Solved: Help find rock song from 1993 or 92

Thread: Solved: Help find rock song from 1993 or 92

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  1. 1993 said:

    Default Solved: Help find rock song from 1993 or 92

    Solved. Hi, Just found this site. This will be a tough one I think. I'm looking for a song I heard around 1993 or 92 on a rock station in Dallas. The only words I remember are "Everthing was aquamarine" and maybe the word Camelot. Not much to go on I know. I would appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you
    Last edited by 1993; 06-11-2008 at 06:49 PM. Reason: Solved
  2. ccgt said:


    Just found this one: The Men - The Church of Logic, Sin and Love. It has the line "everything was aquamarine", is from the early 90s, and mentions Kennedy but not the word "camelot" specifically.
  3. 1993 said:


    I would never have found this on my own. The Men - The Church of Logic, Sin and Love Consider it solved! Thanks for your help,, ccgt
  4. ccgt said:


    You're welcome!