Tose Proeski's songs- Lyrics and translations

Thread: Tose Proeski's songs- Lyrics and translations

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  1. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    Olga, thank you so much for posting these lovely links, I also found out today about these great news regarding Tose's upcoming album and the interview with the producer, it is wonderful everything that he said and he is trying to do and I agree with his last sentence, that we must tell to the world who was Tose and how much he was valuable for all of us and as human being at all. I think that all of us in a way contribute into that, as I see this thread is full with all of you great people coming from different countries around the world and this makes me really really happy:-) I'm just sad that Tose won't be there for the album which he did with lots of love, hope and passion, but deep down inside I hope he'll know how much he was loved and how much he was worth
    And thanks to Temi about the translation of the interview, you got everything right Well done!:-)
    Марија и Драгица, морам да ви признаам дека и двете одлично се снаоѓате со македонскиот јазик и ме радува фактот што се трудите да комуницирате на истиот и да се подобрувате:-) Браво за вас, одлични сте
    Марија, нема проблем за песната:-) Инаку и јас исто така не можам да замислам да скокнам во водата кога е толку ладно надвор, ама уживам во настанот, бидејќи има посебно значење и на некој начин духовно не поврзува сите:-)
    Драгица благодарам за честитките:-) Искрено доста се израдував на нашата победа и мило ми е што и ти навиваше за нашата репрезентација, знам дека Олга нема да се налути И ние те сакаме и ти посакуваме се најубаво, секој ден да ни носиш ведрина и љубов.

    *I really liked both of the videos that Dragica sent us, just I wish in a way not to have seen the second one, or at least not to read the comments, because I really got upset from one of them. It is written from a Greek guy (I'm not surprised-but thought they have heart maybe for such things) anyway, the words said for Tose are highly highly rude and disgusting that I can't even imagine such kind of human beings exist or can write such things.
    He ruined my whole day, because I rarely get nervous, but someone saying bad for Tose makes me extremely angry and I think the comment must be removed right away!!!!!!!!
    If you love Tose so much (for what I don't doubt) don't read it, because it will hurt you a lot! At least it did to me. I really feel bad and don't want to judge anyone, but think such people don't deserve to live, the only good destination for them is hell itself! By his words and soul, think he's already there!
    Sorry for being long, but I had to write this, since it is the first time I see such comment for our angel and the first time I feel extremely stressed...
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  2. i'm little one's Avatar

    i'm little one said:


    Лидиjа не пожелуваш да ке учиш руски??? и можаш да кажеш ме про "падежи" в македонски jазик бидеjки не можам да разумем тоа добро
    прва пишувам по македонски и после ке патувам во Македониjа и живеам таму цел моjата живот
    гледам тоа видео коj кажувше,се налутува на коментар
    сакаме Тоше и тоа најмногу важно!!!!
  3. marta11's Avatar

    marta11 said:


    Olga, thanks for the information and the links.
    Dragica, thanks for sharing the videos with us.
    Lydia, I agree with you on everything you've written, so thanks for your lovely words.
    I haven't read the comment you mentioned, I prefer not to do it because I don't wanna get upset...
    Hugs and kisses for all of you/Pregratki od mene za site
  4. Bazilija's Avatar

    Bazilija said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Lydia_the angel View Post
    Марија и Драгица, морам да ви признаам дека и двете одлично се снаоѓате со македонскиот јазик и ме радува фактот што се трудите да комуницирате на истиот и да се подобрувате:-) Браво за вас, одлични сте
    Марија, нема проблем за песната:-) Инаку и јас исто така не можам да замислам да скокнам во водата кога е толку ладно надвор, ама уживам во настанот, бидејќи има посебно значење и на некој начин духовно не поврзува сите:-)
    Драгица благодарам за честитките:-) Искрено доста се израдував на нашата победа и мило ми е што и ти навиваше за нашата репрезентација, знам дека Олга нема да се налути И ние те сакаме и ти посакуваме се најубаво, секој ден да ни носиш ведрина и љубов.

    *I really liked both of the videos that Dragica sent us, just I wish in a way not to have seen the second one, or at least not to read the comments, because I really got upset from one of them....
    Oh, Lidija, se izvinuvam jas ne čitav komentari i taka ke ostane. Mene mi beše mnogu simpatično što Toše beše del od ambient, ne se pretvaraše deka e nekoj vtor. Mnogo žalam poradi tvoeto vozbuduvanje, ama te molam deka ignoriraš glupi komentari na youtube, luge su zlocesti i zboruvaju mnogu gluposti.
    Te sakam
    Blagodaram što pišuvaš na makedonskiot jazik

    Pozdrav i baknež za site!

    ps. Kire Lazarov! Kire Lazarov!
    temno e, tajno moja, a vo dusa svetat feneri
  5. Bazilija's Avatar

    Bazilija said:


    Quote Originally Posted by i'm little one View Post
    Лидиjа не пожелуваш да ке учиш руски??? и можаш да кажеш ме про "падежи" в македонски jазик бидеjки не можам да разумем тоа добро
    прва пишувам по македонски и после ке патувам во Македониjа и живеам таму цел моjата живот
    гледам тоа видео коj кажувше,се налутува на коментар
    сакаме Тоше и тоа најмногу важно!!!!
    Tokmu taka srcence!
    temno e, tajno moja, a vo dusa svetat feneri
  6. Bazilija's Avatar

