"Zile cu tine" - Activ

Thread: "Zile cu tine" - Activ

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  1. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:

    Default "Zile cu tine" - Activ

    Same thing - let me know all the mistakes I made - mersi mult!

    Te-am visat aseara eram doar noi doi
    I saw you last night, It was just the two of us
    Intr-o camera goala cu lumina stinsa
    I step into an empty room with the light out
    Am uitat de tot fara nici o frica
    I forgot everything without even a fear
    Vreau doar sa ma atingi
    I just want you to touch me
    Incet sa-mi zambesti sa ma simti
    Slowly you smile at me, you feel me
    Timpul nu sta intre noi
    Time doesn't stay between us
    Ne facem de cap amandoi
    The two of us do foolish things

    Luni e prima noastra zi de iubire
    Monday is our first day of love
    Marti si miercuri iarasi e nebunie
    Tuesday and Wednesday, again, it's madness
    Pana vineri vom afla ce e bine
    Until Friday we will find out what is good
    Iar in week-end eu te aleg tot pe tine
    Again in the weekend I choose you "tot pe tine" (don't know this phrase)
    Strange-ma iarasi in brate
    Grip me in your arms again
    Sti ca daca vrei chiar totul se poate
    You know that if if you want even everything you can
    Sa uitam de noi inca o singura noapte
    We forget ourselves for one more night
    Si apoi putem sa visam mai departe
    & then we can dream further away

    Asa multa iubire
    So much love
    Port in suflet eu numai pentru tine
    I carry in my soul only for you
    Vreau sa trag cortina
    I want to unzip the curtains
    Jocul s-a incheiat se aprinde lumina
    The game has "incheiat", the light tuns on
  2. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    Te-am visat aseara eram doar noi doi
    I saw you last night, It was just the two of us - - - I dreamed of you last night...we were just the two of us
    Intr-o camera goala cu lumina stinsa
    I step into an empty room with the light out - - - In an empty room......
    Am uitat de tot fara nici o frica
    I forgot everything without even a fear - - - ........without no fear
    Vreau doar sa ma atingi
    I just want you to touch me
    Incet sa-mi zambesti sa ma simti
    Slowly you smile at me, you feel me - - - .....to smile to me, to feel me
    Timpul nu sta intre noi
    Time doesn't stay between us
    Ne facem de cap amandoi
    The two of us do foolish things

    Luni e prima noastra zi de iubire
    Monday is our first day of love
    Marti si miercuri iarasi e nebunie
    Tuesday and Wednesday, again, it's madness
    Pana vineri vom afla ce e bine
    Until Friday we will find out what is good
    Iar in week-end eu te aleg tot pe tine
    Again in the weekend I choose you "tot pe tine" (don't know this phrase) - - - ...I choose also you ( tot pe tine = also you)
    Strange-ma iarasi in brate
    Grip me in your arms again - - - Hold me....
    Sti ca daca vrei chiar totul se poate
    You know that if if you want even everything you can - - - ......want everything can be done
    Sa uitam de noi inca o singura noapte
    We forget ourselves for one more night - - - To forget about us for....
    Si apoi putem sa visam mai departe
    & then we can dream further away

    Asa multa iubire
    So much love
    Port in suflet eu numai pentru tine
    I carry in my soul only for you
    Vreau sa trag cortina
    I want to unzip the curtains - - - .....drag the curtains
    Jocul s-a incheiat se aprinde lumina
    The game has "incheiat", the light tuns on - - - ....has concluded (ended) the lights are turning on

    I hope it's all clear now
    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "
  3. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Yes, it does, thanks so much!
  4. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    Glad I could be of your assistance
    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "