tus - agapw thn mana sou lyrics

Thread: tus - agapw thn mana sou lyrics

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  1. Mihalis's Avatar

    Mihalis said:

    Default tus - agapw thn mana sou lyrics

    im kind of embarassed to be asking for the lyrics of such a song, but a friend of mine wants to do a parody video and would like the lyrics. if anyone has the lyrics in greek i would appreciate it. i dont need a translation (and maybe it shouldnt be translated because people will think bad of greek music :P)

  2. Stelios__Gr said:
  3. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    Mixali, if you insist, I'll send you the lyrics, but do me a favor - let's do it via pm and not place it here, okay? Cause that's a truly idiotic song.


    Edit: Sent
  4. Moon99 said:


    no i like this song!