    Bazilija said:


    Quote Originally Posted by marta11 View Post
    Olga, thanks for the information and the links.
    Dragica, thanks for sharing the videos with us.
    Lydia, I agree with you on everything you've written, so thanks for your lovely words.
    I haven't read the comment you mentioned, I prefer not to do it because I don't wanna get upset...
    Hugs and kisses for all of you/Pregratki od mene za site
    tnx marta
    temno e, tajno moja, a vo dusa svetat feneri
  7. roshel18 said:


    Zise ti zoi and Lydia, I entered the thread just now and surprisingly found your posts from 17/1, with the translation for "Uci me majko" , (It had not arrived to my e-mail address some how). Thank you very very much. In addition to get knowing, by it, the "story" of the song, I also get some ability in identify Macedonian words here and there in the song, and i enjoy it too. This time I'm asking to translate this short and delicate song "Kales angia"

    Ajde slusaj slusaj,kales bre Angjo
    sto tambura sviri,tamburata sviri
    kales bre Angjo,anama da bides
    anama da bides,kales bre Angjo
    zoltici da brois

    TNX in advance, and be well all
  8. mayam said:


    RIP my angel I will always remember you and love you.
    Happy brthday wherever you are...
  9. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    It is so late tonight but just to greet you and send some answers to you and hope to get back tomorrow with more news from the special day. My feelings are sooo mixedThere'll be good things, but also sad.........ah...
    Марија, сакам да научам руски, нешто разбирам, ама тешко за зборување, инаку мајка ми знае повеќе, има учено на времето Инаку за македонскиот јазик и граматиката може повеќе да зборуваме во форумот отворен за таа тема, да не ни речат тука дека сме заминале off topic
    хехе, ме изнасмеа пак со ова дека ќе дојдеш во Македонија, одличен план, те чекаме што поскоро и тебе и Драгица и сите останати
    Драгица, немој да се грижиш воопшто, ни најмалку не е твоја вина, тоа што е напишано таму нека му стои на честа на тоа злобно суштество. Секогаш ќе ви пишувам на македонски, за да учите и воедно одлично се снаоѓате, многу ми е мило што и вие сакате и возвраќате на истиот:-)
    Marta, it's nice that you didn't read the awful comment, as I'm sure you wouldn't feel so well after it, I still have wounds in my heart, although will try to ignore such devils...And thank you also for your nice words that you give us always;-)
    Roshel, no worries, you are always welcome And about the posts, they don't usually come always, mean not all of them. It happens to me as well, and when I think there's no one who has post recently, I find out actually that many people have post replies, yet I get no notification, so you have to come from time to time to check the forum even though you don't get notification, it is possible that someone has post something;-) Also, the song Калеш Анѓа was translated as well, so it is possible that you've missed it Here is the link to it, enjoy
    Kalesh Angja

    Hugs and kisses for all
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  10. Joke123's Avatar

    Joke123 said:



    Today it's a good day, but also verry sad. Don't know how to feel right now I only can say "happy birthday Tose!" and hope he can hear it somehow

    I'm ectually here to ask something. I'm looking for the translation of "Rani na usnite" and I think it has not been translated yet. Is there someone who can do this for me?

    Thanks already for the help!!

    Greets from Belgium
    This is the hardest thing
    Just let go of your hand
    it's the hardest thing
    To make you understand
    that to love you fell you
    Till the time I see you again
    It's the hardest thing
  11. i'm little one's Avatar

    i'm little one said:


    Лидиjа,заборавав што прашував про граматика во тема за Тошеке пишувам тоа во тема за jазик бидеjки не можам да разбирам тоа,ке сакам да знам и учам
    jас сум задоволен твоjата маjка да учи руски и знам како тешко зборува по руски бидеjки за мене тешко да зборувам по македонски,денес можам да пишувам исклучиво тоа
    така ке чеки ме во Македониjа,ке одам скоро
  12. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Happy Birthday Tosence :* Te Sakam Angelce :*
    Tamu kaj sto si ti Tosence, znam deka ne gledas i ne cuvas! :* A nie te cuvame vo nasite srca i sekogas ke bides vo niv.... Ti si nasata szvezda!
    Toseeee ZASEKOGAS!
    Last edited by velvet_sky; 01-26-2009 at 06:25 AM.
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  13. Poland's Avatar

    Poland said:


    Те сакам Тоше и ке те сакам засекогаш :*
    You are always on my mind, your warm smile, your sparkling eyes, everything you are.
    Enjoy the Heaven right now and wait there for us See you in the future!
    Because of you Maestro
    God with your smile slapped those
    who don't know how to love

    Because of you Maestro
    The word "love" will be written with a big letter "T"

    Because of you Maestro...
  14. Poland's Avatar

    Poland said:


    Does someone know in which countries it is possible to buy Tose' s album?
    Because of you Maestro
    God with your smile slapped those
    who don't know how to love

    Because of you Maestro
    The word "love" will be written with a big letter "T"

    Because of you Maestro...
  15. Poland's Avatar

    Poland said:


    And the newest song I managed to listen to
    Because of you Maestro
    God with your smile slapped those
    who don't know how to love

    Because of you Maestro
    The word "love" will be written with a big letter "T"

    Because of you Maestro...
  16. marta11's Avatar

    marta11 said:


    Happy birthday Tose
    Olga, thank you for the song, I love it. I'd like to have the album in my hands
  17. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:

    Unhappy Happy 28th Birthday angel!

