English text to Arabic

Thread: English text to Arabic

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  1. oldoz said:

    Default English text to Arabic

    this is not a lyric, but I would be ever so grateful if someone could translate this text into Arabic. I have a UN roleplay in school and I need to say this in Arabic. So please help me someone!
    I need this in Arabic:

    Mr President, ladies and gentlemen. It is a big honour for us to be here today. We are glad that you all could be present at this meeting.

    We are looking forward towards this meeting and we hope that we all can cooperate. We also hope that we can reach common goals that can benefit all parties in the conflicts that we will discuss these two days.

    There are many conflicts in the world. If we can find solutions to Sudan and Serbia it would be a step in the right direction towards world peace.

    The course of events in Sudan is especially important to us, since it is our neighbours. We care about the Africans and it is important for us that the fighting stops immediately.

    We feel that the conflict in Serbia has to be handled in a secure way where both sides’ opinions are respected. No conflict can resolve without respect.

    With these words we would like to say thank you and we are looking forward to a good debate.

    I hope someone can help me.
  2. Beso's Avatar

    Beso said:


    hi Sara i wsh this helped u i did my bestL

    السيد الرئيس ، السيدات والسادة. انه لشرف كبير لنا ان نكون هنا اليوم. ونحن سعداء لانكم جميعا استطعتم حضور هذا الاجتماع.
    al sayed al ra2is,al sayedat walsada . enaho lasharaf kaber lana an nakoon hona alyawm. w na7no so3ada2 l2anakom gamee3n estata3tom 7odor haza al egtema3

    ونحن نتطلع نحو هذا الاجتماع ونأمل ان يكون بالامكان ان نتعاون جميعا. كما اننا نأمل ان نتمكن من الوصول الى الاهداف المشتركة التي يمكن ان تعود بالفاءده على جميع الاطراف في الصراعات التي سوف نناقش هذين اليومين.
    w na7no natatal3 na7o haza al egtema3 w na2mal an yakoon belemkan an nata3awan gamee3n kama na2mal an natamakn mn al wesol ela al ahdaf al moshtaraka allati yomken an ta3ood belfa2da 3ala gamee3 alatraf felsera3at allati sawf nonakish hazin al yawmin

    هناك العديد من النزاعات في العالم. وإذا استطعنا إيجاد حلول للسودان وصربيا سيكون خطوة في الاتجاه الصحيح نحو تحقيق السلام العالمي
    honak al 3adeed men al neza3at fel3alam. w eza estata3na eegad 7elool llsudan wa serbeya sayakon 5atwa fe aletegah alsa7ee7 na7wa ta7kik alsalam al3alami

    ان مسار الاحداث في السودان له اهمية خاصة بالنسبة لنا ، إذ انهم جيراننا. اننا نهتم بالافارقه ومهم بالنسبة الينا ان يتوقف القتال فورا.
    en masar al a7dathfel sudan laho ahameya 5asa belnesbato lana, ez enahom geranona. enna nahtam belafareka w mohem belnesbato lana an yatwakaf al ketal fawran

    ونحن نري ان الصراع في صربيا يجب ان يتم تداوله باسلوب امن فيه يتم احترام آراء كلا الجانبان. فلا يمكن حل النزاع دون احترام.
    w na7ano nara an al sera3 fe serbya yageb an yatem tadawlaho be2sloob amen yatem feh e7teram ara2 kela al ganebayen fla yomken 7al alnza3 don e7teram

    مع هذه الكلمات نود ان نقول شكرا لكم ونحن نتطلع الى مناقشة جيدة.
    w ma3 hazeh al kalemat nawad an nakool shukran lakom w na7n natatala3 ella monakasha gayeda
    Her sabah bir dev masalında ..uyanınca
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  3. oldoz said:


    Beso, thank you sooooooo much!! I am very grateful!
    I hope I can return the favour some day.
    Thank you! You really helped me.
  4. Beso's Avatar

    Beso said:


    welcome Sara anytime ask again anytime u want
    Her sabah bir dev masalında ..uyanınca
    Hep çocuk kalmak kurtulmak
  5. oldoz said:


    I once again need this text translated into Arabic. I hope someone can help me.

    Mr President, ladies and gentlemen.

    It has been an honour for us to be at this meeting.
    Obviously all the worlds’ problems can not be fixed in two days but we believe that we all did our best and many of us were wise enough to cooperate and compromise.

    Even though there are so many different views in this room, we still accomplished agreeing on some resolutions which shows that we can do it again in the future.

    Tank you all for your time and your efforts to make the world a better place. We are truly blessed to be here.

    Thank you

    Hope that someone can help me, I would be very grateful.
    Thanks //Sara
  6. Beso's Avatar

    Beso said:


    Mr President, ladies and gentlemen.
    السيد الرئيس , السيدات والسادة//al sayed al ra2is, al sayedat walsada

    It has been an honour for us to be at this meeting.
    انه لشرف لنا ان نكون في هذا الاجتماع//enaho lasharf lana annakoon fe haza al egtema3
    Obviously all the worlds’ problems can not be fixed in two days but we believe that we all did our best and many of us were wise enough to cooperate and compromise.
    من الواضح ان جمبع مشاكل العالم لا يمكن حلها في يومين ولكننا نعتقد اننا جميعا قمنا بافضل ما لدينا والكثير مناكانوا حكماء بما يكفي للتعاون والتوفيق.//mn al wade7 an gamee3 mashakel al 3alam la yomken 7alaha fe yawmein walkinana na3takid enna gamee3n komna be afdl ma ladina w alkathir mena kano 7okama2 bema yakfi lelta3awen waltawfeek

    Even though there are so many different views in this room, we still accomplished agreeing on some resolutions which shows that we can do it again in the future.
    رغم ان هناك الكثير من الاراء المختلفة في هذه القاعة، ما زلنا انجزنا الاتفاق على بعض القرارات مما يدل على انه يمكننا ان نفعل ذلك مرة اخرى في المستقبل//raghm an honak al katheer mn al mokhtalefa fe hazehi al ka3a, mazelna angazna al etefak 3ala ba3d al krarat mema yadol 3ala enaho yomkenona an naf3al zalek mara o5ra felmostkbal

    Tank you all for your time and your efforts to make the world a better place. We are truly blessed to be here.
    شكرا لكم جميعا لوقتكم وجهودكم لجعل العالم مكانا افضل. اننا حقا مباركين لنكون هنا//shokran lakom gmee3n lwaktakom w ghodakom lega3l al3alm makann afdal .enna 7akn mobarkon lnakon hona.

    Thank you
    شكرا //shokrn
    Her sabah bir dev masalında ..uyanınca
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  7. oldoz said:


    Thank you so much again Beso! I do not know what I would do without you =) شكرا

  8. Beso's Avatar

    Beso said:


    welcome anytime just name it n i'll help as much as i can
    Her sabah bir dev masalında ..uyanınca
    Hep çocuk kalmak kurtulmak
  9. kiyora_online's Avatar

    kiyora_online said:


    beso ur the best !!!!
  10. Beso's Avatar

    Beso said:


    thnx my dear
    Her sabah bir dev masalında ..uyanınca
    Hep çocuk kalmak kurtulmak
  11. matrixdeathman said:


    good job beso
    you're the best
    well done