
Thread: Proverbs

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  1. I'll be on time said:

    Thumbs up Proverbs

    Your way to success
    Hi guys, I translated those for you, after I read them from several humanity's development books. I think it's valuable sentences that push you to be better one.
    Besides that can help you to save some Arabic words
    I wish you will like them
    Best wishes

    مرحبا يا شباب, لقد ترجمت لكم هذا, بعد أن قرأتهم من عدة كتب تنمية البشرية. أعتقد أنها جمل قيمة تدفعكم لتكونوا أشخاص أفضل.
    بالإضافة إلى مساعدتكم في حفظ بعض الكلمات العربية
    أتمنى أن تعجبكم
    أطيب التمنيات

    The Secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.
    إن سر النجاح هو جعل الواجب كقضاء عطلة))

    Humans have learned only through mistakes.
    (البشر يتعلمون من خلال أخطائهم فقط)

    What would you attempt do if you knew you could not fail
    (ما الذي ستحاول فعله عندما تعلم أنه لن تفشل في فعله)

    There is no great success without great commitment
    (لا يوجد نجاح عظيم بدون التزام ساحق)

    Belief in limits creates limited people
    (الإيمان بالمحدودية (محدودية القدرات) يخلق ناس محدودي القدرات)

    You can always learn from every human experience and can thereby always succeed in anything you do.
    ( باستطاعتك أن تتعلم من تجارب البشر كلها وبذلك يمكنك النجاح بأي شيء تعمله)

    Successful people aren't necessarily the ones with the most information the most knowledge, but they are the most effective at using what they know.
    (ليس الناس الناجحون بالضرورة الأكثر معلومات ومعرفة لكنهم الأكثر فاعلية في استخدام ما يعرفون)

    Some workaholics focus on work so much because they love it so much they look at work the way most of us look at play.
    (بعض المخلصون بعملهم يركزون على العمل كثيراً لأنهم يحبونه كثيراً, نظرتهم للعمل كنظرة معظمنا للعب)
  2. alessia's Avatar

    alessia said:


    those are welllll done!!!
    thanx a lot for ur effort soso
    (i like to call u that way cuz my lil sis her name is "sarah" or "sara"
    and i call her soso just a nickname
  3. LaaSemaa's Avatar

    LaaSemaa said:


    thank you so much
  4. born2btough's Avatar

    born2btough said:


    guys l got a very nice story here............sorry if it's in a wrong section, it was sooooo great story l can't keep it only to my self so here l write it. if the administrator feel it's not in a correct section pls be free to delete my post. ( and sorry also to " l'll be ontime" to post it in your thread . l hope this can help Us to be a better person also on loving some one.

    You'll Find Someone Else

    Age of six
    He loved her so
    And everyday
    He'd let her know

    "I love you Grace"
    He'd say each day
    She'd just laugh
    And run away

    Till one day
    She turned around
    And sat with him
    On the playground

    "I'm sorry Chris
    I don't love you
    You'll find someone else
    Who loves you too"

    Highschool came
    They met again
    They laughed about
    The things back then

    They began to date
    And fell in love
    He got the girl
    That he'd dreamed of

    But when college came
    Everything changed
    They were far apart
    With lives rearranged

    "We'll be fine Grace"
    But she had doubt
    She turned and said
    "It won't work out"

    "I'm sorry Chris
    I can't love you
    You'll find someone else
    Who loves you too"

    In their twenties
    They met again
    They laughed about
    The things back then

    He took her hand
    They began to dance
    Their old romance

    Two years later
    She became his wife
    They'd be together
    All of their life

    They went on a drive
    When it was no longer light
    They drove down the roads
    Of the starry night

    The music came on
    She started to sing
    He whispered, "Grace
    You're my everything"

    But then suddenly
    In one big flash
    Headlights shone
    As their car crashed

    He saw her laying
    Down on the ground
    He felt his tears
    Start rolling down

    "Grace..." he cried
    She took his hand
    "I have to leave...
    Please understand"

