Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations

Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations

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  1. amberdancerxo8 said:

    Default Not Lyrics But I Need A Serbian Translation ASAP!!!

    И мени се то свиђа. Само... не знам колико разумеш ћирилицу... Ја је обожавам, предивна је! Марко, пуно те волим, не знам ни сама у којем смислу, али знам да више не могу да замислим свој живот без тебе..

    to english please...

  2. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    I also like it. It's just that .. I don't know how much you understand cyrillic. I adore it, it's wonderful! Marko, I love you very much, I don't even know in what way, I just know that I can't imagine my life without you in it.
  3. Nene's Avatar

    Nene said:


    Aaah, great thread! Exactly what I need right now!

    Can someone pls translate to Serbian the following (I can read both alphabets if need be):

    "I know why you are closed (a closed up person), but I don't care, I will wait for you to open up, no matter how long it takes. I'm patient and I have all the time in the world. Don't be afraid, love doesn't hurt"

    Thank you in advance!
    Mivel mindig az okos enged, már rég a hülyék uralkodnak...
  4. baskarukebaskanoge's Avatar

    baskarukebaskanoge said:


    Znam zašto si zatvoren, ali nije mi bitno, čekaću da se otvoriš, bez obzira na to koliko će vremena biti potrebno. Ja sam strpljiva i imam sve vreme ovoga sveta. Ne plaši se, ljubav ne boli!

    I translated this like it was a girl talking to a guy... if it was a guy talking to a girl, change "zatvoren" into "zatvorena" and "strpljiva" into "strpljiv"
  5. Nene's Avatar

    Nene said:


    I got that! Perfect! Thanks a mill baskarukebaskanoge!!!
    Mivel mindig az okos enged, már rég a hülyék uralkodnak...
  6. coloice12 said:


    Can anyone tell me what this means? mnogo vise neko sto zamisljas
  7. baskarukebaskanoge's Avatar

    baskarukebaskanoge said:


    it means "much more than you think/imagine".
    but there is a mistake, it should be "nego" instead of "neko".
  8. dostojanstvo10 said:


    can anyone translate this sentence :

    i just want to say i m really better since i heard you yesterday..you r my happiness,my life source ..
  9. baskarukebaskanoge's Avatar

    baskarukebaskanoge said:


    Želim da ti kažem da mi je stvarno bolje od kad sam te čula juče... ti si moja sreća, moj izvor života..
  10. dostojanstvo10 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by baskarukebaskanoge View Post
    Želim da ti kažem da mi je stvarno bolje od kad sam te čula juče... ti si moja sreća, moj izvor života..

    hvala puno baskarukebaskanoge
  11. nicolestarjacki's Avatar

    nicolestarjacki said:


    What does this meanns?

    Umetnik u ljubavi
  12. baskarukebaskanoge's Avatar

    baskarukebaskanoge said:


    Literally that means "the little pigeons".
    That's how we say for a couple in love
  13. coloice12 said:


    need help translating this to serbian:

    i hope you understand that I love you very much
    i can only dream of a day where i will be able to hold you and kiss you and show you how much i love you
    Last edited by coloice12; 07-17-2008 at 10:59 PM.
  14. baskarukebaskanoge's Avatar

    baskarukebaskanoge said:


    Nadam se da razumeš da te mnogo volim
    Mogu samo da sanjam dan kada ću moći da te držim, ljubim i pokažem koliko te volim
  15. coloice12 said:


    znas da se to nikad nece desit, molim te da tako ne razmisljas,.... ja te volim kao prijatelja

    english translation!!!
  16. baskarukebaskanoge's Avatar

    baskarukebaskanoge said:


    "You know that will never happen, please don't think that way... I love you as a friend"
  17. coloice12 said:


    hvala for all the replies!

    da li me razumijes -->serbian ?
  18. baskarukebaskanoge's Avatar

    baskarukebaskanoge said:


    You're welcome.

    "Do you understand me?"
  19. coloice12 said:


    I know it will never happen, but i do wish you would/could love me the same way i do you.
  20. baskarukebaskanoge's Avatar

    baskarukebaskanoge said:


    "Znam da se to nikada neće desiti, ali želeo bih da možeš da me voliš na isti način na koji ja volim tebe. "

    If it's a girl speaking to a guy, change that "želeo" into "želela".