαν τις ράγες απ' τα τραίνα
    as the railroad's rails

    pou den smigoun pote, pouthena
    που δεν σμίγουν ποτέ, πουθενά
    which never and nowhere combine

    Agapame tis ores pou boreis
    Αγάπα με τις ώρες που μπορείς
    Love me at the hours you afford to do it

    Agapame pote mi marnithis
    αγάπα με ποτέ μη μ' αρνηθείς
    Love me never refuse me

    Paralili i dromi mas ki an ine
    παράλληλοι οι δρόμοι μας κι αν είναι
    and if our roads are parallel

    Agapame ke sti zoi mou mine
    αγάπα με και στη ζωή μου μείνε.
    love me and stay in my life

    NOTE: You may also want to hear "Parallila" By Sfakianakis
    "Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to?
    You will never find that life for which you are looking.
    When the gods created man they allotted to him death,
    but life they retained in their own keeping"
  6. Dopje said:

    Default Thank you very much!!!

    Thank you so much!!!
    Wow..i understood already a lot of this song but now its much more clear what its about!

    Thanks again!!!!