Macedonian lyrics and translations

Thread: Macedonian lyrics and translations

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  1. demuj737 said:

    Talking Macedonian lyrics and translations


    Does anyone have the lyrics in Macedonian and English translations of these songs:

    Elena Risteska:
    Romeo i Julia
    Raj i Pekol
    Ona Drugato

    Karolina Goceva:
    Se Lazem Sebe

    Kaliopi :
    Na pat do Makedonija

    Vrcak and Tamara Todevska:
    Sedmo Nebe

    Toni Zen:
    Skopje Moj Grad

    I know that's a bunch of songs, but anyone who could help out...I'd greatly appreciate it. THANKS SO SO MUCH!!!!

    Last edited by demuj737; 02-08-2008 at 12:27 PM. Reason: accidentally locked thread
  2. Zise_ti_zoi's Avatar

    Zise_ti_zoi said:


    By now I find only that one ( If I do find any of the others I'll post them soon as I can)

    Kaliopi - Na pat do Makedonija
    Kaliopi - On my way to Macedonia

    Denes nad Makedonija se ragja
    Today over Macedoniа is born
    novo sonce na slobodata
    A new sun of the freedom
    Makedoncite se borat
    Macedonians are fighting
    za svoite pravdini!
    For it's justice
    Macedonians are fighting
    za svoite pravdini!
    For it's justice
    Odnovo sega znameto se vee
    Now again, the blowing flag of
    na Krushevskata Republika
    Krushevskata Republic
    Goce Delchev, Pitu Guli
    Goce Delchev, Pitu Guli
    Dame Gruev, Sandanski!
    Dame Gruev, Sandanski!
    Goce Delchev, Pitu Guli
    Goce Delchev, Pitu Guli
    Dame Gruev, Sandanski!
    Dame Gruev, Sandanski!

    Gorite Makedonski shumno peat
    Macedonian forest are singing loudly
    novi pesni, novi vesnici
    New songs
    Makedonija slobodna
    Free Macedonia
    slobodna zhivee!
    Lives free
    Makedonija slobodna
    Free Macedonia
    slobodna zhivee!
    Lives free

    Here u go.
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  3. Zise_ti_zoi's Avatar

    Zise_ti_zoi said:


    Vrcak and Tamara Todevska - Na sedmo nebo
    Vrcak and Tamara Todevska - On Seventh heaven

    Jas i ti na sedmo nebo,skrieni na sedmo nebo,zaspani na sedmo nebo,
    Me and you, on 7 - th heaven, hidden on 7 - th heaven, aslept on 7 - th heaven
    na sedmo nebo
    on 7 - th heaven

    Tamara:Po Navika jas malku davam, a dobivam sto ke posakam, po navika jas
    Tamara: By habbit I give a bit, but get what I want, by habbit I
    pred da se zaljubam ostavam i pravam se sto ne smeam i sakam, se sto ne
    Instead of falling in love I stay and do what I can't dare to do, and what I don't want
    sakam ke kazam, se sto ne mislam da najdes druga, se sto ne smeam i sakam,
    I want to say, all that i don't think, that you're going to find another (woman), that I don't dare to do, ant that I don't want
    se sto ne sakas
    That you don't want
    ke kazam, se sto ne mislam da stanam losa devojka... Lesno ti e tebe znam
    I'mma say that I don't think to become a bad girl...It's easy for you I know
    sama protiv sebe koga ne mozam,znam bez tebe umiram,
    Alone against me, when I can't, I know that I'm dieing without you
    a so tebe na sedmo nebo zaspiavam...
    But with you, I'm sleeping on the 7 - th heaven

    Vrcak:Ti da znaes kao Kazanova izgledal na car, Korleone i Kapone, mali Pablo
    Vrcak: Do you know that Kazanova seemed like king, Korleone and Kapone, Pablo
    Eskobar,znaj sekoj ima svoe minato, no so moevo si imam jas raskinato, ti
    Escobar, know that everyone have it's past, you
    znaes deka ne mozam tebe da lazam
    Know that I can't lie to you
    na se sum spremen osven "te sakam" da ti kazam,
    I'm not Superman, exept to tell you "that I want you"
    probaj citaj malku megu redovi,ti ---> Sorry but no idea how to translate this sentence
    dobro znaes deka jas veke ne sum toj ,dosta vreme mina za da vidis koj e koj,
    You know well that I'm not the man, a lot of time passed you to see who is who
    vreme e so ova da presateneme i na sedmo nebo pak da zastaneme, jas znam
    It's time to stop with that, and again to stand on the 7 - th heaven
    kakvi tajni imas skrieno vo sebe, jas znam deka se sto pravis pravis ti za mene
    What secrets do you have hidden inside you, I know that whatever you do you do it for me
    i znam deka veke nema nikoja da sakam kako tebe ja
    And I know that I'll never love another one like you

