Grunge songs- damn you, incompetent DJ!!!

Thread: Grunge songs- damn you, incompetent DJ!!!

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  1. NoBlame said:

    Question Grunge songs- damn you, incompetent DJ!!!

    Hey ever'body. I keep hearing songs on the radio that facsinate me and lodge themselves into my brain, but the idiot DJ never mentions the name or artist of the songs that i might want to hear again. you all know my pain, please help me out here if you can, i'll be as clear as possible~

    first song, it's probably (definintly) a grunge song, the singer's got this deep sort of growly voice, it goes something along the line of, "I went down to the water's edge, i did'nt do it but i saw who did, *something something* they could do it again! I didnt do it! I swear! I swear! I swear! I swear!"

    second song: eh, it's rock also, goes like "I am livin' with youuu're gost! *something something* (then the chorus goes~) We can live beside the ocean, *something something* watch the world die!" ~sorry i cant remember more than that~

    well? what's your diagnosis?

    ~thanks to whoever reads this in advance, ~NoBlame~
  2. mixy said:


    ya, cool sng!!!
  3. ibelieves said:

    Red face

    Try Everclear - Santa Monica
  4. ThinkingAboutHim20 said:


    i think that the second one is Ghost by My Chemical Romance........but im not sure
  5. NoBlame said:

    Default One down...

    EEEEeeyes!!!! everclear is it!!! (does a mad happy dance) thank you soooo much, ibelieves!!! ^_^

    i looked up the other song by My Chemical Romance, but it wasnt it. >_< i think this song is pretty old. i mean 90's stuff.
    please, any other ideas?
  6. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    The first you is "Water's Edge" by SEVEN MARY THREE
    Them that can, do; them that can't... memorize Artist and Title