Tose Proeski's songs- Lyrics and translations

Thread: Tose Proeski's songs- Lyrics and translations

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  1. i'm little one's Avatar

    i'm little one said:


    And here is original translation from Spring:
    Jos uvijek sanjam da smo zajedno

    yes Temi ur right the song is great,and video too...when im hearin that song and especially watch the video im gettin more and more sad...
  2. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    here is a translation of one of the songs from the new album:
    Lydia have to check it out az usual

    Elena Risteska - A mozevme

    Vo mala soba jas
    I am in a small room
    Sama na kraj na vecnosta
    alone, at the end of the eternity
    I edna zelba, edna solza,
    and there is one wish, one tear
    I edna tivka molitva
    and one quite prayer
    Da bidam posilna
    that I have to be stronger
    I tebe da te prebolam
    and to outlive you

    Tamu kaj sto ima sjaj
    there where is the light
    Kaj ljubovta sto nema kraj
    where the love don't have an end
    Tamu odam jas
    there I am going
    Da bidam posrekna
    so that I can be happier

    A mozevme Poveke da imame sega
    and we could have had more now
    No srekata ko son ni bega
    but the happiness run from us like a dream
    Kako vosok solzi pecat
    The tears burn like a wax
    Neka tecat
    let they flow
    Neka tecat
    let they flow

    Lesno duso ti me dade
    dear, you gave me easily
    Zar podobro ti ne si znael
    didn't you know better
    I koga ja ljubese mene me gubese ti
    while you were kissing her, you were losing me
    Me izgubi
    you lost me

    Vo taa soba jas
    in this room
    Gi sonev site sonista Deka do mene se budis
    I dreamed all the dreams where you wake up next to me
    I mi velis angelu
    and you say to me angel
    Ova utro povtorno
    this morning again
    Jas te sakam najmnogu
    I love you more than ever

    No druga mojot son go zema
    but other one take my dream
    Den i nok za mene nema
    there is no night and day for me
    Te krade taa od mene
    she steal you from me
    veke znam za nea se
    I already know everything for her
    Last edited by velvet_sky; 01-29-2010 at 12:05 PM.
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  3. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    i'm little one thanks for the link, and thanks to Spring for mthe translation
    such a great song, Tose was, is and always will be THE BEST !!! :*
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  4. i'm little one's Avatar

    i'm little one said:


    Quote Originally Posted by velvet_sky View Post
    i'm little one thanks for the link, and thanks to Spring for mthe translation
    such a great song, Tose was, is and always will be THE BEST !!! :*
    ur welcome
  5. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    Hello dear all Sorry that I haven't been here for a while, busy schedule for me, but I see every free time that I have to come here and check up on you
    I must say the feelings after the concert are mixed for all of us, we are happy because there are new things from Tose, but sad that he wasn't part of it and didn't sing them. I know that the singers and Tose's friends that took part in it are great persons and valuable singers, but still I think they couldn't take out the best of the songs, or maybe as I think Tose would have done or sang them...Even on the previous humanitarian concerts they sang his songs, but still you all would agree that Tose puts some special energy in each song and sings it perfectly with emotions...Anyway it was great and we are thankful to all of them for taking part in it and showing their generosity

    Temi, you know there's no need for me to check your translations, they are great as usual I will just put the translation of the verse you weren't sure about

    Kako vosok solzi pecat---> The tears burn like a wax

    Oh, and welcome to Nezzy our new member and thanks for the translation, is good to have some Macedonian back up By the way, duge means rainbow

    Greetings to you all and thank you again for being lovely fans to our angel
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  6. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Lydia thanks :*
    and absolutely agree with you about the things you said for the concert... I am grateful to the people who sang there for him, who were there because of him, but still these songs would have been much more better if Tose sang them.. his voice, his emotions he put are unique, noone can sing anything just the way he used to...
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  7. Toni_DelijeSever said:


    I'm glad that Bojan Marovic got a really beautiful song,he sang it brilliant.I mentioned him because we're both Montenegrin but that surely doesn't mean that Toni,Boris,Elena,Kaliopi,Nina,Aki or Jelena didn't sang it good.All the songs are beautiful
    So I will post the lyrics of this song:

    Бојан Маровић - Буди добра према себи
    Bojan Marovic - Be good to yourself

    Кажу да ноћи проводиш у граду
    They say you're spending the nights uptown
    и да те често срећу пијану
    and they meet you drunk often
    и да од тебе праве само шалу
    and they are making fun of you
    Не би они тако да сам ја ту
    They wouldn't do it if I was there
    Не би они моју драгу...
    They wouldn't do so with my beloving...