    Tamara:Lesno ti e tebe znam sama protiv sebe koga ne mozam, znam bez
    Tamara: it's easy for you, I know when I can't stand against myself, I know without
    tebe umiram,
    You I'm dieing
    a so tebe na sedmo nebo zaspiavam
    But with you on the 7 - th heaven sleeping
    Jas i ti na sedmo nebo,skrieni na sedmo nebo,zaspani na sedmo nebo,
    Me and you, on 7 - th heaven, hidden on 7 - th heaven, aslept on 7 - th heaven
    na sedmo nebo
    on 7 - th heaven

    Tamara:Ima vistini vo site prikazni jas znam...
    Tamara: There's a truth in those spells I know
    Vrcak: (ne veruvaj na sekoj,jas sum fin decko nemoj da te cue nekoj)ti bi sakala
    Vrcak: (Don't belive anyone, I'm like tat, that no one can hear you) Shall you want
    da bidam malce podiskreten
    To be a bit more discret
    no moze li da bidam malce pokonkreten, ti znaes koj e koj,ti znaes sto e sto ke
    But can I be a bit more tangible, you know who is who, know what is it to
    te sakam tebe znaj do krajno vreme
    Want you, know that it's a final time

    Tamara:jas sum losa devoja
    Tamara: I'm a bad girl

    Vrcak:ti ne si losa ti si luda devojka, a lud po tebe sum i ja
    Vrcak: You're not bad, you're crazy girl, and I'm crazy about you
    znam kakvi tajni imas skrieno vo sebe, jas znam deka se sto pravis pravis ti za
    I know what kind of secrets you have hidden in you, I know whatever you do for
    mene i znam deka veke nema nikoja da sakam kako tebe ja
    Me and i know that I'll never want another one like you

    Tamara:Lesno ti e tebe znam sama protiv sebe koga ne mozam, znam bez
    Tamara: it's easy for you, I know when I can't stand against myself, I know without
    tebe umiram,
    You I'm dieing
    a so tebe na sedmo nebo zaspiavam
    But with you on the 7 - th heaven sleeping

    Vrcak:Jas i ti na sedmo nebo...
    Me and you on the 7 - the heaven...

    I so hope that I did it accurate,
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  4. Zise_ti_zoi's Avatar

    Zise_ti_zoi said:


    Here you go Toni Zen - Skopje Moj Grad

    Скопје е мој град
    Да, а јас сум негов 2х

    Еј, здраво здраво
    јас сум chill out рапер Тони
    сакам chill out луѓе и сакам да играм Sony
    живеам скромно и пишувам за мојот град Скопје
    секој може да ме мрази но нема да ме сопре
    епа вака : слушај внимателно и пази
    ова е сторија за градот полн со камикази
    на два дела Вардар, Скопје го скина
    една страна Вашингтон, а другата Палестина
    зборам вистина верувај не лажам
    имам 22 години и имам што да кажам
    фраери колку сакаш и жени снобови, а се знае на рапот кој се робови.
    На кафе дневна шема оговарање е тема
    сите се fancy тука нема, нема дилема.
    Има убави девојки со изглед мил
    и темни големи наочари во Hollywood стил.
    А за спонзоруши важи само злато и пари
    ги гледаш со странци или со рекетари.
    Пороците на Скопје наркомани и пијаници,
    Корлеоне мафијаши, криминалци.
    Проституција е многу ефтино не е изгор
    тетки, баби, црнки, ти кај МТВ имаш избор.
    Модерен град, со добра инфраструктура
    и коњите по булевари си прават тура.
    Скопје е убав град не викам дека не е,
    а највесело е кога Жаре кабрио ке пее.
    А кога има журка сите се клабери цел живот
    Дуле и Коки верници, а сега техно им е стилот.
    Спуштен 101 неонки,спојлери на кола
    кога вози лежи не се гледа ни до пола.
    Скопје е метропола има и џет сет
    за да стигнеш до нив џабе чекаш на ред.
    И си искачам онака во џеб со малку кеш
    пун и свеж, ефтин, а чист веш.
    Јас сум негов,и Скопје е мој град
    животот е пред мене, ха уште сум млад...

