ricardo arjona quiero (please translate!!!)

Thread: ricardo arjona quiero (please translate!!!)

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  1. csg1085 said:

    Default ricardo arjona quiero (please translate!!!)


    I recently discovered ricardo arjona's music and i LOVE it... but my spanish is only so good. can someone help me translate the song quiero?

    Quiero cometer el error más grande del mundo
    I want to commit the greatest error on earth
    y navegar en kayak de Miami a la Habana.
    and navegate a kayak from Miami to Habana
    Quiero tomarme un café viendo al Mediterráneo
    I want to have a coffee sold on the Meditaranean
    y despertar en Tulum persiguiendo una estrella.
    and wake in Tulum following a star

    Quiero decirle a Jesús que si está, que aparezca,
    I want to tell Jesus if he is there to appear
    y que me corten la luz pa’ prender una vela… y soñar.
    and that I will put out the light to light a candle, and dream
    Quiero regalarle una flor al amor de mi herida;
    I want to give a flower to love from my hurt???
    quiero empezar otra vez y cambiarme hasta el nombre.
    I want to begin again and change even my name

    Quiero apedrear el zaguán de las causas perdidas
    y ver salir a papá convenciendo a mi madre.
    and see my father convince my mother
    Quiero escucharte decir lo que gritan tus ojos;
    I want to hear you say that...?
    quiero perder el valor que gané por miedoso.
    I want to lose my bravery that won over fear

    Y quiero correr por ahí mientras trepo un cometa
    y levantarle la falda a la gorda del barrio.
    ??? (and lift the skirt of the fat girl of the neighborhood????)
    Quiero vivir sin un guión ni la misma receta.
    I want to live without a guide or the same schedule
    Quiero inventarle otra letra al abecedario
    I want to invent...???
    Quiero olvidarme de ti,
    I want to forget you
    Quiero saber que es por mí.
    I want to know what is for me

    Te quiero y no puedo querer mientras siga queriendo;
    I love you and I cannot want/ love while I continue loving/wanting
    inútil creer que querer es lograr olvidarte.
    it's useless to believe that to want it will allow me to forget you
    Quiero encontrar otro amor y perderlo enseguida
    I want to find another love and then lose it
    para olvidarme de ti para toda la vida.
    to forget you for the rest of my life
    Quiero silbar let it be a la luz de la luna.
    i want to (silbar???) "let it be" to the moonlight
    Quiero lavar en el mar lo que no sea futuro.
    I want to wash in the sea that which is not the future

    Y quiero correr por ahí mientras trepo un cometa
    y levantarle la falda a la gorda del barrio.
    Quiero vivir sin un guión ni la misma receta.
    Quiero inventarle otra letra al abecedario.
    Quiero olvidarme de ti,
    Quiero saber que es por mí.

    Quiero jugar a la alquimia
    I want to play with chemistry
    y buscar en el Tíbet alguna respuesta;
    and search in Tibet some answer
    quiero fugarme de mí para no ser de aquí
    I want to smoke so I will not be from here
    ni de ninguna parte,
    or from anywhere
    perderme en la antropología,
    to forget myself in anthropology
    dedicar mi vida a la filantropía
    to dedicate my life to philanthropy
    con tal de olvidarte, con tal de borrarte.
    so that I forget you, so that I erase you

    Y quiero correr por ahí mientras trepo un cometa
    y levantarle la falda a la gorda del barrio.
    Quiero pararme en Irak y mandarle un saludo
    a la mamá del idiota más grande del mundo.
    Quiero olvidarme de ti,
    Quiero saber que es por mí.
    Quiero regalarle una flor al amor de mi herida
  2. istanbulgal's Avatar

    istanbulgal said:


    Very good, but your translation of the first line below gave me a good chuckle!!

    Quiero tomarme un café viendo al Mediterráneo
    I want to have a coffee watching the Mediterranean

    y que me corten la luz pa’ prender una vela… y soñar.
    and for the light to go out so as to light a candle and dream

    Quiero regalarle una flor al amor de mi herida
    I want to give a flower to the love of my wound (not familiar with the expression "amor de mi herida" so I gave literal translation)

    Quiero apedrear el zaguán de las causas perdidas
    I want to stone the hallway of lost causes (zaguán = entrance of a home)

    Quiero escucharte decir lo que gritan tus ojos
    I want to hear you say what your eyes are shouting

    quiero perder el valor que gané por miedoso
    I want to lose the bravery I won through fear

    Y quiero correr por ahí mientras trepo un cometa
    and I want to run around while I reach for a comet (not sure of this expression, but literal meaning of trepar = to climb)

    Quiero inventarle otra letra al abecedario
    I want to invent (add) yet another letter to the alphabet

    Quiero encontrar otro amor y perderlo enseguida
    I want to find another love and lose it right away

    Quiero silbar let it be a la luz de la luna
    I want to whistle, let it be to the moonlight

    quiero fugarme de mí para no ser de aquí
    i want to escape from myself to not be from here
  3. Silverdreams said:

    Default Quiero

    I noticed that there were a couple of quiestions by both of you as to some meanings. I am a native speaker and can translate the literal as well as figurative language, so I hope you enjoy these lyrics. I realize this is a couple years late, but I was looking for a translation and ran into this one. Also noticed the last stanza wasn't translated.

    I Want

    I want to make the biggest mistake in the world
    And travel in a kayak from Miami to Havana
    I want to drink a cup of coffee in sight of the Mediterranean
    And wake up in Tulum while chasing a star

    I want to ask Jesus to show himself if he’s here
    And that my light gets cut off so I can light a candle...and dream
    I want to give a flower to the love of my wound; (only way to translate is literally)
    I want to start afresh and even change my name

    I want to stone the vestibule of lost causes (vestibule carries the meaning of entrance more
    And to watch my dad convincing my mother. than does hallway)
    I want you to say what your eyes are screaming;
    I want to lose the valor that I gained from cowardice

    And I want to run around while I fly a kite (trepar un cometa, not individually climb a comet)
    And to lift the skirt of the neighborhood’s babe (gorda can also be babe)
    I want live without a script or the same old recipe
    I want to add a letter to the alphabet
    I want to forget you
    I want to know that it’s for me.

    I love you and I can’t love while I continue to love (querer needs to stay as love in both lines for
    It’s useless to think that to love is to forget you it to stay more poetic)
    I want to find another love and to lose it at once
    To forget you for the rest of my life
    I want to whistle ‘Let it Be’ to the rays of the moon (yes moonlight, but the rays
    I want to wash away in the sea that which isn’t the future. personifies it more)

    And I want to run around while I fly a kite
    And to lift the skirt of the neighborhood’s babe
    I want live without a script or the same old recipe
    I want to add a letter to the alphabet
    I want to forget you
    I want to know that it’s for me.

    I want to experiment at alchemy (alchemy carries the 'mysteries' of Tibet better than chemistry)
    And to search in Tibet some kind of answer
    I want to run away from myself so that I’m not from here, nor from any place
    Lose myself in anthropology
    Devote my life to philanthropy
    As long as I forget you, as long as I erase you

    And I want to run around while I fly a kite
    And to lift the skirt of the neighborhood’s babe
    I want to stand on Iraq and send a greeting
    To the mother of the world’s biggest fool
    I want to forget you
    I want to know it’s for me
    I want to give a flower to the love of my wound.