can someone give me the lyrics of Carole Samaha's song "bi saba7 al alf al talet"
the video is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjq6GO0CzYE
and if u can tranlate it in french it will be so nice
can someone give me the lyrics of Carole Samaha's song "bi saba7 al alf al talet"
the video is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjq6GO0CzYE
and if u can tranlate it in french it will be so nice
Yet, there is still hunger,
homeless kids
cries and tears!
Come On, LET US END ALL WARS - O' powerfull nations
No to Poverty
No to Oppression
No to Racism
Who are you?
I would not question
but your sadness
told me who y...ou are
I don't know (care) what color you are
or what religion
At the dawn of the third millennium
yet, there are still exiled People
and people have been in prisons for years!!
Let us, at the dawn of this new era
and the world is so longing for justice
Let us end all oppression,
End fear
and agree on justice
Who are you?
I come from this East
The land of faith
Our villages home the Sunrise
And the color of time
From us to all the Peoples (of the World)
We send our greetings
(May) A generation go, a generation come
On the path to freedom !!!!
just using google translate... i hope its not too weird...lol
AU matin du troisième millénaire!
Pourtant, il ya encore de la faim,
enfants sans-abri
des cris et des larmes!
Allons, Etats-Unis fin aux guerres ALL - nations puissantes O '
Non à la pauvreté
Non à l'oppression
Non au racisme
Qui êtes-vous?
Je ne voudrais pas question
mais votre tristesse
m'a dit qui y. .. OU sont
Je ne sais pas (soins) de quelle couleur vous
ou ce que la religion
Tout ce que je sais, c'est que
Tu es mon frère
À l'aube du troisième millénaire
Pourtant, il ya encore des gens en exil
et les gens ont été dans les prisons pendant des années!
Permettez-nous, à l'aube de cette nouvelle ère
et le monde est tellement soif de justice
Mettons fin à toute oppression,
Fin peur
et de s'entendre sur la justice
Qui êtes-vous?
Je viens de cet Orient
Le terrain de la foi
Notre maison villages Lever du soleil
Et la couleur du temps
De nous à tous les peuples (du monde)
Nous envoyons nos salutations
(Mai) Une génération va, une génération se
Sur le chemin de la liberté!!
بصباح الالف التالت بعد في جوع
Bi sabah el alf el talet, ba3d fi jou3
ففي اطفال مشردين وبكي ودموع
W fi atfal msharradin, w beki w dmou3
خلينا ننهي الحروب يا دول القوية
Khallina nenhi el 7roub ya douwal el awiyyi
لا للفقر لا للقهر لا للعنصري
La lel fe2r, la lel ahr, la lel 3onsoriyyi
انت مين انا ما بسال
Enta min? ana ma bes2al...
لكن حسنك قلي مين
Laken 7eznak alli min
ولا بعرف اية لون واية دين
Wala ba3ref ayya lawn w ayya deen
بعرف انك خيي خيي بالانسانية
Ba3ref ennak khayyi, khayyi bel ensaniyyi
بصباح الالف التالت في منفيين
Bi sabah el alf el talet, fi menfiyyin
في ناس بالمعتقلات صرلن سنين
w fi nass bel mo3ta2alat sarlon sneen.
خلينا بمطلع هالعصر والدنيي مشتاقة
Kahllina b matla3 hal 3asr, wel denyi meshta2a
ننهي الظلم ننهي الخوف وعالعدالة نتلاقى
Nenhi l zolm, nenhi l khawf, w 3al 3adali netla2a
انت مين انا ما بسال
Enta min? ana ma bes2al...
لكن حسنك قلي مين
Laken 7eznak alli min
ولا بعرف اية لون واية دين
Wala ba3ref ayya lawn w ayya deen
بعرف انك خيي خيي بالانسانية
Ba3ref ennak khayyi, khayyi bel ensaniyyi
انا من هالشرق جايي ارض الايمان
Ana men hal share2 jayi, ard el iman
ضيعنا مطلع الشمس ولون الزمان
Diya3na matla3 el shams, w lawn el zaman
من عنا لكل الشعوب منودي تحية
Men 3enna la kell el shou3oub, menwaddi ta7iyyi
جيل يفل وجيل يطل على وقع الحرية
Jeel yfell, w jeel ytoll, 3ala wa23 el 7orriyyi....
انت مين انا ما بسال
Enta min? ana ma bes2al...
لكن حسنك قلي مين
Laken 7eznak alli min
ولا بعرف اية لون واية دين
Wala ba3ref ayya lawn w ayya deen
بعرف انك خيي خيي بالانسانية
Ba3ref ennak khayyi, khayyi bel ensaniyyi
Last edited by gbasfora; 04-21-2010 at 03:23 PM.
English translation for who's interested:
At the dawn of the third Millennium there's still hunger, homeless children, crying and tears
Let's annihilate wars, O' powerful states
No to poverty, No to grief, No to racism!
Who are you? I don't care. But your agony can tell me
I don't know of which colour or religion you are,
But i know that you're my brother in humanity
At the dawn of the third Millennium, there are still outcasts and people in detention for years
At the onset of this era while it's yearning, let's eradicate oppression and terror and meet for justice.
Who are you? I don't care. But your agony can tell me
I don't know of which colour or religion you are,
But i know that you're my brother in humanity
I come from the east, the land of faith
Our villages are the rays of Sun and the colours of time
From here to all peoples we salute
May generations go and come on the road to justice
Who are you? I don't care. But your agony can tell me
I don't know of which colour or religion you are,
But i know that you're my brother in humanity