Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations

Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations

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  1. ina said:


    Nepise To samo Babo imam jos i ja Tu
    Aaaaa! So it should be then: Ne_piše to samo babo, imam još i ja tu udela or Babo to piše, ali ne on sam, i ja sam tu. -> Dad is writing it, but I'm here with him too / I'm participating too
    (Koji nepismen čovek sastavi onu rečenicu!!!!)

    So, in the song a Bosnian guy is in love with Belgrade girl, but he's going back to his Bosnia, where his mother lives.
    (or Bosnia is figuratively speaking his mother - motherland)
    Last edited by ina; 08-29-2011 at 02:23 PM.
  2. Jolo said:


    Could you please translate this:
    Jos jednom da zivim i kroz zivot krenem, nebih mogao sreco moja tvoje ime da ne spomenem..

    pa kolko bi to imena spomenuo ihaha

    Ima ih mnogo ali jedna jedina postoji

    Thank you for your time. If you ever need a german <--> english translation, I'm happy to assist in return
  3. ina said:


    1. Jos jednom da zivim i kroz zivot krenem, ne bih mogao sreco moja tvoje ime da ne spomenem..
    If I had the chance to my live life over again, it would be impossible for me, my darling, not to mention your name ....

    2. pa kolko bi to imena spomenuo ihaha
    How many names would you mention then? haha

    3. Ima ih mnogo ali jedna jedina postoji
    There're planty of them, but there exists only one (name of a woman or a woman) [in my heart]
    Last edited by ina; 09-06-2011 at 08:25 AM.
  4. Jolo said:


    I apologize up front for the language of the folowing bosnian sentence. I just about know what it means, but can't tell if the anger is geared to towards a male, female or a group of people. Can you tell by the sentence if this is adressed to male, female or group ?

    licemijeru, pasce glupo, govno jedno smrdljivo obijesiti cu te.. nestati ces kao pepeo kad te uhvatim ...
  5. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Jolo View Post
    I apologize up front for the language of the folowing bosnian sentence. I just about know what it means, but can't tell if the anger is geared to towards a male, female or a group of people. Can you tell by the sentence if this is adressed to male, female or group ?

    licemijeru, pasce glupo, govno jedno smrdljivo obijesiti cu te.. nestati ces kao pepeo kad te uhvatim ...
    It could be addressed to either male or female, it isn't necessarily clear. And the "te/ćeš" form indicates that it's towards one person as well as the singular of "licemijer" but if the context seems like it's towards a group, that is also possible.
    I'm glad and I'm sorry that you don't need a translation for this. Maybe you should hang out with nicer Bosnian people. We don't all talk that way.

    Nevermind, yes, we probably all do.
  6. Dzomba's Avatar

    Dzomba said:


    I think it's adressed to male.. It's definitly not adressed to a group of people, and I really think it's not adressed to female person. But you can't be sure, cause there are no words that would 100% indicate that someone's talking to a person of female gender.

    But you usually don't talk like this to a lady, so.. Hehe..


    edit: wow, partizanka, you are fast..
  7. ina said:


    Hmmm...Jolo, I think you're reading the sentences of one man - his Bosnian is equally bad...

    "Licemijer" and "pasce glupo" (psu glupi? glupo pseto ? - "stupid dog") prove that he's "talking" to a man (man-to-man talk, I would say ). For a woman "kučka" (b****), not "pas", is used.
    Last edited by ina; 09-13-2011 at 02:22 AM.
  8. Jolo said:


    Need a small translation again, please:
    sreco moja, ja ne znam vise koliko dugo ovdje stojim, dok slusam kako liju kise pod mracnim prozorima tvojim.
  9. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Jolo View Post
    Need a small translation again, please:
    sreco moja, ja ne znam vise koliko dugo ovdje stojim, dok slusam kako liju kise pod mracnim prozorima tvojim.
    My Joy (i.e. my dear), I don't know anymore how long I've been standing here, while I listen to the rain fall below your dark windows.
  10. Jolo said:


    Cuvaj me u malom kutku svog srca!
    Does this translate to "Keep me in a small corner of your heart" ?
  11. ina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Jolo View Post
    Cuvaj me u malom kutku svog srca!
    Does this translate to "Keep me in a small corner of your heart" ?
    Yes, literary. But the meaning is obvious.
  12. elucas29 said:


    Can someone please translate? Thanks. I know some of it is cussing sorry.

    ovde smor zesci u picku materinu jedva cekam da se selim

    bezim odavde sto dalkje mogu

    jasnas jos gore nego standard

    ima kakvih cupi?

    zavrsi meni nesto kad dodjem
  13. ina said:


    - ovde smor zesci u picku materinu jedva cekam da se selim
    ~Here is f***ingly boring, I can't wait to move out of here!

    - bezim odavde sto dalje mogu
    I'll run away from here as fast as I can

    - jasnas jos gore nego standard
    "jasnas" (?) is worse than standard (one?)

    - ima kakvih cupi?
    Is there any "cupi" (?)

    - zavrsi meni nesto kad dodjem
    ~(Plese) arrange something for me when I come back
  14. Dzomba's Avatar

    Dzomba said:


    Here is soo boring ("u picku materinu".. you want me to translate that or...??? cause I can, if you want.. lol), I can hardly wait to move out
    I run away from here as far as I can
    [the third line has some obvious mistakes..] ... "jasnas" means nothing.. even worse than standard
    Are there any (hot) chicks? ()
    Finish something (or "do something") for me when I come
  15. Dzomba's Avatar

    Dzomba said:


    Aha... Two translations at the same time..

    ina, ne lazi da ne znas sta je "cupi"... Ja sam to lepo, kulturno preveo...

    So, you see, my translation is better..

    edit: btw, nije "come back" u poslednjoj, jer kaze "kada dodjem", a ne "kada se vratim"..
  16. ina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Dzomba View Post
    Aha... Two translations at the same time..
    ina, ne lazi da ne znas sta je "cupi"... Ja sam to lepo, kulturno preveo...

    So, you see, my translation is better..

    edit: btw, nije "come back" u poslednjoj, jer kaze "kada dodjem", a ne "kada se vratim"..
    No, I didn't know what "cupi"wais, really! We here use word which starts with 'P'!

    And the last sentence.... I understood it differently. I wrote "finish" but then erased it, because I thought the person was talking about some business someone had to "arrange" for him, you know... illegally. (Tu se nešto muti... znaš, sredi mi to.... pa to 'sredi' mi je došlo 'arrange')

    Kada dođem sam imala osećaj da je kad se vratim... da mu sredi dok je odsutan, ali u pravu si kada si preveo kako jeste.
    Last edited by ina; 09-28-2011 at 11:13 AM.
  17. Dzomba's Avatar

    Dzomba said:


    Svi koriste "p****", al ovo je sada, ono kao, vise fensi..
    Zivim na NBg-u, pa znam mnogo tih fensi reci..

    Inace, samo da znas, ovo je nas jezik buducnosti.. :I
  18. ina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Dzomba View Post
    Svi koriste "p****", al ovo je sada, ono kao, vise fensi..
    Zivim na NBg-u, pa znam mnogo tih fensi reci..

    Inace, samo da znas, ovo je nas jezik buducnosti.. :I
    Moj komšija ima malog psa koji se zove Cuki, a to može biti i nadimak kojim se tepka dečici. Ja ne bih volela da se ta reč koriste za drugo....
  19. Dzomba's Avatar

    Dzomba said:


    Why am I not surprised... Lol..

  20. ina said:


    Ali ovde je Cupi kao glupan? Ili samo da bi se rimovalo sa "glupi"?
    Ali nadimak je idiotski u svakom slucaju....