    Скопје е мој град...

    Скопје има микро клима,топло лето кочан зима...
    За да преживееш ти треба вештина
    Едноставно животот во скопје е рутина.
    А за власт, се борат смешни интелектуалци
    Здраво европо имаме и хомосексуалци.
    Многу бизнис фаци политичари се родија
    Браво за к-15 што прават пародија.
    Медија е веке развиена гранка
    Скрши се од смеење слушај балканска ебанка.
    Турбофолк е тренд, диско топка во кафана
    Српско-бугарски певаљки на секоја страна
    Уживаат во шминка и кич гардероба
    Преку ноке принцези
    А преку дење баба рога
    Сакаат долг, муабет да трае
    Не е битно што е важно црнец да е.
    Имаме и плагијат музичка естрада
    Па досадно е едно исто цела декада
    На playback се главни ѕвезди и на микрофони
    А во живо се безвредни ко дупнати балони.
    За да станеш VIP се да ти е гага
    Изгледа треба да си freak како Драги Шпага.
    Гаџа сака да биде како Justin,
    А сања повеке не сака да биде Britney.
    А за парови во весник слики од папараци
    Им вадат трачеви за сите познати фаци.
    А во џунгла на асфалтот има лавови и тигри
    Пази се од мајмуни и змии, прљави игри.
    Држава Аеродром, Ново Лисиче,Автокоманда,
    Во Карпош и Центар има мангупска банда,
    Маџари,Ченто,Чаир,Север и Топана,
    Водно и Кисела Вода се од другата страна,
    Тафталиџе,Капиштец,Влае Порта,
    И на крајот е Ѓорче со патриотска сорта,
    Имаме и гето во кое прв секој се бутка
    Уствари таму живеат шампионите од Шутка.
    И кога не сум тука ме фака носталгија
    Скопје е пред се градот со магија,
    Давам позитивна негативна критика
    Тука завршувам со моја фитнес лирика.

    Let someone from Macedonia translate it, cause I can't do very well with that Cyrillic Macedonian.
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  5. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:

    Arrow Na pat do Makedonija- On a way to Macedonia

    Zise_ti_zoi you are doing great job ; ) Well done!!!

    Just I must say that the first lyrics you have posted are actually from our anthem I got the lyrics of Kaliopi's song and also translated it, but I'm glad you translated our anthem also : P
    About the other song I see you have translated it fine as well, just there are some little mistakes that I will correct later if you don't mind
    Anyway your knowledge of Macedonian is great !
    Keep up with the good work

    Na pat do Makedonija

    Ne e besmisleno, nitu izgubeno,
    Na sekoj raka vo raka shto do besvest te posledno!

    Neka ogan se pali od site zivoti mali
    Ko kapki od hramot bozji,
    Zemi go pod nebo prostri go.

    I neka gori se dodeka ne ne zdoboli,
    Za se ona shto bilo
    Bez nitu eden gram od sovesti.
    Pa da sme drugi
    I nikogash da ne sme tugji.
    Kolku bi sakala za nas da sme edno
    I da pojdeme site na pat do nea,
    Na pat do Makedonija!

    Vo bolki miena, od sram nespiena
    I site reki shto techat se tvoite solzi shto pechat.
    Za nas zivot se!

    Bez broj nemirni lagi tvoi se izvor na tagi,
    Zemi go ognot i pod neboto tvoe ti prostri go

    I neka gori se dodeka ne ne zdoboli,
    Za se ona shto bilo
    Bez nitu eden gram od sovesti.
    Pa da sme drugi
    I nikogash da ne se tugji.
    Kolku bi sakala za nas da sme edno
    I da pojdeme site na pat do nea,
    Na pat do Makedonija!

