Hani Shaker - Law Betheb

Thread: Hani Shaker - Law Betheb

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  1. justlooking said:

    Post Hani Shaker - Law Betheb


    Can someone please translate Hani Shaker - Law Betheb in English. Thanks in advance
  2. zizo said:


    hey justlooking, here is what you need, hope i could help

    لو بتحب حقيقي صحيح
    law be7eb 7aeei sa7ee7
    كنت وقفت فى وش الريح
    konti we'eft fi wesh arree7
    كنت ما سيبتش قلبي جريح
    konti ma sebtish albi garee7
    وسط النار
    west ennar

    لو كان قلبك لسه برئ
    law kan albak lessa baree
    تحكم ظلم ازاى فى برئ
    te7kom zolm ezzay fi baree
    وتسيب قلبي لوحده غريق
    wi tesseb albi le wa7do gharee
    فى التيار
    fi attayyar

    لو بتحب حقيقي بقلبك
    law bet7eb 7aeei be albak
    كنت عرفت تخاف على حبك
    konti 3rift tekhaf 3la albak
    كنت ما تترددش ثواني
    konti ma tetradadshi sawani
    انك تسكن بين احضاني
    ennak toskon bayn a7dani
    مش فى دقيقة تروح تنساني
    mosh fi dadee'a troo7 tensani
    بدون اعذار
    bedoun a3thar

    لو حبتني ماكنتش تقدر
    law konti 7abetni ma kontish tedar
    تجرح قلبي فى حبك اكتر
    tegra7 albi fi 7obbak akthar
    اكتر ما تحملت عذابك
    akthar ma te7ammalt 3azzabak
    واستنيت بدموع على بابك
    we estaneet bedomoo3 3la babak
    يبقى نصيبي اعيش فى عذابك
    yeb'aa naseebi a3eesh fi 3azzabak
    ليل ونهار
    layl wi nahar

    اتحملت معاك فوق طاقتي
    et7ammalt m3ak fou2 ta'ti
    كان اخلاصي هو خطيئتي
    kan ekhlasi howwa khatee'ti
    كان احساسي انك مش ليا
    kan e7sasi ennak mosh leyya
    صدمة حقيقي كبيرة عليا
    sadma 7aee'ee kabira 3alayya
    كان احساسي بغدرك بيا
    kan e7sasi beghadrak beyya
    كله مرار
    kolo marar

    لو حبتني كنت تضحي
    law habtni konti tedahi
    كنت ما تتسببش فى جرحي
    konti ma tetsabebshi fi garhi
    كنت ما تقتلنيش فى عواطفي
    konti ma totolneesh fi 3watfi
    كنت رحمتني لحظة ضعفي
    konti re7mteni la7zat dha3fi
    كنت وقفت معايا فى صفي
    konti we'efti m3aya fi saffi
    وأنا بنهار وأنا بنهار وأنا بنهار
    wa ana banhar wa ana banhar wa ana banhar

    "if you're in love.."

    if you truly are in love
    you'd have stood agaist the wind
    you'd have not left my heart broken
    in the middle of the fire

    if your heart were still innocent
    how could you misjudge an innocent
    and leave my heart drawning alone
    in the current

    if you're truly in love
    you'd have learned to be scared for your love
    you'd have not hesistated not even for seconds
    to live in my lap
    not to forget me in just a mintue
    without any excuses

    if you've loved me you would've not been able to
    break my heart thats loving you much
    even though i put up with you torturing me
    even though i waited with tears on your door steps
    my destiny is to live tortured by you
    day and night

    i've taken more than i can take
    my honesty is my mistake
    i felt you are not for me
    its a really big shock to me
    my feeling of your betrayal was so awful

    if you ever loved me you'd have made me laugh
    you'd have not caused me pain
    you'd have not killed my feelings
    you woud have had mercy on me when i was weak
    you'd have stood by my side
    when i was crumbling when i was crumbling when i was crumbling
    Last edited by zizo; 01-13-2008 at 12:29 PM.
  3. justlooking said:



    Thank's sooooooooooo much!
  4. psetto727's Avatar

    psetto727 said:


    this song is sooo beautiful but i cant find it anywhere to download!!! i get my music of a website called nogomi.com if anyone knows which album this song is from...please let me know! shokran!
  5. justlooking said:



    I download from Mp3hat. The album is called , El Helm El Gamil.
  6. zizo said:


    no problem at all. Arabic is my native language , so it wasnt hard what i did

    glad i could help you.. nice to know there are some non arab people who actually care to know n listen to our music