What is this song? yellow is the color...

Thread: What is this song? yellow is the color...

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  1. Lampasas said:

    Cool What is this song? yellow is the color...

    I've been looking for a song but have been having trouble because the only part I can remember goes:

    whoa-oh yellow is the color of her energy... whoa-oh

    and repeats itself... I'm pretty sure that's what it says anyways. I've tried google, typing in those words and the word lyrics, which almost always works, but for this one it doesnt.

    Please help me figure out what song this is!!!!! thanks!
  2. SMazac128 said:


    How about "AMBER" by: 311? Let me know
  3. Lampasas said:

    Red face Thanks

    No wonder I couldn't find it... I listened to it and it doesn't even sound like 'yellow'... oops... thank you so much! even with my wrong lyrics you could still recognize it!

    Thanks Again!

  4. mixy said:


    um.. yea i thnk tht's it.