Please help "I wanna put-a my faith in you"

Thread: Please help "I wanna put-a my faith in you"

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  1. fumarelcigar said:

    Default Please help "I wanna put-a my faith in you"

    Ok, so I was driving down the road in Rio San Juan, Dominican Republic and this song came on the radio. It was a combination Spanish/English song and the one line I can remember, written as it is sung, is this:

    "I wanna put-a my faith in you"

    There is a line before that also in English but it sounded like most of the song was in Spanish. Any ideas?!?
  2. fumarelcigar said:


    OK, an update, I woke up and remembered more of the lyrics:

    "I just want to beeee with you,
    I just wanna put my faith in youuuu"
  3. fumarelcigar said:


    Anyone?? Help! :-)