70s Old School Song

Thread: 70s Old School Song

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  1. Cardinal said:

    Default 70s Old School Song

    Heya everyone!

    This will be VERY vague but there is a 70s, I presume, song that is driving me nuts and I MUST know what it is. The only lyric I bleive I hear is in the chorus:

    "We're going to make it...." It sounds like "we're going to make it hard..."

    Actually" We're gonna make it hard"

    It's like a female voice those goes very high and does a "ha ha ha ha ha aaaaah aaaaah aaaah ah at the "hard" sounding part.

    Please HELP!


  2. Cardinal said:


    This song is a pop type song and has a very catchy dance type beat. I can't remember if the song is sung by a male or female, I just know that the chorus sounds heavily female at the part I listed. I'm going to ay the song is fairly popular as I've heard it on the radio a number of times.
  3. Grendl2000 said:


    Perhaps "Suite Judy Blue Eyes" by CSNY?

    The line in question goes
    "And you make it hard" with the "hard" part stretched out as you describe. Male voices, but sung very high.
  4. Cardinal said:


    Eh, this song Im thinking of goes really high at the hard part and all versions of Judy Blue Eyes can find are much lower.
  5. Cardinal said:


    On another note, I think this chorus really screams something ELO-ish. The CSN version just seems too low though so close.
  6. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    Wow, I would've bet real money on "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" being the right song...
    My wild guesses are (based purely on groups active in the 1970's):

    "Hard On Me" by Asia
    "Hard on Me" by Tom Petty
    "You Make It Hard" by Thunderhead
    Them that can, do; them that can't... memorize Artist and Title