    Кажу да идеш од руке до руке
    They say you're going from hand to hand (from one man to other )
    и да си са сваким највише дан-два,
    and that you're with every man at most one-two days
    а ја црвеним од кајања и бруке
    and I'm getting red because of regrets and shame

    Не би ти тако да сам ја ту
    You wouldn't do it if I was there
    ал ја нећу доћи никада...
    but I won't ever come...

    Мала,шта радиш ти док нема ме
    Little one,what are you doing while I'm not there
    да ли ми се тако светиш
    are you revenging to me
    или су то те године..?
    or those are that kind of ages..? I don't know how to translate this better

    Мала,за оно лоше опрости ми
    Little one,for those bad forgive me
    не дај да те љубав уништи
    don't let the love to destroy you
    буди добра према себи ти...
    be good to yourself...
    Во мене душа остана,да можам да преживеам,со дел од себе постојам,во срцево умирам...
  8. i'm little one's Avatar

    i'm little one said:


    here is my Russian translation of Jos uvijek sanjam da smo zajedno

    Od kad te nema ne mogu budan biti
    с тех пор как ты не со мной,я не могу проснуться
    Jer sve što želim u tome budeš i ti
    потому что все чего я желаю связанно с тобой
    Pa budan sanjam da snovi duže traju
    и я мечтаю наяву чтобы мечты продолжались еще дольше
    U svakoj priči samo ti si mi na kraju.
    и в каждой истории только ты в конце

    Ti si početak i kraj, ti si tama i sjaj
    ты начало и конец,ты тьма и свет
    Svaku mi nadu dijeliš po pola
    каждую мою надежду делишь пополам
    Daješ mi mrvice sa svoga stola
    даешь мне крошки со своего стола
    I znam, bez tebe ostat ću sam.
    и я знаю что без тебя я останусь один

    Još uvijek sanjam da smo zajedno
    я все еще мечтаю что мы вместе
    K`o nekad davno ti i ja
    как прежде ты и я
    Al` jutro svaki put mi pokvari
    но каждый раз утро портит
    Tu slatku prevaru iz sna.
    эту сладкую хитрость из сна

    Još uvijek sajam da smo zajedno
    я все еще мечтаю что мы вместе
    I da je sve k`o prvi put
    и все как было прежде
    Al` jutro nosi golu istinu
    а утро приносит голую истину(правду)
    Da sve je bilo uzalud.
    что все это было глупо

    Otkad te nema, nema ni pola mene
    с тех пор как ты не со мной,я потерял часть себя
    Jer sve u meni od toga dana vene
    потому что все внутри меня увядает с того дня
    Pa budan sanjam da snovi duže traju
    и я мечтаю наяву чтобы мечты продолжались еще дольше
    U svakoj priči samo ti si mi na kraju.
    и в каждой истории только ты в конце
  9. Poland's Avatar

    Poland said:


    Thank all of you for helping me with finding the translation

    Take care
    Because of you Maestro
    God with your smile slapped those
    who don't know how to love

    Because of you Maestro
    The word "love" will be written with a big letter "T"

    Because of you Maestro...
  10. marta11's Avatar

    marta11 said:


    I've been very busy, but I checked the thread almost every day.
    I love the last song of Tose, and when I listen to it the only thing I wish is he could be here

    Hugs and kisses for all of you and thanks for the translation!
  11. JoAnn said:


    Hello everybody, I am so happy to have found this forum! Four months ago I have heard Tose for the first time. Now I am completely crazy about his songs!!! And I also love this forum, you are sharing so many interesting lyrics and translations. Hope to join you for good.
    Big hugs!!!
  12. marta11's Avatar

    marta11 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by JoAnn View Post
    Hello everybody, I am so happy to have found this forum! Four months ago I have heard Tose for the first time. Now I am completely crazy about his songs!!! And I also love this forum, you are sharing so many interesting lyrics and translations. Hope to join you for good.
    Big hugs!!!
    JoAnn, welcome to the forum!
    We have new members almost every day!
  13. Toni_DelijeSever said:


    Welcome JoAnn ))
    Во мене душа остана,да можам да преживеам,со дел од себе постојам,во срцево умирам...
  14. JoAnn said:


    Thak you for such a warm welcoming
    I was looking in this and the proveious forum but I couldn'd find the translation for "Zao mi je". Could someone translate this song or maybe give me the link to the translation if already done and I've just overseen?

    Žao mi je
    Tek sad sam sve
    O tebi naučio
    Al najviše žao mi je
    Zalud sam te učio
    I da voliš do neba
    I da praštaš kad treba

    Šta sam to stvorio?
    Za šta se borio?
    Da njemu bolja vratiš se
    On je to čekao
    Ni hvala nije rekao

    Šta sam to stvorio?
    Za šta se borio?
    Za poljubac i "laku noć"
    I da pamtim bez sna
    Tu našu zadnju noć

    Žao mi je
    Pale su sve
    Maske tvoje prevare
    Htjela si ljek samo za bol
    Ali ne za zauvjek

    Kad te on nije htjeo
    Samo ja sam te smeo

    Šta sam to stvorio?
    Za šta se borio?
    Da njemu bolja vratiš se
    On je to čekao
    Ni hvala nije rekao

    Šta sam to stvorio?
    Za šta se borio?
    Za poljubac i "laku noć"
    I da pamtim bez sna
    Tu našu zadnju noć

    Šta sam to stvorio?
    Za šta se borio?
    Da njemu bolja vratiš se
    On je to čekao
    Ni hvala nije rekao

    Šta sam to stvorio?
    Za šta se borio?
    Za poljubac i "laku noć"
    I da pamtim bez sna
    Tu našu zadnju noć

    I da pamtim bez sna
    Tu našu zadnju noć
  15. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Hello JoAnn Firs welcome to the forum, glad to see new members here in the thread. :]

    about the song you were looking for, see this thread, there are all of Tose's songs, translated:
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  16. JoAnn said:


    Thank you very much velvet_sky!!!
    Having Polish as my national language I can understand a lot from Tose's songs without any translation but it's still very helpful to know exactly what the words are.
    Can you believe I started to learn Serbian just to understand HIS music???
  17. Te Sakam Tose's Avatar

    Te Sakam Tose said:


    Hello Everyone, sorry i haven't been on lately i've been really busy.
    Anyways welcome Joanne to our forum. Also about your last post Tose actually started his career sings Macedonian then he started singing Serbian then in the last couple of years of his life started sings Croatian. Most of his songs were first recorded in Macedonian then Serbian or Croatian. You said you started learning Serbian I just thought I’d let you know. If you really want to understand then learn Macedonian and use our forum for the translations. Here is a link to the list of all the translated songs.
  18. JoAnn said:


    Thank you for your post, I know that Tose was a Macedonian and was originally singing in Macedonian. But there is as good as no possibility to learn Macedonian in Poland. And as I already said I can uderstand a lot of the Balkan languages without translation anyway.
    Thank you for the link posted!
  19. Toni_DelijeSever said:


    Yeah,you should learn Macedonian,it's a beautiful language...Serbian is cool,Croatian is better only because it's similar to Montenegrin which I speak...but they are all very similar
    Во мене душа остана,да можам да преживеам,со дел од себе постојам,во срцево умирам...
  20. JoAnn said:


    Well, maybe let's go back to Tose instead of discussing about languages
    I have read some articles and have watched some intervievs, but it is still not clear for me what was the cause of the car accident. Can you give me the answer?