Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations

Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations

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  1. Zahal's Avatar

    Zahal said:


    Srećna ti Nova godina, Ina!

    Svet plus nije tako loš, i osim toga taj jezik liči na ulični govor

    Evo još nekoliko pitanja iz romana, u vezi sa svadbom veka:
    1. "Svatovi iz Žitorađe".
    2. A verenici su iskazivali svoje želje.
    3. Po izlasku iz vozila svetovi su se oglasili pucnjavom iz stotinu pištolja marke "mauzer", a čule su se i puške.
    4. Željko Ražnatović nije se dao zbuniti blatom Cecine Žitorađe.

  2. ina said:


    Znaš Zahal, ja ipak verujem u dnu srca mog da se ti sve vreme samo šališ

    Ajde da ja vežbam engleski ...

    1. svatovi (iz Žitorođa) -> svat = wedding guest

    2. A verenici su iskazivali svoje želje. And the engaged couple has been expressing their wishes/desires.

    3. svatovi su se oglasili pucnjavom - wedding guests had advertised their presence firing bullets (into air)
    oglasiti se = to utter; to advertise
    pucnjava - fusillade

    4. nije se dao zbuniti blatom -> he was not distracted by mud
  3. Zahal's Avatar

    Zahal said:


    Nisam ranije video toliko mnogo grešaka u jednom romanu kao ovaj, potrebna je korektura!
    Evo još pitanja:

    1. Dever Stojan joj je kao u bajci o Pepeljugi obukao zlatne cipele koje je doneo i dao poveći dukat.
    2. Mlada se pojavila pred prisutnima u raskošnoj beloj venčanici sa dubokim dekolteom, ukrašenoj biserima, kamenčićima i šljokicama.
    3. Mešoviti crkveni hor je otpevao pesme Svjati mučenici, Isaija likuj i Slava tebi Hriste Bože. (A ko je Isaija?)
    4. Posle venčanja u crkvi mladenci su otišli u mladoženjinu kuću. Tamo je mlada poljubila nakonče, bacila sito na krov, a jabuku prebacila preko kuće.
    5. Ogrlica i brezletna potiče od italijanskog proizvođača nakita Bulgorija.
  4. ina said:


    1. poveći, poveliki = veći nego obično, malo veći; Somewhat large, biggish, fairly large, sizable

    2. šljokice = spangles, glitters, tinsels

    3. Svjati mučenici = Sveti mučenci

    Prorok Isaija http://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-el/%D0%98...B8%D1%98%D0%B0

    4. sito, rešeto = colander, sieve

    Nakonče je najmlađe dete iz mladoženjine familije, a mlada ga okreće kako bi ona i mladoženja imali puno lepe i zdrave dece.

    5. brazletna - bracelet, narukvica
    Evo jedne lepe og Bulgari
  5. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Jao... te silne rodbinske i svatovske veze nikad nisam uspela da pokapiram.... ali nakonče! e to jos nisam cula! : ))

    That reminded me...
    Quote Originally Posted by morphi View Post
    i`ve been there, and i didn`t heared it, but it doesn`t matter :P
    I heard a Balasevic song today and then found more solid proof for that disputed "baba" = dad situation lol

    In Balasevic' songs

    "Sine moj...
    Gajde ce ti baba kupiti..."

    "Meni, babo, od te zemlje vise ne treba...
    Ja sam babin sin jedinac..."

    "Jedared je baba bio kum ...al taljige vole baba moj."

    " baba mi je dao nesto novaca"

    "Pa da i tvoj baba podavije rep"
  6. elucas29 said:


    Would someone be able to help translate what this says? Thank you.

  7. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    You mean the blessing?

    God bless the one who's entering this home
    Protect and guard the one who's leaving it
    and give peace to the one who's staying in it
  8. Zahal's Avatar

    Zahal said:


    Našao sam ove reči koje ne razumem:

    Lososi, fazani, srnetina u sosu, ćuretina u kombinaciji sa ananasom, jagnjetina, prasići, lubenice, dinje, trideset osam različitih vrsta kolača, "esterhazi" torta i svadbarska torta od sedam spratova teška sedamdeset kilograma, koju su krasila četiri tigra, dva bela goluba i bidermajer.