    ************************************************** **********

    On a way to Macedonia

    It is not nonsensically, nor wasted
    to everyone hand in hand that loves you until unconscience...til the end

    Let the fire burn from all the little lives
    like drops from the house of God
    take it and under the sky -spread it

    And let it burn until it hurts us
    for everything that has been
    without no gramme of conscience
    and then we to be different
    and never to be strangers
    How much I want for us to be one
    and all to start our way to her,
    on a way to Macedonia!

    In pains washed, from shame sleepless
    and all the rivers that are coursing are your tears that are parching
    They mean life for us!

    Countless eager lies of yours are oracle of sadness
    take the fire and under your sky spread it

    And let it burn until it hurts us
    for everything that has been
    without no gramme of conscience
    And let us be different
    and never strangers
    Who much I want for us to be one
    and all to start our way to her.
    on a way to Macedonia!

    P.S. Kaliopi's lyrics are bit abstract, hope you will manage to understand them
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  6. Lidija's Avatar

    Lidija said:


    Here are the lyrics for 192- Elena Risteska Not everything can be literally translated because it wouldn't make any sense in English

    Svrti 192,192, 192,192, 192,192, ooooo
    Dial 192,192,192,192,192,192, ooooo

    Ke ti kaze vremeto
    The time will tell you,
    Jas sum ti najdobroto,
    I’m the best thing for you
    Ke ti kaze zivotot,
    The life will tell you
    Od mene nema podobro
    There’s no better than me

    Kako imas lice,
    How do you have the nerve
    Ti da zastanes pred mene,
    To stand in front of me
    Otkako pola grad go projde,
    After you’ve been with every girl in town
    Jas se sramam od tebe.
    I’m ashamed of you
    Sto opasnost ti spremam,
    I’m preparing a danger for you
    Sega podobro da begas
    It is better for you to run
    Vrati se doma dur si ziv,
    Go back home while you’re still alive
    Begaj daleku od mene
    Run far away from me
    Nema nikoj da te spasi,
    No one will save you
    Nitu bandata do tebe
    Not even the gang next to you
    Hej…minuta ti davam begaj
    Hey…you have a minute to go away.

    Oooo…vo opasna zona si,
    Oooo…you’re in a dangerous zone
    Oooo…odi si doma ti,
    Oooo…you should go home
    Oooo…vo opasna zona si,
    Oooo…you’re in a dangerous zone
    Oooo…odi si doma ti.
    Oooo…you should go home.

    Nemoj da veruvas deka ti veruvam deka Ana, Tanja, Sanja,
    Don’t even think that I believe you that Ana, Tanya, Sanya,
    Samo drugarki ti bile,
    Were just your friends,
    Drug pravi budala.
    Don’t play me for a fool.
    Samo sebesi se lazes,
    You’re lying only yourself
    A nisto pametno da kazes.
    And not saying one smart thing
    Ne mi se veruva deka ja vrtis,
    I can’t believe that you’re turning
    Topkata kon mene,
    The ball towards me
    Deka moite drugari
    That my friends
    Se palat na mene.
    Are having the thing for me
    Se palat na mene,
    Are having the thing for me
    Hah,kako ne…

    Ke ti kaze vremeto
    The time shall tell you,
    Jas sum ti najdobroto,
    I’m the best thing for you
    Ke ti kaze zivotot,
    The life shall tell you
    Od mene nema podobro
    There’s no better than me

    Zigizigi zan, zigizigi zan, zigizigi zan, zigizigi zan
    Zigizigi zan, zigizigi zan, zigizigi zanzanzanzan (this has no special meaning at all)

    Oooo…vo opasna zona si,
    Oooo…you’re in a dangerous zone
    Oooo…odi si doma ti,
    Oooo…you should go home
    Oooo…vo opasna zona si,
    Oooo…you’re in a dangerous zone
    Oooo…odi si doma ti.
    Oooo…you should go home.

    Svrti 192,192, 192,192, 192,192, ooo
    Dial 192,192, 192,192, 192, 192,ooo

    Begaj,begaj, begaj daleku od mene
    Run, run, run far away from me
    Begaj,begaj, begaj daleku od mene
    Run, run, run far away from me
    Begaj, begaj, begaj, begaj

    Ke ti kaze vremeto
    The time will tell you,
    Jas sum ti najdobroto,
    I’m the best thing for you
    Ke ti kaze zivotot,
    The life will tell you
    Od mene nema podobro
    There’s no better than me

    Oooo…vo opasna zona si,
    Oooo…you’re in a dangerous zone
    Oooo…odi si doma ti,
    Oooo…you should go home
    Oooo…vo opasna zona si,
    Oooo…you’re in a dangerous zone
    Oooo…odi si doma ti.
    Oooo…you should go home.

