Erre XI Llorare Lyics

Thread: Erre XI Llorare Lyics

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  1. The_Silent_Witness said:

    Post Erre XI Llorare Lyics

    does anybody have them? if u do can u post them and translate them to english?
  2. marifen's Avatar

    marifen said:


    Llorare Erre Xi
    i will cry

    Quedaatee sooloo un miinuutoo
    stay only for a minute
    hableemooz sooloo de otraa Cooza
    let's just talk for something else
    qe noo seeaa de amoor
    that is not love
    noo Qiieroo hablaaR dee naDaa
    i don't want to talk about anything
    de loo Quee nooz pazaa
    of what is happening to us
    hablaandoo Claroo me siientoo peeRdiidoo
    by talking of course i feel myself lost

    se quee paraa tii noo ez faaCiil
    i know that for you it isn't easy
    miiraarmee a laa Caraa
    to look me in the face
    peroo azii es laa viidaaa
    but that's how life is
    muChaaz veeCeez Cooandoo
    a lot of times when
    eel hoombRee amaa ii laaztiimaaa
    the man loves and hurts
    ii mee a tooCaadoo amaaR ii laztiimaRtee
    and it has fallen on me to love and hurt you

    ii mee voii
    and i am leaving
    Adiioss yaa me vooi
    goodbye i am already going
    loo siientoo muChoo ii sufRiiree
    i am very sorry and i will suffer
    muchoo maz quee tu yoo llorareee
    a lot more than you i will cry
    llorrare ii lloraraaz
    i will cry and you'll cry
    lloraraa ii lloraree
    you will cry and i'll cry
    pagaree coon Cadaa lagriimaa mii engaño
    i will pay with every tear my deceit
    ii por haCerte taanto dañoo
    and for causing you such harm
    i will cry

    cuantaas veCees noo estuviiste a mi ladoo
    how many times you weren't by my side
    cuantaaz noChes duermees soola
    how many nights you sleep alone
    cuuantoo tiiempoo estuvee
    how much time was i
    siin seentiir tuuz bezoos
    without feeling your kisses
    hablandoo Claroo mee seentiia presoo
    by talking of course i was feeling imprisoned

    y yaa ii azii es la viidaa
    and now and that's how life is
    yoo que te amoo taantoo
    i that love you soo
    maaz de lo Que piiensoo
    more than i think
    tu nooz abees Cuaantoo mee doliioo fallartee
    you don't know how much it hurt me letting you down
    peroo aoora loo pagoo
    but now i am payinf for it
    ii jaamaaz fuii a buzCaartee
    and i never went to look for you

    ii toomee alCool ii tee amee
    and i drunk alcohol and i loved you
    en ootroo cuuerpoo yoo tee amee
    in another body i loved you
    ii mee ahoogaba en alcol ii tee besee
    and i was drowning in the alcohol and i kissed you
    tuu labiios beesee
    your lips i kissed
    en otraa booCaa tee beesee
    on another mouth i kissed you
    yoo tee amee ii coon otraa despeeRtee
    i loved you and i woke up with another

    llorrare ii lloraraaz
    i will cry and you'll cry
    lloraraa ii lloraree
    you will cry and i'll cry
    pagaree coon Cadaa lagriimaa mii engaño
    i will pay with every tear my deceit
    ii por haCerte taanto dañoo
    and for causing you such harm
    i will cry(x2)

    ii te vii llooraar tee vii llooraar poor mii amoor
    and i saw you crying i saw you crying for my love
    ii tuuz besoos
    and your kisses
    Caambiioo mii muundoo dee dooloor
    my world of pain changed
    mii Ciieloo see voolviio muii griiz
    my sky turned into very grey
    y lloviioo
    and it rained

    llorrare ii lloraraaz
    i will cry and you'll cry
    lloraraa ii lloraree
    you'll cry and i'll cry
  3. The_Silent_Witness said:


    Awesomeness Thanks A Lot
  4. marifen's Avatar

    marifen said:


    you are welcome
  5. nando dice said:


    Quedate solo un minuto
    Stay for only one minute.
    hablemos de otra cosa que no sea de amor
    We'll talk about something other than love.
    no quiero hablar de nada de lo que nos pasa
    I don't wanna talk about anything that's happening to us.
    hablando claro me siento perdido
    Speaking clearly makes me feel lost.

    se que para ti no es facil mirarme a la cara
    I know it's hard for you to look at me in the face,
    pero asi es la vida
    But that's life,
    muchas veces cuando el hombre lastima
    A lot of times when a man causes hurt.
    y me a tocado a mi lastimarte
    And now I have hurt you.

    y me voy

    adios ya me voy
    Good bye, I'm leaving.
    lo siento mucho y sufrire
    I'm very sorry, and I will suffer.
    mucho mas que tu yo llorare
    I will cry much more than you.

    llorare y lloraras
    I will cry, and you will cry.
    llorara y llorare
    I will cry, and you will cry.
    y pagare con cada lagrima mi engaņo
    And with every tear I will pay for my deception
    y por hacerte tanto daņo llorare
    And for causing so much damage to you, I will cry.

    cuantas veces no estubistes a mi lado
    How many times were you not by mi side?
    cuantas noches dormi solo
    How many nights did I sleep alone?
    cuanto tiempo estube sin sentir tus besos
    How much time did I go without feeling your kisses?
    hablando claro me sentia preso
    Speaking clearly, I feel pressured.

    y ya lo ves asi es la vida
    And you will see, that's how life is.
    yo que te amo tanto y mas de lo que piensas
    I love you a lot, more than you think.
    tu no sabes cuanto me dolio fallarte
    You don't know how much it hurt me to fail you.
    pero entre par de copas fui a buscarte
    I had a couple shots, and I went to find you. <Not sure about that one.
    y tome alcohol y te ame
    And I drank alcohol, and I loved you.
    en otro cuerpo yo te ame
    In another body, I loved you.
    y me ahogaba en alcohol y te bese
    And I drowned myself in alcohol, and I kissed you.
    tus labios bese
    Your lips, I kissed.
    en otra boca te bese
    In another mouth, I kissed you.
    yo te ame y con otra desperte
    I loved you, and I awoke with another woman.

    (coro x2)

    y te vi llorar (te vi llorar)
    And I saw you cry.
    te vi llorar de amor amor
    I saw you for love.
    y te vi sufrir (sufriiir)
    And I saw you suffer.
    cambio mi mundo de color
    It changed the color of my world,
    tu cielo se volvio mui gris
    Your sky turned very gray,
    y llovio
    And it rained.

    llorare y lloraras
    I will cry, and you will cry.
    llorara y llorare
    I will cry, and you will cry.

    That was my attempt at it,
    Im sure someone can do a better job