    "I love you so much
    It's always been true
    But you'll find someone else
    And you'll love again too"

    "No," he cried
    "It's always been you
    I don't want someone else
    I only want you"

    And there on that street
    Is where he cried
    Hugging his love
    As she slowly died

    it's not mine, got it from somewhere.
  5. rasha's Avatar

    rasha said:


    i like it soooo much .. it'a has a big meaning . thanks for it
    صحيح دروبي عنك بعيده واتصالاتي مو عديده بس وحياه لي خلقك محبتك بقلبي اكيده
  6. I'll be on time said:

    Smile More & more for you

    مرحبا شباب, أودُّ أن ألصق هذه الأمثال (الأقوال المأثورة) لترونها. لقد ترجمتها بنفسي. إن هذه الأقوال تلهمني لأكون أفضل في كل جوانب الحياة. أتمنى أن تؤثر عليكم إيجابياً أيضاً. لا تنسوا أن تنظروا بتمعن للكلمات العربية
    أطيب التمنيات
    Hi guys, I'd like to post those proverbs for you. I translated them by myself. Those proverbs inspire me to be better in every life's aspects. I wish that will affect you positively too. Don't forget to look carefully at the Arabic words
    Best wishes

    الأحمق هو الذي يظن أنه يعلم كل شيء بينما الحكيم يعرف قلة علمه.
    Foolish is who think that he know everything while a wise knew his knowledge littleness
    الحكيم يرى في أعماق البئر أكثر مما يراه الأحمق من قمة الجبل.
    The wise see at the well depths more than what the foolish see from the top of a mountain
    الأحمق يظن نفسه حكيم بينما الحكيم يعلم أنه جاهل \وليام شكسبير\
    Foolish think himself as a wise, while a wise knew he's ignorant /William Shakespeare/
    التخيل أهم من المعرفة \ألبرت أينشتاين\
    Imagination is important more than the knowledge /Albert Einstein /
    العقل الذي لا يغذي نفسه يتآ كل
    The mind who doesn't nourish himself corrode
    الناس ترى الخطأ في الفكرة أسرع مما ترى الصواب
    People see, the error in the idea faster than the right
    ما يستطيع العقل فهمه وتصديقه يستطيع تحقيقه
    What the mind can understand it and believe it, can execute it
    الخيال فن مشاهدة غير مرئي
    The imagination is an seeing art unseen
    كل مشكلة تحوي بذور حلها
    Each problem includes its' solving seeds
    الأحمق يبرر أخطاءه أما الحكيم فلا يحاول أصلاً
    The foolish justify their mistakes, while the wise don't think about it
    الأحمق يمدح نفسه بينما الحكيم يمدح الحمقى
    Foolish commends himself, while wise commends the fool
    إن عدد من يقتل الأفكار يفوق عدد من يُوجِدها
    The numbers of people who kill the ideas exceed the numbers of people who find her
    الاكتشافات ما هي إلا رفع الغطاء عن أمر موجود أصلاَ لا يراه المغمضون
    The discovering is only uncovering for something that is existed originally, but sightless people don't see it
    من السذاجة أن تعمل نفس الأعمال بنفس الطريقة وتنتظر نتائج مختلفة
    It is gullibility to do the same things in the same way then wait for different results

    وسيلة النقل غير مهمة إذا لم تكن تعرف وجهتك
    The mean of transportation is not important, unless you know your way
    الذكاء هو القدرة على النظر من زوايا مختلفة في آن واحد دون أن تصاب بالجنون
    Smartness is the ability to look from different angles at the same time without getting crazy
    لا شيء نتيجة عمل لا شيء \شكسبير\
    Nothing outcome from doing nothing /Shakespeare/
    إذا كنت جالساً فاجلس وإن كنت واقفاً فقف ولكن أهم شيء ألا تتردد \حكمة صينية\
    If you were sitting sit and if you were standing stand, but the most important thing is to not hesitate
    /China's wisdom /