    Zigizigi zan, zigizigi zan, zigizigi zan, zigizigi zan
    Zigizigi zan, zigizigi zan, zigizigi zanzanzanzan

    Ke ti kaze vremeto
    The time will tell you,
    Jas sum ti najdobroto,
    I’m the best thing for you
    Ke ti kaze zivotot,
    The life will tell you
    Od mene nema podobro
    There’s no better than me

    Svrti 192,192, 192,192, 192,192, 192,192 ....
    Dial 192,192, 192,192, 192,192, 192,192 ....
    Last edited by Lidija; 02-08-2008 at 06:14 PM.
  7. Zise_ti_zoi's Avatar

    Zise_ti_zoi said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Lydia_the angel View Post
    Zise_ti_zoi you are doing great job ; ) Well done!!!

    Just I must say that the first lyrics you have posted are actually from our anthem I got the lyrics of Kaliopi's song and also translated it, but I'm glad you translated our anthem also : P
    About the other song I see you have translated it fine as well, just there are some little mistakes that I will correct later if you don't mind
    Anyway your knowledge of Macedonian is great !
    Keep up with the good work
    About the anthem i second that too, I did a search, and somehow Kaliopi's title seem to mach with the anthem's title.
    Anyway I'm glad that I've translated the anthem.
    Aaand of course I don't mind.
    Alsooo, I'm sooo glad for what you said about my Macedonian!
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  8. Lidija's Avatar

    Lidija said:


    Romeo i Julija

    Mnogu dobro glumis ti dovolno za oskari
    You act really good, good enough for the Oscar
    Mnogu loso glumam jas, uzivam vo ljubovta
    I’m acting really bad, I’m enjoying the love
    Mnogu dobro glumis vljuben pred drugite
    You act that you’re in love really good in front of the others
    no nikoj ne ni znae kakov si so mene
    But no one even knows what you’re like with me
    pred drugi ti me guskas
    You hug me in front of the others
    od race ne me pustas, me baknuvas
    Never letting me out of your hands, kissing me
    Na samo ne si takov, no te sakam vakov poveke
    You’re not like that when we’re alone, but I like you better this way.

    Podobro da glumime pred drugite Romeo i Julija
    It would be better if we acted in front of everyone Romeo and Juliette
    Megu nas da ostane vistinata za nas
    The truth should stay between us
    Podobro da glumime pred drugite Romeo i Julija
    It would be better if we acted in front of everyone Romeo and Juliette
    megu nas ke ostane vistinata, vistinata za ljubovta vo nas
    The truth should stay between us, the truth about our love.

    Na samo te prasuvam zosto si tolku promenliv
    When we're alone I'm asking you why do you change so much
    dali nekoja druga megu nas postoi
    Is there someone else between us
    Vleguvas vo film ti
    You’re making up a big lie
    Se vadis ti so finti
    Trying to save the situation
    No sto i da kazes te sakam koga lazes poveke
    But whatever you say I love you more when you lie

    Podobro da glumime pred drugite Romeo i Julija
    It would be better if we acted in front of everyone Romeo and Juliette
    Megu nas da ostane vistinata za nas
    The truth should stay between us
    Podobro da glumime pred drugite Romeo i Julija
    It would be better if we acted in front of everyone Romeo and Juliette
    megu nas ke ostane vistinata, vistinata za ljubovta vo nas
    The truth should stay between us, the truth about our love.