    I hope I'm not being late, I couldn't come earlier, but hope it is still the 25th, so wanted to marked it somehow. Last year on this day I dedicated one small poem for Tose, today, I will do the same but with this little text. I had a feeling that I have to write this, so here it is:

    On this day before 28 years our greatest angel was born. A humble guy with a star that unfortunately extinguished too early, but for its short existence left mark graven deep down in our hearts.
    Since he was little, raised with real human virtues he managed to reach out to the people's hearts and transfer to everyone his love, goodness and great faith in God. With his modesty and benefaction, he became favorite person for all generations of human beings.
    Unfortunately his life lasted for a short time, but his presence will remain between us forever through his music and his noble deeds.
    We loved him and respected him while he was alive, but after his death we found out about his greatness and what enormous emptiness is left without him.
    We are mentioning him in all of the days after his leaving, thousands of people has visited his graveyard that became a temple of love for everyone.
    The day of his last concert in Skopje we made it holy with another greater concert on his behalf.
    His manager and his closest coworkers were hard-working to finish his English album. The road to his monastery was made, and in Krushevo yesterday was put a foundation stone for the Memory House on his behalf.
    We used to do everything and we will continue with the same beat in order to keep his memory alive forever, because living beside him, with his music
    and great humanity we felt as we are becoming a better persons.

    Почивај во мир ангелче, засекогаш ќе бидеш запаматен како најголемиот човек што некогаш чекорел по Земјината топка!

    Те сакаме и вечно ќе те чуваме во нашите срца!

    :*:*:*:*:* TOSE (1981-eternity) :*:*:*:*:*
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  18. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    And just to say thanks to all of you for the lovely words for our angel, that you remember and cherish this day and keep his memory fresh and alive and I truly hope these words and love will reach out somehow to his heaven and he will truly listen our wishes.
    I couldn't watch today, while his album was promoted, it was really sad for him not being there, but on the other side I felt so honored that we had such a great person among us that is loved and cherished by everyone in the world.
    Olga, about your question, I think that the album can be found on the Ex-Yu countries markets first, then probably in the rest, if I'm not mistaken.
    I will try to look for it these days and let you know about the songs Because it was firstly promoted here and these other days it will be in the rest of the Ex-Yu countries.
    While listening to the song you sent us I got some strange shivers all over, because I hear it for the first time and as it is a new piece gives me a feeling as he is there between us The song is really amazing and wonderful...
    My feelings are definitively mixed, I'm happy so much with the album, but also more sad that he is not there to see this glory and love....
    Hope he really feels it somewhere up above and smiles as he used to do always

    Let Tose's love guide you all forever!
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  19. roshel18 said:

    Default on Tose Proeski 28 birthday which occured at 25.1.09

    The words "Birthday" and "Tose" aroused in my mind associations of Children, Parents, Friends, Love, Giving, Joy and Optimism. And there is a cruel dissonance between these images and between knowing that this is no more exists for Tose.
    My heart is with Tose's parents, It doesn't matter that I don't know them personally while I'm a human and also a mother of children. the role of continue living without your kid after you loss him is terribly hard.
    when I got to know the "story" of Tose I wondered how did grow up such a good boy and such wonderful young man? My sense led me to Tose's parents, there, at the family house was the good start.
    As many others I knew Tose only through the web but when you love people and they're interesting you, than you can see much by watching them. I think that actually Tose was not an ordinary person, in the meaning that there was within him an unusual balanced combination of good qualities, which in his daily life came out of him and was seen as quite simple. Is there anything more "dear" and charming then it?

    Once ago I entered the Internet to find music and I found there a precious legend, the legend of Tose Proeski.
    Last edited by roshel18; 01-30-2009 at 02:55 PM.
  20. Bazilija's Avatar

    Bazilija said:

    Default Za tvojot rodenden Toše

    Se nadevam deka nikogash nee docna za ubavite misli i zborovi za tvojot rodenden Tošence tivko, nežno i so mnogo ljubov "Koga te nema naokolu te baram vo tugjata si senka vo secii si oci koga te nema. Koga te nema najprisuten si togas i te nema i sekade te ima neizbezno te ima, vo sebe si te nosam..."
    Poj pilence, mojata duša ke te sluša i ke pee so tebe...
    Počivaj vo mir angel

    ps. na toj den jas bev vo Zadar i peev so Makedonci "Makedonija naviva za vas" Beše ubava atmosfera na tribine
    temno e, tajno moja, a vo dusa svetat feneri