    Hvala vam.
  9. ina said:


    Esterhazi Mađarska torta ili Torta sa lešnicima
    (mada se recepti i slike razlikuju od sajta do sajta)



    bidermajer = (nem. Biedermeier)
  10. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Zahal View Post
    Našao sam ove reči koje ne razumem:

    Lososi, fazani, srnetina u sosu, ćuretina u kombinaciji sa ananasom, jagnjetina, prasići, lubenice, dinje, trideset osam različitih vrsta kolača, "esterhazi" torta i svadbarska torta od sedam spratova teška sedamdeset kilograma, koju su krasila četiri tigra, dva bela goluba i bidermajer.

    Hvala vam.
    Rekla bih da si stigao do vencanja?

    Meni treba pomoc ako neko ima ideju... kako bi rekli: "neprestano se smenjuјu,
    nadovezuјu i dopunjuјu" (npr. slike, secanja)
  11. ina said:


    Nemoj da misliš da ne želimo biti od pomoći, samo nam fali ideja

    Sad se setih - da, "baba"= otac sam čula u jednoj pesmi, mislim turbo-folk, Muharem Serbezovski (jedva zapamtih ime ) - Emina:

    Ja cu reci babi svom
    o, o, Emina
    da te cekam danima
    o, o, Emina
    Last edited by ina; 01-21-2010 at 06:13 AM.
  12. Zahal's Avatar

    Zahal said:



    Ne znam kako ovo da prevedem. Govor sinoc Benjamina Netanyahua (about the Palis putting precondition after precondition in their attempt to avoid restarting the peace negotiations in the eternal Israel-Arab war):
    "The Palestinians have climbed up a tree ... And they like it up there. People bring ladders to them. We bring ladders to them. The higher the ladder, the higher they climb."

    About Springs sentence – I will give it a try, but I am definitely not sure!
    Ja bih rekao ovako:
    They constantly change, supervene and complete each other.
    "Neprestano se smenjuјu, nadovezuјu i dopunjuјu".

    Last edited by Zahal; 01-21-2010 at 07:35 AM.
  13. ina said:


    Zahal, kako se na tvom jeziku kaže: "Ja sam čovek"?
  14. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Hvala ina i Zahal!

    I don't think
    They constantly change, supervene and complete each other.
    would be the same as
    "Neprestano se smenjuјu, nadovezuјu i dopunjuјu".

    I have no idea how to translate smenjivati... replace each other? nope. A Croatian dictionary says "rotate"; revolve but - nope.
    I think there are different words in English used for situations where we would use the word smenjivati and I suppose, in this context I need something like:
    vojnici se smenjuju na strazi = soldiers are rotating guard duty

    nadovezati = add (To say or write further) but I need to say that words are adding to each other, not that someone is adding them..
    supervene should be something else..

    dopuniti = supplement, complement

    Conclusion: argh!
  15. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Zahal View Post

    "The Palestinians have climbed up a tree ... And they like it up there. People bring ladders to them. We bring ladders to them. The higher the ladder, the higher they climb."
    = Palestinci su se popeli na drvo... I sviđa im se tamo. Ljudi im donose lestve. Mi im donosimo lestve. Što više lestve, oni se više penju.
  16. Zahal's Avatar

    Zahal said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Spring View Post
    = Palestinci su se popeli na drvo... I sviđa im se tamo. Ljudi im donose lestve. Mi im donosimo lestve. Što više lestve, oni se više penju.
    Fala, stavim to odmah na fejsbook. Bibi i Lieberman, pravi heroji.
  17. Zahal's Avatar

    Zahal said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Spring View Post
    Hvala ina i Zahal!

    I don't think
    They constantly change, supervene and complete each other.
    would be the same as
    "Neprestano se smenjuјu, nadovezuјu i dopunjuјu".

    I have no idea how to translate smenjivati... replace each other? nope. A Croatian dictionary says "rotate"; revolve but - nope.
    I think there are different words in English used for situations where we would use the word smenjivati and I suppose, in this context I need something like:
    vojnici se smenjuju na strazi = soldiers are rotating guard duty

    nadovezati = add (To say or write further) but I need to say that words are adding to each other, not that someone is adding them..
    supervene should be something else..

    dopuniti = supplement, complement

    Conclusion: argh!
    Oh, hehe, nisam ja lingvista Mislim da ti i Ina su mnogo bolje. But I had to make a small contribution since I get so much help on this forum, otherwise it would be rude. My English almost faded away
  18. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Your contribution is very much appreciated Zahal! I think the word change might as well fit in there quite nicely
  19. ina said:


    Neprestano se smenjuјu, nadovezuјu i dopunjuјu.

    They are constantly shifting, attaching to and fulfilling each other /one another.
  20. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    hm... not bad! Thanks Ina!