    Ti si oven jas sum bik
    You’re Aries I’m Taurus
    Ne si odgovarame no jas te sakam i takov
    We’re not a match, but I like you just like that
    Koga pred drugi me ljubis ti
    When you kiss me in front of other people
    Velat licis na Bred Pit , a jas im velam glumis
    They are saying you look like Brad Pitt, and I’m telling them you’re acting
    Podobro od nego a i podobro od mene NELI?
    Better than him, and better than me- AREN”T YOU?
    Bas takov te sakam
    I like you just like that
    Romeo i Julija
    Romeo and Juliette
    Romeo i Julija
    Romeo and Juliette
    Romeo i Julija
    Romeo and Juliette
    Romeo i Julija
    Romeo and Juliette
    Vleguvas vo film ti
    You’re making up a big lie
    Se vadis ti so finti
    Trying to save the situation
    negiras se
    Denying everything
    No sto i da kazes te sakam koga lazes poveke
    But whatever you say I love you more when you lie

    Podobro da glumime pred drugite Romeo i Julija
    It would be better if we acted in front of everyone Romeo and Juliette
    Megu nas da ostane vistinata za nas
    The truth should stay between us
    Podobro da glumime pred drugite Romeo i Julija
    It would be better if we acted in front of everyone Romeo and Juliette
    megu nas ke ostane vistinata, vistinata za ljubovta vo nas
    The truth should stay between us, the truth about our love.
    Last edited by Lidija; 02-08-2008 at 06:00 PM.
  9. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:

    Arrow Raj i Pekol- Heaven and hell

    Рај и Пекол

    Спој на рај и зло,
    Во тебе се е собрано,
    Ти ме туркаш знам во бездна,
    А јас те сакам пак.
    Некој чуден спој,
    Чуден спој сме јас и ти,
    Убавицата сум велат јас ,
    А ти она другото.

    Реф: Рај и пекол,
    Се во едно,
    Се дур не се смириме.
    Јас и ти сме,
    Сон и јаве,
    Допри ме и смириме.

    Како некој дух,
    Ко да не ни постојам,
    За јас во твојот свет
    Да можам да ти бидам се.
    Зар во мојот лик,
    Не гледаш ти предизвик,
    За да пак сме едно
    Покрај сите разлики.

    Само да си пак до мене ,
    И покрај се што нас не дели,
    Но ти си ист и не се смени,
    Дали има иднина за нас.
    Има ли иднина за нас…

    ************************************************** *

    Heaven and hell

    Cohesion of heaven and hell
    everything in you is assembled
    You are pushing me into the ambys I know
    but I still love you
    Some strange cohesion
    strange cohesion are me and you
    They are saying I'm the beauty
    and you are the other thing.

    Heaven and hell
    everything in one
    Until we settle down
    we are
    dream and reality
    touch me and calm me down

    Like some ghost
    like I even don't exist
    So that I could be
    everything in your world
    Indeed in my face
    you can't see a challenge
    so that we could be together again
    despite all the differences?

    Only if you could be next to me again
    despite everything that divides us
    but you are same and nothing has changed
    Is there a future for the both of us?
    is there a future for the both of us?
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  10. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:

    Arrow Sedmo nebo- corrected :D

    [QUOTE=Zise_ti_zoi;346222]Vrcak and Tamara Todevska - Na sedmo nebo
    Vrcak and Tamara Todevska - On Seventh heaven

    Jas i ti na sedmo nebo,skrieni na sedmo nebo,zaspani na sedmo nebo,
    Me and you, on 7 - th heaven, hidden on 7 - th heaven, aslept on 7 - th heaven
    na sedmo nebo
    on 7 - th heaven

    Tamara:Po Navika jas malku davam, a dobivam sto ke posakam, po navika jas
    Tamara: By habit I give a bit, but get what I want, by habit
    pred da se zaljubam ostavam i pravam se sto ne smeam i sakam, se sto ne
    before I fall in love I leave and do what I'm not allowed to do, everything that I don't want
    sakam ke kazam, se sto ne mislam da najdes druga, se sto ne smeam i sakam,
    I will say, everything, that I don't think that you're going to find another (woman), that I'm not allowed to do, and I want everything
    se sto ne sakas
    that you don't want
    ke kazam, se sto ne mislam da stanam losa devojka... Lesno ti e tebe znam
    I will say everything, that I don't think to become a bad girl...It's easy for you I know
    sama protiv sebe koga ne mozam,znam bez tebe umiram,
    Alone against me, when I can't, I know that I'm dying without you
    a so tebe na sedmo nebo zaspiavam...
    while with you, I'm falling asleep on the 7- th heaven

