Red Shoe Diaries song

Thread: Red Shoe Diaries song

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  1. Wiccan42 said:

    Default Red Shoe Diaries song

    This is a re-post (I guess that's what you call it). I thought that I would try again in case someone new checks in..

    The lyrics go along the lines of "Can you feel the fire between us....Let it burn" it was featured on more then one eps. One of the eps that played the song took place in a laundry mat.

    Thank you in advance...
  2. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    I've never seen an episode of Red Shoe Diaries.. Was it a male or female singing and what style of music was it?
  3. Wiccan42 said:


    Dear Daydream,
    Thanks for the intrest.
    The singer: Male deep voice..

    Style: That's kinda tuff... i want to say Country Soul... It's hard to describe..