    Vrcak:Ti da znaes kao Kazanova izgledal na car, Korleone i Kapone, mali Pablo
    Vrcak: If you would know how Casanova looked like a king, Corleone and Capone, little Pablo
    Eskobar,znaj sekoj ima svoe minato, no so moevo si imam jas raskinato, ti
    Escobar, know that everyone has it's past, but with this mine I have broken up with
    znaes deka ne mozam tebe da lazam
    you know that I can't lie to you
    na se sum spremen osven "te sakam" da ti kazam,
    I'm ready for everything, except to tell you "I love you"
    probaj citaj malku megu redovi
    [b]try now to read little between the lines[b]
    ti dobro znaes deka jas veke ne sum toj ,dosta vreme mina za da vidis koj e koj,
    You know well that I'm not that one, a lot of time passed so you to see who is who
    vreme e so ova da presateneme i na sedmo nebo pak da zastaneme, jas znam
    It's time to stop with this, and again to stand on the 7 - th heaven
    kakvi tajni imas skrieno vo sebe, jas znam deka se sto pravis pravis ti za mene
    I know what secrets you have hidden inside of you, I know that whatever you are doing you are doing for me
    i znam deka veke nema nikoja da sakam kako tebe ja
    And I know that I'll never love another one like you

    Tamara:Lesno ti e tebe znam sama protiv sebe koga ne mozam, znam bez
    Tamara: It's easy for you, I know when I can't go against myself, I know that without
    tebe umiram,
    You I'm dying
    a so tebe na sedmo nebo zaspiavam
    while with you on the 7 - th heaven I'm falling asleep
    Jas i ti na sedmo nebo,skrieni na sedmo nebo,zaspani na sedmo nebo,
    Me and you, on 7 - th heaven, hidden on 7 - th heaven, aslept on 7 - th heaven
    na sedmo nebo
    on 7 - th heaven

    Tamara:Ima vistini vo site prikazni jas znam...
    Tamara: There are truths in all stories I know
    Vrcak: (ne veruvaj na sekoj,jas sum fin decko nemoj da te cue nekoj)ti bi sakala
    Vrcak: (Don't trust to everyone, I'm fine guy, don't let anyone hear you) You would like
    da bidam malce podiskreten
    me to be a bit more discreet
    no moze li da bidam malce pokonkreten, ti znaes koj e koj,ti znaes sto e sto ke
    But can I be a bit more concrete, you know who is who, you know what is what
    te sakam tebe znaj do krajno vreme
    I will love you, know, until the end of time

    Tamara:jas sum losa devoja
    Tamara: I'm a bad girl

    Vrcak:ti ne si losa ti si luda devojka, a lud po tebe sum i ja
    Vrcak: You're not bad, you're crazy girl, and I'm crazy about you
    znam kakvi tajni imas skrieno vo sebe, jas znam deka se sto pravis pravis ti za
    I know what kind of secrets you have hidden in you, I know whatever you are you doing you are doing for me
    mene i znam deka veke nema nikoja da sakam kako tebe ja
    and I know that I'll never love another one like you

    Tamara:Lesno ti e tebe znam sama protiv sebe koga ne mozam, znam bez
    Tamara: It's easy for you, I know when I can't go against myself, I know without
    tebe umiram,
    You I'm dying
    a so tebe na sedmo nebo zaspiavam
    while with you on the 7 -th heaven I'm falling asleep

    Vrcak:Jas i ti na sedmo nebo...
    Me and you on the 7 - th heaven...
    I'm falling asleep

    I hope everything is just fine now
    Last edited by Lydia_the angel; 02-09-2008 at 10:28 AM.
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  11. Lidija's Avatar

    Lidija said:


    Ona drugoto

    Ajde pogodi od tri pati
    No dvapati vo sebe
    Ti si ostavil li prostor
    Za da veruvam vo tebe
    Ko da imas mal problem
    Vo tvojot mozok mal
    Slabo drzis ramnoteza
    Ne mi deluvas za stabilen

    No jas iako te znam se dvoumam!

    A druga edna rabota e
    Sto te spasuva
    Mojte doma znam vo tebe
    Ke se zaljubat od prva
    A kako da im dokazes
    na mojte bejbe deka
    Ne si uste dozrean
    Za bilo kakva vrska

    No jas iako te znam se dvoumam

    Sega veke ne znam
    Sto da izberam
    Megu razum ili ludo
    Da se zaljubam
    Sega veke ne znam
    Sto e pravoto
    Da li razum ili bejbe
    Ona drugoto......

    Se sto nosis na tebe
    E znam po naracka
    Cel tvoj zivot ko da te ranele
    Od zlatna lazicka
    Pa i ne me cudi deka
    Ne si naviknat
    Koga nema de se potrudis
    Ti moze da te odbijat

    No jas iako te znam se dvoumam!


    No ajde nesto napravi
    Nesto da me ubedi
    Da svatam deka jas i ti
    Eden za drug sme stvoreni

    Iako te znam se dvoumam...

  12. Lidija's Avatar

    Lidija said:


    And here's the translation in English

    Ona drugoto - The other thing

    C’mon guess out of three times
    But keep the first two to yourself
    Did you leave any space
    For me to trust in you
    It’s like you have a small problem
    In your little brain
    You’re not balancing well
    You don’t look like a stable guy

    But even though I know you, I still have a doubt!

    And another thing
    That goes in your favour
    Is that my family at home
    Will love you when they see you
    How can you tell my family baby that
    You’re not mature enough
    For any kind of commitment

    But even though I know you, I still have a doubt!

    Now I don’t know
    What to choose
    Between sense or madly
    Falling in love with you
    Now I don’t know
    What’s the right thing
    Is it sense or is it baby
    The other thing….

    Everything you wear
    Is ordered, I know
    All of your life you’ve been fed
    With a golden spoon
    So it’s not so odd that you’re not used that
    If you don’t make an effort
    You can be refused

    But even though I know you, I still have a doubt!

    But c’mon do something
    Something to convince me
    To realize that me and you
    Are made for each other

    Even though I know you, I have a doubt…..
  13. demuj737 said:


    You guys are great!!!! Thank you so much for providing the lyrics and translating the songs. I know there were alot!!!! Thanks!

  14. demuj737 said:


    And thanks for adding some lyrics in Cyrillic...I'm learning the language, so that really really helps


    Beautiful anthem
  15. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by demuj737 View Post
    And thanks for adding some lyrics in Cyrillic...I'm learning the language, so that really really helps


    Beautiful anthem

    Hey Jenn, you are welcome from my side I'm glad that you liked our anthem also and that you try to learn Macedonian orthography with the Cyrillic lyrics.
    Well done
    Greetings from Macedonia, xxx
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  16. demuj737 said:


    Hi Lydia,

    Learning the language has been a challenge, but I enjoy it! I truly love Macedonia and look forward to visiting there soon! I have some wonderful friends from there; they are such kind, warm and amazing people! I am visiting a friend this summer, so I hope to speak some Macedonian by then!!

    Regards from NY,

  17. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    Quote Originally Posted by demuj737 View Post
    Hi Lydia,

    Learning the language has been a challenge, but I enjoy it! I truly love Macedonia and look forward to visiting there soon! I have some wonderful friends from there; they are such kind, warm and amazing people! I am visiting a friend this summer, so I hope to speak some Macedonian by then!!

    Regards from NY,


    Dear Jenn, I'm really pleased to hear that Learning Macedonian sounds like a nice move!
    Every foreign language leads us to meeting new people all over the world, new relationships and experiences...
    And, as we say here, as much languages u know as richer u become- 1 language- 1 university
    So by that everyone extends its own intellectual potential..

    I hope that you will have great time here in Macedonia, our country
    and our people are just the way you described them, we have many beautiful treasures here to be seen, rich and famous history and pure and astonishing nature..

    I'm sure you will be satisfied from your stay and also your friends because u will show them how a foreigner can learn good Macedonian

    Have fun and take care, xxx

    P.S. If you like I can also send you some links where you can see some pictures from Macedonia- if u r coming here for the first time
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  18. demuj737 said:


    Thanks Lydia!

    I look forward to seeing Macedonia for the first time Definitely send me some links!


  19. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    Quote Originally Posted by demuj737 View Post
    Thanks Lydia!

    I look forward to seeing Macedonia for the first time Definitely send me some links!



    Here are few Hope you will like them (lovely site made by one Polish visitor) (this one it is really nice, has many photos and first by clicking on each of the 6 photos other will appear from that place) (here u can choose by city also) (here also u can check by clicking on the city) (here u can choose city and there are also some informations about it)
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  20. demuj737 said:


    Blagodaram, Lydia! I will take a look at the links!!